Take me to: Our Next 2 Spiritual Journeys & Retreats
Sheri’s Article | Our Favorite Recommendations, Books & Videos
All Of Our 2010 Upcoming Journeys | Favorite Quote!
Dear Friends,
We’ve almost finished our journeys schedule for 2010 – sorry it has been taking so long!
I want to remind you all about our free monthly teleclasses. We had fun last month on my call with Leo Van Wamerdam on Taking Things Personally – I do hope you join us this month too – after all it is free! (We record each class: listen here)
Our first journey for 2010 is to Israel March 3rd-12 with an extension to Petra, Jordan March 12-15th. This journey is not a biblical one per se – but a spiritual experience – you’ll be seeing the Holy land in a most beautiful way. Registration & payment must be completed by January 15th for this trip!
BTW:This month’s article is about being a Spiritual Warrior. Hope you enjoy it in light of the recent events/deaths in the news. DO POST YOUR COMMENTS BELOW (they won’t show up right away until they are approved)!

The Sacred site of Gethsemane - in Jerusalem!
Don’t forget that this time between the Autumn and Winter equinox is the perfect time to celebrate all you have to be grateful for and to prepare for the “going inward” time when we look deeply into our hearts and adjust our life course for the next year.
Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal
Email: info@sherirosenthal.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sherirosenthal
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Our Next 2 Spiritual Journeys
Important: REGISTER by JANUARY 1st!
ISRAEL & JORDAN: Walking in the Footsteps of the Masters
Israel: March 3-12 & extension to Petra, Jordan: Mar 12-15, 2010
Of all the sacred sites in the world, The Holy Land is certainly one of the most inspiring and emotional. It’s remarkable that three of the largest mono-theistic religions were born in this tiny area: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Consider that Jerusalem is where Solomon built the Great Temple, Christ was crucified, and the Prophet Mohammad came during his famous night journey. Indeed the Holy Land has been a place of great faith and hope – and terrible war and sorrow.
During our spiritual journey to Israel we’ll travel through time and immerse ourselves in the footsteps of the great spiritual masters. By connecting to these sacred and holy spaces we’ll find our own internal heaven-on-earth and divine consciousness. Your heart will open as you move through these places of prayer and devotion. 2010 trip cost is: $3995.00 USD per person double occupancy for the journey to Israel (many meals are included). If you’d like to join us for the extension to Jordan and Petra, the cost would be an additional $1395.00 USD per person double occupancy. Details here!
SEDONA: Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat
March 19-24th, 2010
Join Shanti during this unprecedented time of spiritual awakening – when the cosmic scales of light are balanced in perfect equilibrium – when night is equal to day. With winter behind us it’s time to celebrate our blossoming life force, to transform our inner darkness to light, and to plant the seeds of a new dream of deeper personal wisdom, understanding, patience, abundance, health, love, and peace.
The Mago Retreat Center, located on 150 acres of vortex energy, is a nourishing and intimate place to treat yourself to a much needed rest and rejuvenation. Serving a delicious vegetarian (and fish) menu, their staff supports the health and wholeness of each visitor. Healthy food, morning stretches, walking to powerful vortexes, sacred ceremonies, and self-nurturing will be our focus. The Birthing Cave and our vortex sites will hold many of our ceremonies where we’ll birth ourselves anew, free of old storylines, agendas and dogmas.
You’ll participate in pipe, fire and springtime celebration ceremonies. Each person will receive a bodywork treatment from Joumana, voted the best massage therapist in Sedona – and have their astrology chart interpreted by Rosine Fievet, who’s been charting for over 3 decades! In addition you’ll experience one of Mago’s signature therapies – a very special treat. The intent of our retreat is to release and dissolve old repressed emotions, played-out dramas, self-sabotaging and limiting habitual life patterns, and to open to planting the seeds of true joy, love, forgiveness, compassion and self-love. To be reborn, and step into the next chapter of our lives, for our personal and planetary awakening.2010 trip cost is: $1795.00 USD double occupancy, most meals included. Details for our Goddess Retreat here!
