TAKE ME TO: Our Featured Journey/Retreat | Events & Workshops
Sheri’s Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,

Angkor Wat, Cambodia Volunteer Journey!
WHAT’S NEW? Gratitude or Regret?
As we walk our spiritual path, it behooves us to keep challenging our level of awareness to go higher and higher. It’s not enough to just be satisfied with mediocrity. It’s important to view every word that exits our mouth with suspicion and to take a skeptical view towards our own thoughts and conversation.
Don’t be afraid to question the motivation of your mind’s proposals, and if you see yourself leaning towards regret regarding any moment of your day – stop immediately, question your thoughts and switch them to gratitude. Go ahead – give it a go, you might be surprised!
**Just a reminder – don’t miss our upcoming video classes! Make sure you sign up below to receive your link!
If you’ve always wanted to visit the sacred ruins of Angkor Wat AND have the opportunity to give of yourself in service – then our journey to Cambodia Jan 30th with Rev David Ault is the perfect experience for you. Nothing is better for diminishing the ego than opening your heart and volunteering. Time to register is NOW! (Do take a minute to listen the David’s video on the right – his voice is heavenly)
Blessings and love, Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!
What YOU need to know about 2012 & the Akashic Records!
Part of our NEW FREE video-class series
- Curious about the upcoming impact of 2012 on your life?
- Wondering how you can use the Akashic records for your personal growth?
- Are you vibrationally, mentally and emotional ready to ride this wave of change?

Ernesto Ortiz
In this special videoclass, Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Ernesto Ortiz. Over the past 25 years, Ernesto has taken thousands of people on a journey from physical and emotional inertia to the freedom of ecstasy, from the chaos of the chattering ego-mind to the blessed emptiness of stillness and inner silence.
In this powerful class you will learn about The Akashic records and what they are. The Akashic records date back to antiquity – references in the Old Testament and beyond give us the sense that there is a collective storehouse of knowledge that is written on the fabric of reality.
The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past, present and future in to the “now”. By accessing the Akashic records, we can identify and release anything that we have created, that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God.
SIGN UP NOW and get access to the video-class on Dec 8th!
(you can watch it anytime)
Synchronicity, Dreaming & Empowerment!
Part of our NEW FREE video-class series

