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WHAT’S NEW? Are You Ready to Push the Re-set Button?
Think back just a little over four weeks ago, we were welcoming a new moon and setting our intentions for what we wanted to call into action for ourselves in the immediate future. That four weeks has just spun by and here we are about to entertain another New Moon. If anything it is keeping us in check!
I have discussed before, the new moon is a symbol of new beginnings. it is a magical phase where we push the re-set button on our goals and desires and review the outcomes from the last new moon. It is a time to set new intentions to re-shuffle. We have talked a lot about doing this, however, we never really touched on how.
Some people do so by conducting a New Moon Ceremony. This can be done on your own or as a group, at your alter, in their garden or by the fire. Showing gratitude for the guidance and direction received, by the offering of incense or burning sage, a little poem or prayer. Such ceremonies may also include a meditation to clear the mind and bring focus to what your intentions are for the next lunar cycle. I also would encourage you to write down your intentions or you may prefer to say it out loud to let the universe know what you are going to do. We would love to have you join us for our New Moon Ceremony hosted by the lovely Meghan Gilroy on Monday October 28th at 2pm EST. You can register at the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3987159418157056524
Blessings & love, Sheri
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NEPAL: Discover the Peace Within October 29th – November 7th, 2019
Join Sharee James for this heart-centered tour and retreat exploring the best of authentic Nepalese and Tibetan culture and Himalayan spiritual traditions. This unique package combines yoga and meditation with guided cultural tours, enlightening workshops and unforgettable scenery.
Now it is your turn to follow this calling…are you ready to heed this call and join us on this incredible, once-in-a-lifetime journey to the Himalayas of Nepal? You’ll experience being surrounded by stunning vistas throughout the retreat, plus we will take an early morning trip to the top of Sarangkot mountain to view one of the most incredible spectacles in the world: the sun rising over the Himalayas!
Some of the other wonderful highlights are: Fascinating guided tours exploring Buddhist monasteries, Hindu temples, medieval royal squares, as well as hiking to a local village and a visit to a local school, workshops on yogic philosophy and Eastern spirituality to help you release the mental chatter and negative attachments in your mind and bring peace and harmony into your daily life AND a very special lesson with a 4th generation Tibetan sound healer on using Tibetan Singing bowls for healing and meditation!
Trip Tuition: $3195 USD based on double occupancy – most meals included.
The Ultimate Relationship Workshop, Pura Vida Retreat & Spa, Costa Rica
September 12th – 19th, 2020
Journey Forward to Costa Rica for the Ultimate Relationship Workshop with Joree Rose, and life partner and colleague, Dr. John Schinnerer. Explore beautiful Costa Rica on daily excursions while also delving into relationship tools that will be sure to provide you with the tools to create and maintain your best relationship ever!!
Whether you are newly dating, been married for a long time, or are recently dating after divorce, these relationships skills will benefit you and your partner in all areas of your life. Learn effective communication, how to create ongoing connection and intimacy, turn down the volume on anger and resentment, build a lasting connection that can weather any life challenge, and so much more!
Having the Ultimate Relationship doesn’t happen by chance; it happens with awareness, attention and intention. When you learn how to implement and integrate these scientifically proven skills, your friends will be jealous at all the sex you’ll be having and the smiles on your face! Don’t let past hurts, disconnection or lack of time (especially due to parenting or your career), or growing apart make you think that you just can’t be happy. You can!!
Trip Tuition: Coming soon!
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
By William Wordsworth

With All my love & blessings. Sheri Rosenthal
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year? Visit our Trips at a Glance page.