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WHAT’S NEW? FREE webinar — How to Become a Certified Aromatherapist!

Have you ever thought about becoming a Certified Aromatherapist?

Do you have questions about what’s involved in Aromatherapy Certification, or whether it’s even right for you?

If you have, I’m excited to send you this email because my friend, Andrea Butje from Aromahead Institute, has an exciting free webinar that will answer your questions! Andrea is an internationally recognized Aromatherapist who is changing the educational paradigm through her inspired approach to teaching and creating community with the use of essential oils. For almost 20 years she has helped aspiring Aromatherapists become certified.

There are many reasons people who love essential oils want to get their certification.

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

• You have used essential oils, but want to take your knowledge to the next level so you can help more people live healthier lives…
• You already make your own body products, but want to feel more confident choosing the most effective oils for each product…
• You’re new to essential oils, but already know you want to work with them professionally…
• You want to know how to tell if an essential oil is pure, if there are any safety considerations you should be aware of, and how to make the best oil choices for your blends…

Andrea’s webinar will give you all the information you need to decide whether Aromatherapy Certification is the next step for you. She’s going to outline what it takes to be recognized as a Certified Aromatherapist by two of the most prominent organizations in the Aromatherapy industry—the AIA (Alliance of International Aromatherapists) and NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy). She’s also going to teach you how to understand essential oil chemistry (really)!

The webinar will run for about an hour and a half, and Andrea will stay on afterward for a Q&A session.

CLICK HERE to register.

The webinar will be offered multiple times so you can choose the date that works best for you.


Blessings & love, Sheri

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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The Gathering of the Shaman’s
April 7-9th, 2017

The Gathering of the Shaman’s retreat event in Sedona this past April sold out so fast and it’s going to do so again for next April 2017. Because I will be teaching again there next year they are allowing me to promote the event to all of you EARLY with special pricing!!

So if you are interested I would register NOW or by the time normal registration comes around the event will be filled again.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You’ll return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.

Can’t wait to see you there April 2017!




Hawaiian Gratitude Retreat: Big Island of Hawaii
November 22-29th, 2016

Hawaii turtle

This will be a powerful journey of transformation and healing. A shamanic journey of love with author and healer Susan Gregg to guide you, support you and facilitate your journey. You will be surrounded by many natural wonders, flowers, hummingbird moths, owls, lava fields, lotus ponds, water lilies, ponds and above all else the power of the volcano. Pele, the goddess of the volcano will help you bring up and release any hidden issues that limit your experience of life.

During the retreat you will: Release old beliefs that stop you from experiencing your limitless self, embrace your true self so you can see life through the eyes of love, breathe new life into your mind and body, take that leap of faith into a new, more expansive way of being in your life and leave with a new perspective that will help you see what really matters and is possible.

This retreat will be a time of renewal, gratitude, grace and reconnecting to the love that always surrounds you. You will work with archetypes, the three Toltec masteries, and you will receive a Reiki I attunement so you can use this powerful healing modality to do energy work on yourself. It will help you to quiet your mind and release anything that no longer serves you. Trip tuition: $1,100 USD – all meals included. Accommodations in spacious, comfortable 6′ high tents with cots surrounded by tropical plants.

Details for Hawaii on Susan’s Website!

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Are You Attached to Your Process (and afraid of the destination)?

We all are aware that the progress we make on our spiritual path has no right or wrong regardless of how we judge it – there are only lessons to be learned. However – many people use that as a justification to allow their path to be long and painful, filled with years of processing with little resolution in sight.

flowerEven if there is no right or wrong regarding our process – we can still be honest and acknowledge when we are attached to the journey and afraid of the destination. So often we define ourselves by our suffering – after all, who would we be without our story – that we are afraid to let go of of it! We are uncertain what freedom might feel like and the level of self-responsibility required! Oh dear!

As a result, we perpetuate our story by saying “we are working on it” – and as long as we are working on it we never have to let it go. We can remain attached and savor the juiciness of the pain that defines our ego-mind rather than taking a leap of faith into the mystery of who we are and our freedom.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you are processing your issues and story with your mentor and you clearly understand there are multiple points of view about what happened and you can see them very clearly. But then a moment later you resort back to your old story with the same language again. Such a conversation might look like this:

Martyr: My father was such a jerk making me go to law school and work in a job that I can’t stand. He won’t acknowledge that he screwed up my life. Can’t he see how hard I am working, I have a family to support and can’t change careers now? Every day I suffer his pushing me and I can never live up to his vision of a successful lawyer anyway.

mountain-peakMentor: Okay understood. Can you understand that your father came from no money and crawled his way up the ladder of success and he did not wish the same for you? He wanted you to have a good life financially and be able to give your family anything they needed. His pushing you was not (and is not) to hurt you or ruin your life, but to make it easier. I’m not saying it is right – I am simply saying this is his perspective. It sounds like you believe your father was purposely trying to ruin your life.

Martyr: Of course I know my dad did his best. As the youngest child – my grandfather had no money to help him and he did everything himself. He worked like a dog to help my mom and us kids have everything we wanted. But he was never there for us and always ragged me to do better.

Mentor: Okay, so your father was doing what he felt was required of him by society at the time. But that has nothing to do with you. Do you realize that you had a choice – you did not have to go to law school and even now you can change careers if you wanted? Your family would support your happiness, you are lucky to have a great wife who loves you. In addition, are you also saying you never encourage your children to do better – is it not possible that sometimes they feel like you are riding them and you are so unhappy that you are not there for them either?

blindfoldMartyr: No, I don’t have a choice, you don’t understand – that jerk ruined my life and he won’t take responsibility for what he did. If I am unhappy it’s his fault.

Mentor: You mean you ruined your life and you won’t take responsibility for your situation. It is easier for you to blame it on your dad so you don’t have to take a chance doing something else. Because if you did and it didn’t work out you would have no one to blame it on but yourself and you would have to give up your sad story of the abused, tortured and martyred son. If you gave that up – who would you be in the world and what would you cling to?

Right now you know exactly what to expect in your life and your pain is the perfect amount for you to handle – that is guaranteed. But if you step out on a limb, forgive your father, and go into the unknown in creating a new life for yourself – that is not guaranteed. So as much as you say you want personal freedom on your spiritual path – you are lying to me and to yourself first and foremost, right?

Perhaps you see yourself in this story – it is simply one example of the concept of being attached to your process and story and being afraid of the destination of freedom. If you can relate to this in any way, I hope it encourages you to make a commitment to yourself for the New Year to see the truth and let it set you free ♥.

Blessings & love, Sheri

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