TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | A Very Special Book
Sheri’s Article! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? How far into our lives should our government go?
I have to admit that I am not one of those types of people who watches the news religiously every day. But I do my best to keep up with the major issues so I can be a responsible, educated citizen.
However – this past week has me wondering what century I am living in! Is it my imagination or are people trying to infringe upon our First Amendment rights? I am curious as to what you think about all this arguing, how it relates to our spiritual path, and ultimately what actions constitute the highest good? Post below and let me know.
FYI: “In the words of [Thomas] Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect “a wall of separation between church and state.” Justice Hugo Black adopted Jefferson’s words in the voice of the Court, and concluded that “government must be neutral among religions and non-religion: it cannot promote, endorse, or fund religion or religious institutions.”
Putting politics aside for a moment – a couple of updates!
1 – Ladies we have a new trip to Bali: Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit – for Sept 2012! Keep your eyes open for more information.
2 – Linda Jacobson is going to run her fabulous Inspire Your Creative Soul! (Painting Retreat) to Santorini, Greece this year towards the end of September. Dates to be announced!
3 – Keep your calendars open for a weekend event in the Tampa Bay area this October. I haven’t created a live seminar event in years so this one is going to be VERY special.
4 – Starting in 2013 I will be hosting a year-long “up-level your life” program for Professional Women. Yes, it is going to be outrageous (it has to be – now’s the time to get rid of the old paradigms and recreate ourselves or be left in the dust!). I’m crafting this as a dream program – the perfect antidote to mediocrity, the fear of playing big and the fear of abundance. If you are interested feel free to email me.
Blessings and love,
Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!
Thanks to David Shankbone for the picture of the soldier
Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat: Oregon Coast
June 6-10th, 2012
… only a few spots left!!
Join award-winning photographer Catherine Just on this amazing photography workshop and women’s spiritual retreat. We’ll be relaxing for 4 days in a beautiful oceanfront home set along the stunning Oregon beach.
As we observe and listen to the ocean – we’ll have the opportunity to delve deep into the heart of our own creative process.
Surrounded by the wild Oregon landscape, you’ll have unlimited potential for quiet image making and communion between yourself and nature. This merging between self and nature is experienced in the moment your being knows it’s time to click or take the picture.
This knowing is what we wish to experience time and time again – the mysterious space in time when we merge with spirit though the camera lens. By connecting deeply with the oneness of life, we have the profound desire to express our feelings on film.
Trip cost: $780.00- $1000.00 USD per person depending on room request, including breakfasts.
Face Forward: Meeting Challenges Head On in Times of Trouble
Michele Howe Clarke is a friend of mine and you must read her story.
Truly she is an inspiration to me – an incredible woman:
My life was shattered by advanced head and neck cancer in my salivary gland. This crisis hit me mid-stride in a neat and tidy materialistic life. My story is that of a life abruptly changed and of its journey to hell and its flipside. I am a woman greatly enhanced by a piercing life experience. For me there is no going back. I wear the scar of this battle on my face. I am forever marked so as to never forget. I am reminded every time I look in the mirror; my every interaction with others is impacted.
My tragedy and supreme sacrifice could have easily led me to self-righteousness and indignation, even outright anger. Sometimes, many times, I felt all these emotions and more. Thankfully, the road to self-pity was not the road that inspired me. When all was taken away, I thought a new beginning must be found. I turned inward to discover that I was the source of all things. With my purpose rediscovered I began to Face Forward.
Do pick up a copy of her book on Amazon.com.
Our Family – The Perfect Spiritual Challenge!
One of the most beautiful aspects of life is that it’s always reflecting to us exactly what needs to change within ourselves. If I could categorize the types of situations that push our buttons the most, I would say without hesitation – that family is number one – top of the list.
So why does family challenge us so much? And why do we find it so difficult to keep ourselves calm and centered around family? Many of us can be in difficult situations at work, but give us five minutes with our parents or siblings, and all hell breaks loose!
