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WHAT’S NEW? The Season of Giving

The Holiday Season is all around us- I know I find myself running at a very hectic pace maintaining a business and trying to make time for friends and family, as well as take care of holiday traditions.  Take a moment too slow down during this season and to remember that it is a season of giving love to others as well as yourself.  Practicing self-care during this time of year can be incredibly helpful in maintaining your composure as well as enjoying the festivities.

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Unconditional Love in Action:
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
January 20th-30th, 2019

Join David Ault on this profoundly heart-opening spiritual journey of service to Siem Reap, Cambodia – home of the incredible ancient temples of Angkor Wat. To open oneself deeply, to risk feeling the suffering of others, and to wish to relieve that suffering – is the definition of compassion and the cultivation of the Buddha within us. As Gandhi once said: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

You’ll have the opportunity to explore the amazing temple complex at Angkor Wat! Built in the 12th century, Angkor Wat lies north of the modern town of Siem Reap and was originally Hindu dedicated to the God Vishnu.

Service is often called unconditional love in action – to give totally of yourself is to be free of ego, 100% present, doing what is needed without judgment. In these moments our heart opens and the truth of who we are comes through – our divine presence. Volunteer travel is a powerful experience – you risk coming home with a clearer vision of what you want in life, a deeper sense of self-realization, and clarity about who you are and your purpose in life!

Trip Tuition:  $2,090 USD based on double occupancy, single supplement: $495 USD – many meals included.


Details for Cambodia

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Bathe Your Soul in Bali:
Bali, Indonesia
May 11th-20th, 2019

Discover the voice of your soul in the magical ” Island of the Gods”. If you are an adventurous “change-maker”, knowing you were born to make a difference, seeking a mentor and a community to raise you up, share your gift, and empower you to embody the change you wish to create in yourself and the world, join Michelle Jeffrey and Richard A Morrell for an adventure-filled spiritual retreat that will transform your life!.

Bali is predominantly Hindu with beautiful temples spread throughout the island, lending a feeling of spirituality. But, Bali has more to do with the Balinese themselves and their warm and welcoming character. Rich and diverse culture plays out all levels of life as displayed with exquisite flower petal offerings placed everywhere to traditional music and dance performed island wide.

Accompany our chefs on one of their daily trips to the market place to shop for local fresh fruit and vegetables, and perhaps… the “catch of the day” … THEN return to our villa’s kitchen for our very own private cookery class of Balinese food.

Explore limiting self-messages
 that hold you back from finding a new direction, a new path and a new destination, one that matches your vision of helping to create a better world. Learn the importance of Sacred Self Care needed to continue giving.  Move beyond the “Box of Limitations” to a place of possibility, where you are using your power of choice for your highest- And open up and expand into completely new level of Personal Power and Authenticity.

Trip Tuition:  $3797 USD based on double occupancy, payment plan available!  – meals included.

Details for Bali

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The Dilemma of Duality

As an ex-physician and scientist, I find it exciting to see spirituality and quantum mechanics physics melding into one in recent years. Of course intellectually we can acknowledge they have always been one – in the same way that we can all agree that duality is simply illusion. However, as much as we can understand the concept of duality and discuss it at dinner parties and such, we still find it hard to not be attached to its existence in our daily lives.

Werner Heisenberg, one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics (remember the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?) and Nobel Prize winner (for physics in 1932) once said: The common division of the world into subject and object, inner world and outer world, body and soul is no longer adequate. As spiritual warriors, how do we see this powerful observation?  

Today, more than ever, I feel we have a clear understanding that these divisions exist solely within the conceptual structure of our minds. Indeed, we possess the ultimate power and capability to eliminate those divisions and change our reality. However, if we do not take the action to embrace our birthright of infinite awareness, we will live and die in an illusion feeling victimized by the “outer world” and life circumstances.

We can say that the pain we experience in life is the result of our attachment to duality and our lack of awareness of its non-truth. The key to effectively dealing with duality is in engaging our awareness in both the way we think, and in the way we use the word to create our reality. It is extremely common for us to speak using judgmental words which create separation without awareness. We say things like: I had a terrible day today, or That person was so irritating, or The president is such an idiot! Not only are these statements common examples of our lack of awareness, but they are not truth in any sense of the word.

A great place to begin understanding how we engage in duality is to practice seeing the world as it is to the best of our abilities. For example we can re-word those statements above to read as such: This day did not meet my mind’s expectations in any way, shape or form! or Gosh, I took that person’s behavior personally today and allowed them to bother me, or I do not feel that the president is taking actions that are serving us and I would take a different action if I were in his place.

Can you see the difference between both sets of statements? The first set makes it seem that we are the victims of life and contains judgments perpetuating duality. The second set of statements shows responsibility for ones perception and is simply stating what is from ones personal point of view. To be even clearer – there is no right or wrong, and there is no such thing as them and me – as Werner Heisenberg is sharing in his famous statement above.

I hope you also notice that the second set of statements are not emotional in any way, whereas the first set of statements are very emotional. Remember, if you speak with judgment you will always be creating emotional reactions in both yourself and the person to whom you are speaking to. And in the end you will not be supporting the oneness of life; instead you will be contributing to further separation and pain. So are you ready to end your attachment to engaging in duality, and meld quantum mechanics and spirituality together in your own heart and mind? I encourage you to start doing so right now by practicing re-writing your communications. See for yourself how wonderful the results can be!

As always, I wish you the best on your path.

With all my love! Sheri

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