Ken von Roenn III
In this special videoclass, Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Ken von Roenn III – creator of Skanda Yoga, and a former affiliate of Anusara Yoga. A practitioner for 13 years, Ken presents a dynamic synthesis of attributes from many Hatha Yoga systems.
In this powerful video you will learn:
- What Skanda yoga is and how it aligns with the Mayan Calendar.
- What the significance of December 21st, 2012 is.
- What Ken believes about synchronicity.
- What Dream Yoga is and how can it help empower us.
You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about Ken’s two powerful upcoming yoga/spiritual retreats:
Portals of Power! Teotihuacan, Mexico – April 11-18th, 2012 and,
The Art of Transcendence Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – Dec 9-15th, 2012, and why you should join him in 2012 for two life-changing experiences!
SIGN UP NOW and get access to the video-class on Dec 15th!
(you can watch it anytime)
Are you finally ready to Get Clear, Get Real & Get Going?
In just 90 minutes, discover how to move from confusion to clarity so you can start living the powerful life you are destined for… right now!
- Are you feeling stuck in your current life situation?
- A bit overwhelmed and unable to get your bearings?
- Unclear and fogged in by your emotions and feelings?
- Yes? Well I’ve got the solution!…
A 90 minute Get Clear, Get Real, & Get Going Coaching Session!
Sheri, how will I benefit? You’ll…
- Clarify your current situation so you can see “the what is.”
- Identify the issues in your thinking that are creating confusion or indecision.
- Gain the tools you need to let go of what is limiting your progress.
- Create an action plan to move past your overwhelm or fears.
- Be able to calm your mind and relax knowing exactly what you need to do.
Get your Clarity Session today!
Are You Attached to Your Process (and afraid of the destination)?
We all are aware that the progress we make on our spiritual path has no right or wrong regardless of how we judge it – there are only lessons to be learned. However – many people use that as a justification to allow their path to be long and painful, filled with years of processing with little resolution in sight.
Even if there is no right or wrong regarding our process – we can still be honest and acknowledge when we are attached to the journey and afraid of the destination. So often we define ourselves by our suffering – after all, who would we be without our story – that we are afraid to let go of of it! We are uncertain what freedom might feel like and the level of self-responsibility required! Oh dear!
As a result, we perpetuate our story by saying “we are working on it” – and as long as we are working on it we never have to let it go. We can remain attached and savor the juiciness of the pain that defines our ego-mind rather than taking a leap of faith into the mystery of who we are and our freedom.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you are processing your issues and story with your mentor and you clearly understand there are multiple points of view about what happened and you can see them very clearly. But then a moment later you resort back to your old story with the same language again. Such a conversation might look like this:
Martyr: My father was such a jerk making me go to law school and work in a job that I can’t stand. He won’t acknowledge that he screwed up my life. Can’t he see how hard I am working, I have a family to support and can’t change careers now? Every day I suffer his pushing me and I can never live up to his vision of a successful lawyer anyway.
Mentor: Okay understood. Can you understand that your father came from no money and crawled his way up the ladder of success and he did not wish the same for you? He wanted you to have a good life financially and be able to give your family anything they needed. His pushing you was not (and is not) to hurt you or ruin your life, but to make it easier. I’m not saying it is right – I am simply saying this is his perspective. It sounds like you believe your father was purposely trying to ruin your life.
Martyr: Of course I know my dad did his best. As the youngest child – my grandfather had no money to help him and he did everything himself. He worked like a dog to help my mom and us kids have everything we wanted. But he was never there for us and always ragged me to do better.
Mentor: Okay, so your father was doing what he felt was required of him by society at the time. But that has nothing to do with you. Do you realize that you had a choice – you did not have to go to law school and even now you can change careers if you wanted? Your family would support your happiness, you are lucky to have a great wife who loves you. In addition, are you also saying you never encourage your children to do better – is it not possible that sometimes they feel like you are riding them and you are so unhappy that you are not there for them either?
Martyr: No, I don’t have a choice, you don’t understand – that jerk ruined my life and he won’t take responsibility for what he did. If I am unhappy it’s his fault.
Mentor: You mean you ruined your life and you won’t take responsibility for your situation. It is easier for you to blame it on your dad so you don’t have to take a chance doing something else. Because if you did and it didn’t work out you would have no one to blame it on but yourself and you would have to give up your sad story of the abused, tortured and martyred son. If you gave that up – who would you be in the world and what would you cling to?
Right now you know exactly what to expect in your life and your pain is the perfect amount for you to handle – that is guaranteed. But if you step out on a limb, forgive your father, and go into the unknown in creating a new life for yourself – that is not guaranteed. So as much as you say you want personal freedom on your spiritual path – you are lying to me and to yourself first and foremost, right?
Perhaps you see yourself in this story – it is simply one example of the concept of being attached to your process and story and being afraid of the destination of freedom. If you can relate to this in any way, I hope it encourages you to make a commitment to yourself for the New Year to see the truth and let it set you free ♥.
If any of the above behaviors are creating havoc in your life – consider taking advantage of the special Clarity Sessions that I am offering until the end of this year. I would love to be able to assist you in letting those old stories go!
With all my love & best wishes, Sheri
Picture of the monk, tree and door complements of h.koppdelaney
Picture of the girl and her shadow complements of h.koppdelaney
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Unconditional Love in Action ♥ |
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Honoring & Healing the Goddess Within! |
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Trance Dance – Opening the Chakras to the Energies of 2012 |
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Remembrances: Exploring the Mysteries of the Stones |
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Soul*Full Sisters – Spirituality & Photography by the Sea |
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Skanda Yoga Retreat – Portals of Power! |
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Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat |
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Shamanic Healing Techniques in the Heart of the Mayan Lands |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon |
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Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! |
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Raising Empowered, Radiant Daughters – A Mother/Daughter Retreat! |
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Akashic Records Intensive – Opening the Secrets of the Stones |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.
Thanks so much for creating these incredible journeys. I still am connected with those people who were part of the Sedona Journeys. I am delighted that so many people have gotten clear on who they are and the directions that they want to move in. They also have made the steps to create fuller, happier, love filled and healthier lives. I want to honor the time, focus, research and commitment that you have made to creating these adventures.