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Sheri’s Article | Our Guest Article
Sheri’s Favorite Recommendations, Books & Videos
Dear Friends,
I’m starting to plan some new events for 2010 that I’d like to share with all of you! First of all – I’m using new technology for our free monthly teleclasses. With this new format the lines will be clearer, the recordings better and the ability to share and participate is fantastic. We had fun last month on my call with Allan Hardman on conscious relationships and I do hope you join us this month too – after all it is free! (You can listen to that class free here)

The Sacred site of Petra in Jordan - magnificent buildings carved from the stone walls!
As I mentioned last month – Journeys of the Spirit is going through an evolution – I’ll be featuring not only my own personal trips, but also spiritual journeys led by other teachers and authors that I feel you would benefit from – keep your eyes open for updates!
Our first journey for 2010 is to Israel March 3rd-12 with an extension to Petra, Jordan March 12-15th. This journey is not a biblical one per se – but a spiritual experience – you’ll be seeing the Holy land in a most beautiful way. Registration is very early for this one!
BTW: This month’s article is about repentance. Hope you enjoy it. DO POST YOUR COMMENTS BELOW (they won’t show up right away until they are approved)!
Don’t forget that this time between the Autumn and Winter equinox is the perfect time to celebrate all you have to be grateful for and to prepare for the “going inward” time when we look deeply into our hearts and adjust our life course for the next year. Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal
Email: info@sherirosenthal.com
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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sherirosenthal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Sheri_Rosenthal
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Egypt: Dreaming Transcendence
December 3-13th, 2009
During our journey we will dream our own spiritual transcendence just as the ancient initiates did thousands of years ago. As we walk within the footsteps of those before us with each step we come to know who we really are. We know our birthright and the eternal divinity that exists within us.
On this sacred journey we have the opportunity on this journey to be in the presence of sacred space designed for the purpose of spiritual alignment. Private time in the Great Pyramid will be one of the highlights of this journey – and believe me that is magical. Join us as we share in the magic and mystery of these powerful places and in saying, “YES” to life and the experience of your transcendence. Join us as we share in the magic and mystery of these powerful places. 2009 trip cost is $4740.00 double occ. (including all international and internal flights and most meals) Details here!
Do check out the interesting video on the right –>
ISRAEL & JORDAN: Walking in the Footsteps of the Masters
Israel: March 3-12 & extension to Petra, Jordan: Mar 12-15, 2010
Of all the sacred sites in the world, The Holy Land is certainly one of the most inspiring and emotional. It’s remarkable that three of the largest mono-theistic religions were born in this tiny area: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Consider that Jerusalem is where Solomon built the Great Temple, Christ was crucified, and the Prophet Mohammad came during his famous night journey. Indeed the Holy Land has been a place of great faith and hope – and terrible war and sorrow.
During our spiritual journey to Israel we’ll travel through time and immerse ourselves in the footsteps of the great spiritual masters. By connecting to these sacred and holy spaces we’ll find our own internal heaven-on-earth and divine consciousness. Your heart will open as you move through these places of prayer and devotion. 2010 trip cost is: $3995.00 USD per person double occupancy for the journey to Israel(many meals are included). If you’d like to join us for the extension to Jordan and Petra, the cost would be an additional $1395.00 USD per person double occupancy. Details here!
SEDONA SPIRITUAL RETREAT: Flowering of the Heart
May 13-18th, 2010
Please join us for a magical retreat to the red rock country of Sedona, Arizona. For six days we’ll have the opportunity to experience the beauty, majesty and energy of this unusual location on Mother Earth and each day we’ll visit a different vortex.
The time frame for our May retreat happens to be during the desert’s flowering and the new moon when the stars are their brightest. It’s during this time that the earth gives birth itself – it’s a time of revelry, celebration, romance and joy.
The most important flowering of all, is of our own hearts and souls – a opening without bounds or restrictions. For so many of us, we have too much “water under the bridge” and it’s difficult to walk though our daily lives with our hearts shining brightly before us. We’ve become used to only revealing our light with those we “trust.” Using the desert as a mirror for our own soul we will open to the greatest expression of the light that we truly are. 2010 trip cost is: $1575.00 USD double occupancy many meals included. Details here!