Events & Workshops
NEXT FREE Teleclass – November 19th @ 8:30pm Eastern
Sheri speaks this month on: Confronting Concepts: Why aren’t they absolute truth and how does this affect us in creating our dream? Please join us & register on the website.
In 2010 I won’t be offering Dreaming – instead we’ll have personal intensives. The intensives take place in my home in the mountains of north Georgia. It’s a very quiet place to take time to reflect upon your life and the local hiking is amazing. You’ll stay here during your intensive and have full access to your own kitchen and space. Figure we’ll spend around 3 hours together in the morning and then you’ll do your assignments in the afternoon. Then we’ll catch back up for 1-2 hours in the evening to re-cap. Details here.
Listen to Sheri’s interview on A WOMAN”S SPIRIT
Sheri will share how we can discover the current agreements we have with ourselves and how The Four Agreements® can enhance our lives. Want to increase your feeling of freedom? Join radio host Vanecia Wills-Leufroy, Life Facilitator & Spiritual Practitioner & Sheri.
Featured Article
In light of the recent events that took place in the sweat lodge in Sedona with James Arthur Ray, I think it’s a good time to talk about what it means to be a spiritual warrior. As a spiritual warrior we learn to change our perspective from being mind-body focused and ego-identified to becoming aligned with the life-force-spiritual-nature that we all are.
On the side of the mind – we learn to detach from our internal dialogue and no longer perceive our thinking as “us.” We come to recognize that spirit does not speak with concepts and no absolute truth can be found in knowledge/information/beliefs. This brings the warrior to the ultimate freedom from the ego-mind and its limiting nature.
On the side of the body – we learn to detach from our desire for pleasure and the fear of pain. We come to see that our bodies have so many wants and needs but since we’re not the body (we are the entity inhabiting the body) – we can decide what desires we choose to indulge or not, and we do so with deep awareness and compassion, not with emotional reactivity. This gives the warrior freedom from emotional suffering as his happiness no longer revolves around the state of his physical body.
There are many exercises that teachers use to accomplish these “goals” – most of them designed to make people feel uncomfortable and face their fears. But there’s a big difference between facing your fears and disrespecting your mind and body. There has to be line where if crossed, becomes an act of disrespect for the gifts that Spirit has given us to navigate reality with.
Only honesty can tell us what that point is. For example, if you are in meditation class and your back is uncomfortable and you want out – you could say you don’t want to go against yourself and use that as a justification for not doing something that is painful in the moment to you. But is sitting really hurting you? Are you going to be ill and die from sitting there? Not likely unless you have some kind of severe back issue and if that is the case then why did you choose to be there in the first place? If you’re uncomfortable, be honest with yourself and admit that you’re hurting and you realize that you’re not willing to transcend your fear of physical pain at that time – rather than making some excuse that is a lie.
But if you’re in a sweltering sweat lodge after several days of a vision quest where you haven’t been drinking and are dehydrated – you must depend on your common sense to determine that this doesn’t feel right to you. Then nothing anyone says should stop you from getting out of such a situation. Simply state aloud: This is going against my body and I love myself too much to put myself in this situation. Only the ego-mind could allow us to endure something inappropriate for fear of being judged as a wimp. In that case we are allowing our mind to hurt our body – something that we are working to stop as spiritual warriors.
So for me, spiritual warriors honor and love themselves so much that they never let anyone go against them ever – and that includes their own ego-mind! I encourage you to find that place of absolute honesty within you and cultivate it – you won’t be sorry. All my love to those folks who passed in that incident and may a powerful lesson be learned by all so that their deaths were not in vain.
With all my love & blessings, Sheri
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What’s New?
Centerpointe Research Institute!
I just wanted to introduce all of you to my favorite meditation tool. Before recommending this product – I decided to give it a try myself to see how it works. I have been experimenting with this program for 10 months now and I highly recommend it! I could go into how the sound technology works – but it is better if you read their material yourself.
