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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? The Blessings of Thanksgiving


I am grateful. For SOOOOOOOOOO many things. First of all for my life, my body, my mind, my family in such an awesome way, and my dear, dear totally irreplaceable friends. Next I am SOOOOO grateful for the people who are in my life as a result of my website and my business. I am immensely lucky to be surrounded by a tribe of interesting, vibrant, loving human beings who want to uplift the world and be the best people they can be in life! (I’m talking about you!)

For for this Thanksgiving – what are you grateful for – I’m curious? And don’t forget to post below. Put your declaration into writing and let it be seen and heard!


Yoga retreat Guatemala

Skanda Yoga The Art of Transcendence🙂 Dec 9-15th, 2012. Join Ken von Roenn III (ERYT 500) and Lina Vallejo for 7 days of Transformation at the Villa Sumaya at Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Each day they will lead inspiring, challenging, and informative asana classes. There will be meditation sessions and ceremonies to prepare for the most pivotal time in the history of humanity. You will leave feeling renewed and empowered with new skills to take your life and your community to the next level of possibility.

spiritual journey to Peru

Awakening Solstice at Willka T’ika Peru – Dec 13-24th, 2012. Join us at Willka T’ika Guesthouse in Peru’s Sacred Valley to celebrate the high energies of 2012 at the winter solstice. This program includes Solstice ceremonies and Andean Christmas celebrations, Cusco, Machu Picchu and many more surprises. During this transformational journey for conscious sojourners, nurture your spirit and immerse yourself in heartfelt, spiritual offerings along the pathways of Peru’s ancient civilizations.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Unconditional Love in Action: Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Jan 23-Feb 2nd, 2013

Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey

Join New Thought Minister Rev. David Ault for a profoundly heart-opening spiritual journey of service to Siem Reap, Cambodia – home of the incredible ancient temples of Angkor Wat. To open oneself deeply, to risk feeling the suffering of others, and to wish to relieve that suffering – is the definition of compassion and the cultivation of the Buddha within us.

As Gandhi once said: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Service is often called unconditional love in action – to give totally of yourself is to be free of ego, 100% present, doing what is needed without judgment. In these moments our heart opens and the truth of who we are comes through – our divine presence. Volunteer travel is a powerful experience – you risk coming home with a clearer vision of what you want in life, a deeper sense of self-realization, and clarity about who you are and your purpose in life!

Trip cost: $1499 USD per person double occupancy, breakfast included. Details for Angkor Wat here!

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Maximizing the Gift of Dec 21, 2012


Dec 21, 2012 is a most amazing opportunity, a day that has captured the attention of cultures from around the world. UFOlogists predict a mass landing, Mayans speak of days of darkness, skeptics predict the tumultuous end of the world and I’m looking forward to a great big PARTY.

From the perspective of God/Source/All That Is, every moment is totally divine; there is no more God or Love or Joy in this moment than in any other moment. Yet from our human perspective, the part of us that believes we’re separate from the Divine, this coming December 21st is a super significant day.

On this day, literally billions of us will be in a state of anticipation. What we anticipate depends entirely on our fears, hopes and beliefs. For those of us blessed enough to know that we co-create our own reality, this December 21st is an invitation to celebrate.

As quantum physics reminds us; we live in a world of light particles that flash in and out of form in response to our expectations. If you’re a pessimist, you have oodles of evidence to support your pessimistic view. And if you’re an optimist, you too have plenty of evidence to support your optimistic view.


What are you giving attention to?
The concept that “we create our own reality” has gone from a far flung idea to acceptable reality. What you focus on come into fruition.  So, what do you wish to create for our collective Humanity for the new world we’re entering?

End of the World?
I was speaking to a trip organizer from Shanghai, China the other day. I asked her what December 21st means to the Chinese. She replied, “Oh, you mean the doomsday?” I see advertisements for December 21st with an image of a comet slamming into the earth. I hear prophesies and predictions that astound me, make me smile and chuckle at our creativity.