Sacred Britain: A Women’s Journey to Avalon
Britain: June 2-11th and extension to Rosslyn: June 11-14, 2010
Within the heart of every woman is the desire for a grail quest for personal freedom and internal peace. On this sacred journey we’ll be visiting Glastonbury, otherwise known as the Isle of Avalon. Glastonbury Abbey, the birthplace of Christianity in England is often referred to as the “holiest earth in England.”
We’ll visit to the enchanted Dozmary Pool where we come into the presence of the Lady of the Lake at her mystical and watery home. Get ready for a private visit to the beautiful and tranquil gardens of Chalice Well, one of the true healing places in this land where you are encouraged to drink from the holy well. Join us for a private visit to Stonehenge, plus so much more! This trip is being led by Madeleine Marentette, founder and creator of Grail Life Academy and Grail Springs, Canada’s leading health spa and transformation centre. She’s also author of “Grail Springs Holistic Detox: For Body, Mind & Spirit.” 2010 trip cost is: see the website for details (approximately $3500.00 for Britain and around $1300.00 for the extension to Scotland which includes the roundtrip flight from England to Scotland) Details here!
TEOTIHUACÁN: “The Place Where Humans Become as God”
Summer 2010
Using the layout of the city as a model for transcendence, we spend four days changing our dream of hell to a dream of heaven on earth. The energy here is perfect to support our personal work and change. Discover all the things that have been preventing you from expressing yourself fully and authentically in this lifetime.
On this journey we’ll be focusing our attention on “The Medicine Bag” – a powerful process that allows you to see your mental map and its limiting aspects (designed by my teacher don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements®). You’ll need to bring a couple of specific items with you on this journey to create your medicine bag – but you can bring your magical creation home with you so that you can continue your process there. 2010 cost: $1150.00 USD per person double occupancy, all meals included. Details here!
Havasupai – Grand Canyon: Living Fearlessly
September 8-13th, 2010
On this adventure you descend into one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, into the heart of the Grand Canyon at Havasu Canyon, where we will hike and explore this incredible landscape, swimming in travertine pools of turquoise blue, enjoying the evenings at our comfortable permanent camp (with exclusive arrangement with the Havasupai tribe) searching for stars, having great meals and sharing our experiences during our adventure.
It is this spiritual energy that forms the basis for our 5 days of heart-felt transformation and personal expansion. The focus and intent of this journey is to transcend any fears we have about what we can and cannot accomplish in our lives and within the depths of the canyon and the heart of the mother earth we will find our answers. Some say you haven’t lived until you’ve taken a journey through Grand Canyon. This journey takes you through the heart of the canyon and will leave you with a sense of accomplishment, awe and a true appreciation and love of the grandest place on earth. Within the depths of the canyon and the heart of the mother earth we will find our answers. 2010 trip cost is: $2095.00 per person, double occupancy, most meals included. Details here!
KENYA, AFRICA: Into the Heart of the Motherland
October, 2010
Coming Soon!
Day of the Dead – A Women’s Celebration of Life!
October 30th-November 7th, 2010
It’s commonly thought that the greatest fear that humans experience is that of death. However, from our point of view the biggest fear humans possess is the fear of living life boldly and audaciously, free of judgment and pain. On this amazing journey, we celebrate the beloved Mexican holiday – The Day of the Dead in the beautiful artisan center and culinary city of Oaxaca, Mexico. During our week together we’ll learn how to enjoy life as it is – to cultivate our joy and vitality and explore our manifestation as true “Artists of the Spirit.”
Indeed, becoming a supreme artist of the spirit involves learning to create from the heart, not from a mind filled with fear-based beliefs about what we can and cannot do. Here we learn to connect with the bliss deep in our hearts and to use that feeling to guide us as artisans of our lives. By the end of this journey you will have the tools to re-create your reality and to face your greatest fear – expressing your life with integrity, honesty, fearlessness and joy. Join HeatherAsh & Sheri on this spiritual journey of the heart and let’s celebrate and honor together all we can be and create in our lifetime. 2010 trip cost is: to be announced. Details here!
PALENQUE: 2012 Mayan Prophecies – Bringing in the Light
Dec 17-22, 2010
Here we’ll travel back in time from the remains of the Olmecs at La Venta to the incredible structures of the Maya at Palenque and Tonina. The most striking aspect of this set of ruins is their connection with the underworld which had a very profound significance to the Mayans. During our week together we’ll be preparing for the 2012 Mayan prophecies by using these sacred underworld sites to birth a dream of world peace into the light. In addition, we’ll have the opportunity to meet with a Mayan elder to talk more about what the 2012 prophecies mean for them.
