Shamanic Journeys
Journeys of the Spirit® December 28th, 2011 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Events, Video-Classes & Workshops | Sheri’s Video Message | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Happy New Year! All I want to say is THANK YOU for being you, for being in my life, and for everything that you contribute...Journeys of the Spirit® December 21st, 2011 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Events, Video-Classes & Workshops | Ales’ Travel Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? My two favorite gifts for this holiday season! Hope you find these inspiring and helpful if you are having trouble finding...Journeys of the Spirit® December 14th, 2011 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Events, Video-Classes & Workshops | Sheri’s Video Message Book of the Month | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Happy Holidays! First and foremost I would like to wish all of you a wonderful, peaceful, and loving...Journeys of the Spirit® December 7th, 2011 Newsletter
TAKE ME TO: Our Featured Journey/Retreat | Events & Workshops Sheri’s Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Gratitude or Regret? As we walk our spiritual path, it behooves us to keep challenging our level of awareness to go...