Journeys of the Spirit® January 11th, 2012 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Our Featured Journey/Retreat | Events & Workshops Guest Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? How are you nourishing yourself? Just like you, I am often challenged to find enough time to get my work done and to give...Journeys of the Spirit® January 4th, 2012 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Our Featured Journey/Retreat | Events & Workshops Book of the Month | Sheri’s Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Welcome 2012! So how did you welcome in the New Year? As for me, I love to set up an area on my altar...Journeys of the Spirit® December 28th, 2011 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Events, Video-Classes & Workshops | Sheri’s Video Message | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Happy New Year! All I want to say is THANK YOU for being you, for being in my life, and for everything that you contribute...Got Balls to Bones Gratitude?
Gratitude is one of those spiritual concepts that we talk about a lot but don’t always put into practice in our lives. I’m not saying that we don’t have gratitude – certainly we express in conversation how happy we are about this or that, or that we are grateful for...