We’ll immerse ourselves in the mythology of the underworld exploring the aspects of ourselves long abandoned or forgotten, leading to the rebirth of our integrity and oneness for ourselves and for the world. Utilizing the energy and intent of these structures we’ll delve into our own underworld and then burst forth to merge with the sun and the light that we are. 2010 cost: coming soon. Details here!
BHUTAN: Blessings of the Heart, Meditation & Service
December 9-21st, 2010
Not many people have actually heard about Bhutan – Land of the Thunder Dragon, or even know where it is located. For many years this little country about the size of Switzerland has been off limits of foreigners. You must realize that Bhutan is not like any place you are likely to travel to.
The people are Tantric Buddhists who also have a Shamanistic background called Bon – and a fantastic history filled with legends and mythology. In fact, one of the highlights of our journey is hiking to Tiger’s Nest where Guru Rinpoche flew to on the back of a flaming tigress! Indeed, the monasteries are magical and beautiful in ways that I cannot begin to describe.
Thankfully we will have the opportunity to spend a day at one of the annual religious dance festivals, to immerse ourselves in ancient tradition. As part of our journey a Lama will be preparing a special prayer and blessing ceremony for us. We’ll also be giving of ourselves and helping some of the nuns by being in service. Through meditation, chanting, prayer and ceremony – we will expand our consciousness and cultivate the compassion of Buddha within us. 2010 trip cost is: details coming soon!
Events & Workshops
NEXT FREE Teleclass – October 22nd @ 8:30pm Eastern
Sheri talks with fellow Toltec teacher Leo VanWarmerdam about: Using the mirror of taking things personally to see your lies! Every time we take something or someone personally there is a lie hiding in the thought that is creating our emotional reaction. If we can learn to use that knowledge, we can change our lives by using our feelings to see what is not truth and become happier more peaceful people. Please join us & register here.
In 2010 I won’t be offering Dreaming – instead we’ll have personal intensives. The intensives take place in my home in the mountains of north Georgia. It’s a very quiet place to take time to reflect upon your life and the local hiking is amazing. You’ll stay here during your intensive and have full access to your own kitchen and space. Figure we’ll spend around 3 hours together in the morning and then you’ll do your assignments in the afternoon. Then we’ll catch back up for 1-2 hours in the evening to re-cap. Details here.
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Featured Article
My apprentices and I were having an interesting chat recently about repentance and some interesting issues came to light that I thought I’d share with you. I was concerned with the amount of suffering they were experiencing as they were recapitulating their lives and rewriting old painful stories. The ultimate goal behind recapitulating these stories is truth, forgiveness and the freedom to see life as it is – not through our old wounds.
So I asked them, why is the process so difficult when the final outcome is so exciting and liberating? Almost unanimously they responded that they felt terrible about all the actions they took which created suffering in others. Yes it’s wonderful when we can take responsibility for the past and for the actions we took in ignorance and fear, but if we beat ourselves up while doing so and we put ourselves on trial yet again – how is that self-love and respect?
Obviously this is not self-love but our ego-mind doing what it does best – taking action based on what it believes most strongly – that we are not good enough and not worth loving. We end up using our spiritual path to continue to hurt ourselves rather than ending that kind of behavior.
The key is to stop judging ourselves and others; this is the only way we are going to find peace in the mist of our mental chaos. Yes, we need to be honest and tell ourselves the truth – yes, we’ve hurt people we love – but we can see why we took those actions; we were in fear and ignorant of our divine nature and the divine nature of our loved ones. In the end we must see what is truth, understand what is truth, forgive and let go.
Having the belief that you must suffer to repent is absolutely ridiculous. You don’t have to feel guilty to repent, there is no such rule. Of course I regret every time I’ve ever hurt someone in my life, but it is done and over with now, all I can do is promise myself, using my clarity and awareness, that I’ll never behave like that again! True repentance is not feeling guilty and beating yourself up – true repentance means you’ve learned something and decided to change your behavior permanently as a result.
