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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? Beauty, Finesse & Grace – Do You Have It?

Listen to this amazing man talk about what he loves to do most. Then ask yourself – are you doing what you love? Are you facing life with love and acceptance? Are you practicing something in your life that you are executing with grace and finesse? I love this man’s philosophy of life – I wonder what life would be like if all of us thought the way he does!


Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose: Bhutan – Dec 5-20th, 2012. Join author and aikido master Wendy Palmer for this sacred pilgrimage of meditation, chanting, prayer and ceremony – where we expand our consciousness and cultivate the compassion of Buddha within us. This trip is designed in the context of spiritual practice and our intent will be to strengthen our connection to wisdom, energy and compassion. Anyone with a committed and regular practice is welcome to participate.

swim with the wild dolphins

Awakening Your Divine Joy: Wild Dolphin Trip: Bimini, Caribbean – Dec 10-14 & Dec 19-23, 2012. Join Dolphin Whisperer Joe Noonan for an amazing, retreat to beautiful Bimini, Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. On this Nature-based retreat, we will be swimming in the vitally alive and healthy waters that surround Bimini, and we will visit pods of wild dolphins in their home, on their terms. Wild dolphins have an almost magical ability to activate us into heightened levels of joy and awakening; most everybody describes the experience as profoundly inspiring and life-changing!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Awakening Solstice at Willka T’ika: Peru – December 13-24th, 2012

Spiritual Journey Peru Willka T'ika

Join us at Willka T’ika Guesthouse in Peru’s Sacred Valley to celebrate the high energies of 2012 at the winter solstice. This program includes Solstice ceremonies and Andean Christmas celebrations, Cusco, Machu Picchu and many more surprises.

During this transformational journey for conscious sojourners, nurture your spirit and immerse yourself in heartfelt, spiritual offerings on an authentic spiritual Magical Journey along the pathways of Peru’s ancient civilizations.

Experience this celebration of the solstice from your home base at the luxury Willka T’ika Guesthouse in the Sacred Valley. Designed as a modern spiritual and yoga retreat center, Willka T’ika is a true sanctuary, featuring breathtaking gardens and guest cottages built out of earth materials. In addition to your personal exploration and meditation inside each sacred site (Ollantaytampu, Saksaywaman, Moray, Pisac & Machu Picchu), time is set aside for optional hiking through temples and valleys.

Trip cost: $3330.00 USD per person double occupancy. Details for Peru here!

Early registration is CRITICAL for this retreat!
You need to get a flight during holiday season.

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Internal Dialogue Got Your Attention??


Life is coming at us so fast these days; it often takes all our attention and energy just to get through our waking hours. As a result we may find ourselves taking rote or unaware actions just to get through the massive amount of tasks we have planned. It’s a warrior’s challenge to teach ourselves how to put our attention on each and every task we do, and make sure each action we take is executed with our full awareness.

You might be thinking; “Well, why should I put attention on things that are not important, I need to get a lot done and the little stuff just doesn’t matter. I have to prioritize!” Indeed! You do have to prioritize – that is truth. However, what normally has our attention most of the day is our incessant internal dialogue.

In between listening to our constant thinking we put attention on outer matters. But – imagine what would happen if your mind was quiet all day. You would be putting most of your attention on your outer reality and life, rather than your thinking. The result of that change in your attention would be extremely significant.


First: you would be filling your mind with positive actions rather than conflictive thinking. Remember – what you think is what you create, so just that one change of focus would have profound effects on your reality.

Second: each action you’d take would be fully imbued with your personal power. For most of us, our attention is divided between our thinking and our actions, so our personal power is being divided as well. Some of our power is diverted into thinking and the emotional reactions that result from our thinking. The rest of our power is going into focusing our attention on the task at hand and the energy needed to complete that task. Dividing our personal power in this way is not impeccable from a warrior’s point of view.

Third: your actions would become filled with mindfulness. In other words, without any distractions, your attention would be fully focused on what you were doing or saying which would in turn cause your whole being to be in the moment, present and aware. When we take action with mindfulness, those turn out to be our best actions, our most creative and beautiful.

An example of this as it relates to my own life may be helpful for you to understand these ideas. I used to be a surgeon, and when I operated my attention was so focused on my surgery that the operating room could explode and I would still be working!

You might say that this is appropriate action as we always hope that our doctor is totally focused on us rather than being focused on his or her internal dialogue and issues!


The bottom line here is that everything is important in our lives (or nothing for that matter because everything in this reality is equal). The problem is that we cannot see the truth of our reality because we have already pre-judged what we believe is important or not in our lives. We have no way of knowing the full action and reaction of anything we do and say.

We are so limited in our human perception that we are lulled or fooled into believing that our actions end with the immediate reactions that we can perceive. As warriors we strive to be in the present moment 100%, not in our minds. We know that attention is the key – and we take responsibility for what we create in life with that gift.

We don’t waste our personal power and we don’t assume that the little actions are less important that the big actions just because our programmed mind tells us so. Tibetan Buddhist’s say: “Let your view be as vast and expansive as the sky. And let the mindfulness of your actions be as fine and precise as a grain of sand.”

And that my friends, is the way to create the most beautiful reality…

Blessings & Love, Sheri

Autumn meditation, Follow the Heart & Portal thanks to Alice Popkorn

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Guatemala spiritual journey

Skanda Yoga, The Art of Transcendence
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Trip Leaders: Ken von Roenn III & Lina Vallejo
December 9-15th, 2012

Peru spiritual journey

Awakening Solstice at Willka T’ika
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
December 13-24th, 2012

Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose
Trip Leader: Wendy Palmer
December 15-21st, 2012

Swim with the dolphins

Awakening Your Divine Joy – Wild Dolphin Trip
Bimini, Caribbean – ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS LEFT!
Trip Leader: Joe Noonan
Dec 10-14 & Dec 19-23, 2012

The Mapuche Experience

The Mapuche Experience
Patagona, Chile – NEW!
Trip Leader: Walter Lema
Dec 16-Dec 23rd, 2012


Cambodia Volunteer Journey

Unconditional Love in Action
Siem Reap (Angkor Wat), Cambodia
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
Jan 23-Feb 2nd, 2013


Peru spiritual journey

A Journey of Light to the Heart of Peru: Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca
Trip Leaders: Pat Crosby, Reverend Mel Morishige, Karen Yue
Feb 18th-Mar 2nd, 2013


Peru spiritual journey

The South Island & Soul of the Maori: New Zealand
New Zealand
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
March 2-10th, 2013


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Bhutan spiritual journey
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Sheri Rosenthal
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka T'ika
Guatemala spiritual journey
Peru spiritual journey
Bhutan spiritual journey
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