Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter April 11th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Guest Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? We just gave birth to JOTS Luxury Travel! Sometimes you just need to get away and you aren’t looking for a spiritual journey (it does happen). Maybe...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter April 4th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Sheri’s Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? Awesome ideas & quirky inspiration! I truly admire folks who somehow transcend the ordinary and come up with ideas that make us smile and...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter March 28th, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Our Guest Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? New trips, New experiences, New destinations! Last week I forgot to put Linda Jacobson’s wonderful weekend retreat to Big Sur on the list below...Journeys of the Spirit® Newsletter March 21st, 2012
TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops Sheri’s Article! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance Dear Friends, WHAT’S NEW? The Spring Equinox! I’ve always felt that Spring was simply delicious – when I was young I was sure that the trees were specifically...