Let’s think about this logically. Most of our first agreements and beliefs were created with and around our family. We made these agreements at a time when we had limited experience in the world and not all the beliefs we agreed to were “truthful” or “healthy.” If you have children yourself, you can see how often your children come to conclusions about things that are not the truth. When you see this, you have a talk with your child and help them to see things in a different, less ego-centric way – but what about the times when you are not aware of what they are agreeing to?
The same goes for us. Just because we believe something about our family does not mean that what we believe is truth. You might be prompted to say, “Yes, Sheri it is, I can see the way my family acts and speaks to me.” But it’s important to understand that we create our reality and we create situations to trap our family members into behaving exactly like we need them to in order to prove that what we believe about them to be true!
We are constantly manipulating our loved ones (and they are doing the same to us) to behave the way we want them to behave so that we can justify and rationalize our opinions about them. No, we are not mean and evil people, as we do this without our awareness. The reason we do this without our awareness is because we have an agreement as a society that “things happen to us” and that we are “victims of life out there.” Except there is no “out there.” We project our reality out upon the frame of the dream.
As warriors, we take responsibility for our creation. We wake up and no longer want to be a victim of life – and instead we speak and act with impeccability and love. We no longer become trapped by the actions of others, and we no longer have the desire to make our family fit into the image we have of them. This is very powerful, and it takes rejection of the denial system of the ego-mind to be able to see what I am sharing with you today.
I encourage you to engage your family for the purpose of seeing how you create your reality, and to forgive, have gratitude and appreciation for those you supposedly love the most.
With all my love, Sheri
Want to spend more time learning from Sheri?
Join her for her Women’s Journey to Sacred Britain June 14-22nd, her Sisterhood, Sand & Sun Retreat to Isla Espiritu Santo in the Baja Mexico July 1-7 and last but not least her Mayan Mysteries of the Heart journey to Uxmal, Yucatan November 10-17th (welcome in the new calendar!)
Thanks to Mindaugas Danys for the picture of the child and to Stuart Seeger for the picture of the elephants
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Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat |
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Shamanic Healing Techniques in the Heart of the Mayan Lands |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile |
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A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon |
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Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! |
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Akashic Records Intensive – Opening the Secrets of the Stones |
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Brave • Soul*Full • Intuitive You! (Spiritual Photography & Painting Retreat) |
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Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom |
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Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit |
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Inspire Your Creative Soul! (Painting Retreat) |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.
I find that I am torn between being peaceful and loving toward all, on the one hand, and standing up for what is right , on the other hand. I wish I had a better answer but the best I can do is to balance between these two goals.
One can not reflect in streaming water.
Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.
– Lao Tzu
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
We must respect the other fellow’s religion,
but only in the sense and to the extent
that we respect his theory that
his wife is beautiful and his children smart.
– H. L. Mencken
And, I hope it goes without saying, the government has no business in our bedrooms.
Dear Jonathan,
Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful and very appropriate quotes! 🙂
I do agree with you that the government has no business in our bedrooms. As a women, I don’t feel anyone – especially a group of men, has the right to dictate policy on birth control or abortion for women. I don’t feel that abortion is a great solution in general – but there are times like in rape that it is critical. Of course the baby should not need to suffer the sins of the father – but until this is a fair world filled with people who are always willing to take responsibility for their actions we are going to need to have options available even if they may not be great options. Both men and women choose to have sex together but the women bear the responsibility of giving birth to the child in an overpopulated world. The bottom line is that there is no perfect answer, only many questions leading to many discussions……
Rigidity and dogmatism only breeds contempt.
All my love, Sheri
PS: On Jonathan’s website he has lovely daily quotes that you can sign up for.
PSS: I just heard the following – Hours ago, the U.S. Senate narrowly defeated an attack on women’s birth-control coverage. I’m happy to report that women, wherever they work, will be soon get their birth control covered without a copay.