Power of Love
Any time you get a group of people aligned in common thought, their ability to create amplifies. And for a moment a part of me got worried of over a billion people thinking “doomsday.” And then I remember the power of love, and how one loving thought vibrates at a frequency thousands of times higher than a fearful one. One person holding a focus of love is more powerful than thousands in fear. This is good news, cause for celebration.

What You Can Do:
There are many simple, fun and significant things you can do to join the millions of us who will be radiating loving thoughts on this day.

  • You can play some fun, upbeat music!
  • Hum, sing and dance!
  • Make some food you love, and eat it with gusto.
  • Give something to someone, water a tree, enjoy a flower.
  • Call a friend and tell them what you appreciate about them.
  • Count your blessings, make a list of 100+ things you love
  • Wash your car, clean your room, make a cup of your favorite tea, put up your feet and smile!

Yes, there’s an infinite number of things you can do on December 21st. You can do the same thing you do every other day, just be sure to put your loving energy into it with the intent that your love joins with the rest of us.


Wherever You Are
There are many cool places to gather on December 21st, and if you can, why not join a pod of kindred souls? Its fun to be with a group of people who share the same loving intent as you. You can also tune in from the comfort of your bed, your bathtub, from under a tree, outside in nature. Remember that wherever you are is absolutely perfect.

Keep It Simple!
Its easy to get caught up in the significance of events, and in doing so, to feel harried or stressed about “getting it right.” Just take a big breath and let the significance go. Be light about it, levity is next to Godliness!

Your Unique Contribution
In all creation, there is only one of you; you bring something totally unique to our world. Your innate love of life, your joys and your passion carries a vibration, a color and frequency that no one else can replace. On this day, (and every day), let your love flow and your light shine.

Have Fun!
December 21st is a fun opportunity to vibrate your personal love of life. What you do or where you are is secondary to the love that you put into it. Have fun! Let it rip! Smile and laugh out loud!

joe noonan

Join us!
Wherever you are on December 21st, imagine your love joining with ours and the millions just like us! Imagine our collective love and joy encircling our planet with such light and goodwill that everybody everywhere feels the warmth and love of our collective humanity. Have a blast, it’s a party. I’ll see you there!

Blessings & joy, Joe

Joe Noonan is one of our JOTS facilitators. A guest on Fox, National Geographic TV and Oprah, Joe is an internationally recognized speaker who leads trips swimming with wild dolphins and celebrating the joy of nature. He invites you to join him energetically or in person this December 21st in beautiful Bimini, the Bahamas for his “Awakening Your Joy Wild Dolphin Retreat.”

Time to register for Joe’s upcoming trip is NOW! Click for details for Awakening Your Divine Joy – Wild Dolphin Trip: Dec 19-23, 2012.

The picture of 2012 picture thanks to stockerre, The picture of the neuron connections thanks to Patrick Hoesly, The picture of Earth thanks to NASA Goddard Photo & Video.

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Guatemala spiritual journey

Skanda Yoga, The Art of Transcendence
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – Register NOW!
Trip Leaders: Ken von Roenn III & Lina Vallejo
December 9-15th, 2012

Peru spiritual journey

Awakening Solstice at Willka T’ika
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
December 13-24th, 2012

Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose
Bhutan – FULL!!
Trip Leader: Wendy Palmer
December 15-21st, 2012

Swim with the dolphins

Awakening Your Divine Joy – Wild Dolphin Trip
Bimini, Caribbean – ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS LEFT!
Trip Leader: Joe Noonan
Dec 10-14 & Dec 19-23, 2012

The Mapuche Experience

The Mapuche Experience
Patagona, Chile – NEW!
Trip Leader: Walter Lema
Dec 16-Dec 23rd, 2012


Cambodia Volunteer Journey

Unconditional Love in Action
Siem Reap (Angkor Wat), Cambodia
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
Jan 23-Feb 2nd, 2013


Peru spiritual journey

A Journey of Light to the Heart of Peru: Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca
Trip Leaders: Pat Crosby, Reverend Mel Morishige, Karen Yue
Feb 18th-Mar 2nd, 2013


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Yoga retreat Guatemala
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Sheri Rosenthal
Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey
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Peru spiritual journey
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