Painting Retreat
Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter July 25th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Sheri’s Article Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance | Post a comment! Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Can you make a definitive decision or are you a wimpy waffler? Ever have trouble making a decision? Do you often find your mind...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter July 18th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Our Guest Article Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance | Post a comment! Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? The Ten Yamas – A Guide for “Right Living” One of the aspects of my spiritual path that I enjoy the most is the...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter July 11th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Sheri’s Article Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance | Post a comment! Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Forgiveness! Uncensored, Demystified, & Absolutely Obtainable! Well – I’ve been hinting that I have something...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter July 4th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Guest Article Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance | Post a comment! Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead! Are You Next? 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune...