Shamanic Journeys
Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter March 7th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Our Guest Article! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? What is the price of destroying a culture’s spiritual traditions? I have to say, I was very excited to be able to watch the Shen Yun Preforming...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter February 29th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | A Very Special Book Sheri’s Article! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? How far into our lives should our government go? I have to admit that I am not one of those types of people who watches the...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter February 22nd, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops A Video Message From Sheri! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? I’ve got lots of news! I cannot believe that it’s already the end of February – this year is flying by! Wow! Are you...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter February 15th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Guest Article! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Happy Valentines Day! I want to wish each one of you a blessed and beautiful Valentines Day. May your heart be filled with love and joy and may you know...