If you are wasting your personal power feeling guilty, I invite you to do something different – instead take a moment to feel your heart-felt remorse and then forgive yourself with all the love in your heart. Use the personal power you would have drained feeling guilty to feed your commitment to being a divine light in the world. Now that’s the kind of penitence I’m talking about!
With all my love & blessings, Sheri
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What’s New?
Centerpointe Research Institute!
I just wanted to introduce all of you to my new favorite meditation tool. Before recommending this product – I decided to give it a try myself to see how it works. I have been experimenting with this program for 8 months now and I highly recommend it! I could go into how the sound technology works – but it is better if you read their material yourself.
Centerpointe Research Institute has created a proprietary audio technology called Holosync® that instantly (and gently) puts you into deep states of meditation (in fact, even deeper than those achieved by veteran Zen Monks), at the push of a button. This means that you can now start enjoying and profiting from all the recognized health benefits of deep meditation beginning the very first day you use it instead of waiting through years of hard practice. Just click to order a free demo disc.
Simply an Inspired Life – by Mary Anne Radmacher & Jonathan Huie
Software and technological entrepreneur Huie, who came to a search for deeper meaning later in life, has teamed up with artist and writer, Radmacher, who came to it earlier through her art. Point and counterpoint, they take the reader through a process to taking charge of their own lives. The key to living an inspired life is simple: accept your past; release your expectations; embrace your choices. The truth of the matter is that the more we like ourselves, the fewer expectations we have, and the way we make conscious choices in everyday matters large and small are the keys to living an inspired life.
Simply an Inspired Life teaches readers to distinguish between events and our feelings about them, to choose thoughtfully, and never blame ourselves or anyone else. Filled with inspiring quotes – wisdom from the ages and all traditions, personal stories, and exercises, Simply an Inspired Life is based on eight guiding principles: honor, forgiveness, gratitude, choice, vision, action, celebration, and unity with all creation. They are equally important – and practiced daily they change lives. Pick up a copy on Amazon today: Simply an Inspired Life
SPIRITUAL CINEMA CIRCLE When you join Spiritual Cinema Circle you will be making an important contribution to your world. By joining The Circle, you will bring inspiring and enlightening entertainment into your own life while positively influencing the lives of others. You are encouraging talented, visionary filmmakers to continue in their efforts to add life and meaning to our movies and to raise the consciousness of the world by supporting and experiencing truly nourishing entertainment. |
This month’s Spiritual Cinema Circle feature film – The Cake Eaters is a coming-of-age drama, starring Kristen Stewart (from Twilight) and Bruce Dern (from Monster), explores the new (and old) connections between two small-town families. A young woman with degenerative disease feels she has no time to lose in becoming a woman while a young man struggles to reconcile with his father and brother.
Great news from our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle – you can receive this full feature film plus 3 great short films for FREE when you sign up for a trial membership at no charge. (Just pay a small shipping fee). This is the only DVD service dedicated to films about love, compassion and inspiration: one of the many reasons we wanted you to know about them. Each month you receive 4 features and shorts on DVD. You may cancel your membership at any time. Join the Circle today!
Beautiful “Toltec Wear” at an incredible discount
My dear friend, Barbara Simon, is liquidating her entire stock of Toltec inspired t-shirts. Please tell your family and friends about this as it’s the perfect opportunity to stock up or to get early holiday gifts. She has cut the prices of these beautiful, made in the USA magical shirts to well below cost, so she cannot offer exchanges or returns. Please use the size charts to determine the correct size for yourself or a friend as all sales are final. Quantities are limited. Once she sells out of an item, or size, it will be removed from the site. Thank’s for taking a look and for passing this along to anyone interested in wearing an absolutely fabulous Toltec-inspired t-shirt! Here’s a link to Barbara’s collection:
Take a moment to watch this video
There is no hell – thank goodness! John Shelby Spong, retired Episcopal bishop from Newark, N.J., talks about why Christianity must change its view of hell. Spong is one of the leading spokespersons for liberal Christianity. This is very interesting and definitely worth watching! Another powerful voice on the need for the church to change is from James Carroll, an ex-priest and author of Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews. I recently watched the documentary based on the book which examines the history of anti-semitism in the Catholic Church and its historical ramifications. It’s certainly provocative, but Carroll’s bottom line is this: No war is holy.
Words of Wisdom for the Heart
“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.”
~ Cesare Pavese