TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops
Sheri’s Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? Awesome ideas & quirky inspiration!
I truly admire folks who somehow transcend the ordinary and come up with ideas that make us smile and uplift us. For example, with so many folks using cell phones now, have you ever wondered what’s going to happen to all the phone booths around our metro areas? In NYC alone there are 13,659 phone booths!
“On the streets of New York architect John Locke has re-purposed phone booths into communal libraries or book drops, installing bookshelves within the structures filled with books for residents to take, borrow, or exchange. The phone booth shown here, ‘DUB 002’, is part of his ‘department of urban betterment’ interventionist project.”
Is that cool or what??? You can read the rest of the article here. Don’t forget to post below and let me know what you think!
LAST CALL to sign up ladies – for Shanti’s Goddess Retreat in Sedona April 29-May 4th!
Interested in our Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! – Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja – July 1-7?? Since it is a holiday weekend early sign up is CRITICAL or the trip will cancel.
Ladies: If you are interested in our Women’s Journey to Avalon: Sacred Britain – June 14-22nd trip – the deadline for registration is April 13th!
Blessings and love,
Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!
Picture thanks to Design Boom
Sisterhood, Sand & Sun!: Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja Mexico
July 1-7, 2012
LADIES: TIME TO SIGN UP IS NOW (this trip is over a holiday weekend)!
Are you looking for an amazing place in nature to unwind, relax and commune with your sisters, delicious home-cooked meals straight from the sea, and time to explore the issues that are creating sticking points in your life?
Join author Sheri Rosenthal and just 10 other women in this remote natural reserve in the magical Sea of Cortez – uninhabited by other humans and free from the distractions of our daily lives. If you’re a woman in the process of making changes in her life (who isn’t?), who wants to deeply explore the issues surrounding your circumstances, this is a journey you can’t afford to miss.
With sand between our toes and in our hair, we’ll create a new and empowering dream that will lead us to complete freedom of our hearts, minds and bodies. Our time together will evolve as Spirit moves us, we’ll enjoy beautiful ceremony and ritual, dance, and prayer, chanting and meditation with our sisters to create the energy for transformation both inside and out.
There will be time for snorkeling, playing, sea kayaking, journaling, swimming, laughing, hiking and a fire ceremony. Sea Lions, manta rays and pods of dolphins will keep us company in these crystal clear turquoise waters! Scuba diving, water skiing, and deep sea fishing are also available for any Goddesses so interested. If you are ready to change your life, we’re waiting for you.
Trip cost is: $1995.00 USD per person triple occ, $2275.00 USD per person double occ, most meals included.
IM’s, Emails, Tweets & Texts – Oh my!
Can you imagine folks back in the Elizabethan era being limited to 140 characters to express themselves? Good grief! Some of our most profound writers would be simply dumbfounded. Can you imagine Shakespeare’s reaction to that kind of verbal limitation? Yet we manage to narrow down all we strive to share into barely a full sentence totally devoid of creative flourish and delight!
Add to that the difficultly in communicating emotion through an IM, email, tweet or text. People can assign any kind of “tone” to your communication and often it’s not what we intended! Since there’s not enough text and information surrounding these kinds of messages we leave ourselves open to a multitude of interpretations. There’s no shortage of the number of ways people can construe (or misconstrue) your words depending on how THEY read your message. (Never mind the danger of the “autocorrect” feature added into the mix!)
No wonder communications spiral out of control when we have the ability to zip off whatever’s in our head without thinking about it first. Oh dear! How many of us wish we could have taken back an email sent in the heat of the moment? With a letter we have to write it, re-read it, fold it, put it into an envelope, put it into the mailbox, wait for it to be picked up – gosh, we could back out of sending that letter numerable times. I can’t begin to tell you have many letters I wrote “back in the day” that I never sent!
Have you ever had an argument by IM? Shooting off responses before the other person has even written something back to you? It’s the perfect way to get into trouble – as there’s no time to edit yourself! What amazes me is when people save those long chains of texts and then use them as evidence against each other.
When I coach folks that are having relationship issues, one of the first things I suggest is that they stop all IM’s and texts. I personally do my best to avoid them at all costs. The opportunity for miscommunication is too high and I much rather pick up the phone and call for two minutes so the person can HEAR my tone and feel my energy than to allow them put their personal spin on what I’m saying.
As spiritual students we know how the human mind works. We recognize that people perceive through their filters and hear what they want to hear. Every verbal communication has two components – the words we use and the emotion that we transmit along with our vocabulary. Subconsciously our mind checks for alignment when we hear people speak. An alarm goes off within us when the words don’t match the emotions transmitted. That’s when we get suspicious or uncomfortable and start making assumptions.
So imagine what transpires when you remove emotion from communication and are left with only words! There’s no way the subconscious mind can check for authenticity and is automatically compelled to add in the missing emotions. So even if you add one of those “emoticons” 🙂 – you are still taking a risk of the other person assigning whatever emotion they want to your IM , text or email based on what they believe you are trying to say.
It behooves us as conscious people to be on guard and to make an effort not to create communications that are going to cause suffering and pain in our lives. Perhaps it’s time to disable the IM feature and let friends know you are no longer texting unless it is to report your location or something practical like that. We just might feel more heard, acknowledged, and appreciated! I’m curious as to what you feel about this so don’t forget to post below and let me know! And feel free to write more than 140 characters! 😉
Blessings & love, Sheri
**I invite you to join me this year in Sacred Britain, Isla Espiritu Santo, the Mexican Yucatan (Uxmal) or for a personal intensive ♥!
Picture of tweets thanks to Tom Caswell
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Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat |
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Shamanic Healing Techniques in the Heart of the Mayan Lands |
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Explore & Express Your Authentic Artistic Vision |
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Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile |
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A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon |
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Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! |
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Akashic Records Intensive – Opening the Secrets of the Stones |
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Awaken in the Andes |
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Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders |
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Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom |
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Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit |
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The Awakening! a Women’s Intuition, Yoga & Life Mastery Retreat |
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Inspire Your Creative Soul! (Painting Retreat) |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.
Love the picture and the idea!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! I think the idea is grand! xoxox