Centerpointe Research Institute has created a proprietary audio technology called Holosync® that instantly (and gently) puts you into deep states of meditation (in fact, even deeper than those achieved by veteran Zen Monks), at the push of a button. This means that you can now start enjoying and profiting from all the recognized health benefits of deep meditation beginning the very first day you use it instead of waiting through years of hard practice. Just click to order a free demo disc.
Transforming the Unknown: How to Transform What’s Holding You Back in Life When You Don’t Know What it Is – by Barbara Rose
Did you ever wonder what was holding you back in life? Did you ever wish you could transform it even if you don’t know what it is? My friend and colleague Dr. Barbara Rose has just released a book unlike any other on this topic. In this breakthrough book, you are taken through the actual process of transforming precisely what has been holding you back in life – especially if you don’t know what it is! In this book, Barbara has revealed the transformational keys in plain English that will bring you immediate results, just as it has for her in her own personal life.
I’ve teamed up with some of the foremost transformational experts in the world to give you heart-centered special gifts when you buy JUST ONE COPY of Transforming the Unknown on Amazon.com for only $15.56. This offer for this book and the gifts that go along with it expires tomorrow, so log on to the link below to see all of the good that awaits you. http://borntoinspire.com/id506.html. This offer is time sensitive, something you will really want to check out. This book makes a fantastic holiday gift for anyone who would like a better life. Pick up a copy on Amazon today: Transforming the Unknown
SPIRITUAL CINEMA CIRCLEIf You Love Movies, You Are About to Be Inspired AND Entertained! Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Is your life right now filled with meaning and happiness? Whether you know it now or not, you are only a thought away from changing your life. Many of us are yearning to lead a life of purpose and contribution, and that’s why you are sure to love this month’s feature selection from Spiritual Cinema Circle. Imagine watching a feature film that is entertaining, and shows you the way to discovering your life’s purpose! |
This month’s movie is called The Shift, and it stars Dr. Wayne Dyer and Portia DeRossi. Through this inspiring film, you’ll:
- Discover how to fulfill your destiny and to live your life on purpose
- Learn how to recognize a “quantum moment”
- Understand the different ways men and women make the shift
Great news from our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle – you can receive this full feature film plus 3 great short films for FREE when you sign up for a trial membership at no charge. (Just pay a small shipping fee). This is the only DVD service dedicated to films about love, compassion and inspiration: one of the many reasons we wanted you to know about them. Each month you receive 4 features and shorts on DVD. You may cancel your membership at any time. Join the Circle today!
Take a moment to watch this video
This beautiful video features pictures included in Hans Silvester’s photography book on the Omo people of Africa. Silvester was essentially adopted by his subjects during his travels, and his stunning color photographs present a rare, intimate view of their world.
The first volume of this deluxe two-volume set presents the everyday lives of the Omo people, their rituals, parades, children’s games, and even their battles. In the second volume represented in this video, each photograph becomes a masterpiece of abstract art, revealing close-ups of the tribes’ traditional and amazing body paintings. Silvester’s accompanying text reveals this fascinating beauty of a world now in danger of extinction. Do consider picking up a copy of Ethiopia: Peoples of the Omo Valley on Amazon.com
Our 2010 Spiritual Journeys & Retreats
SACRED BRITAIN & SCOTLAND: A Women’s Journey to Avalon
Sacred Britain: June 2-11th and extension to Rosslyn: June 11-14, 2010
Within the heart of every woman is the desire for a grail quest for personal freedom and internal peace. On this sacred journey we’ll be visiting Glastonbury, otherwise known as the Isle of Avalon. Glastonbury Abbey, the birthplace of Christianity in England is often referred to as the “holiest earth in England.”
We’ll visit to the enchanted Dozmary Pool where we come into the presence of the Lady of the Lake at her mystical and watery home. Get ready for a private visit to the beautiful and tranquil gardens of Chalice Well, one of the true healing places in this land where you are encouraged to drink from the holy well. Join us for a private visit to Stonehenge, plus so much more! This trip is being led by Madeleine Marentette, founder and creator of Grail Life Academy and Grail Springs, Canada’s leading health spa and transformation centre. She’s also author of “Grail Springs Holistic Detox: For Body, Mind & Spirit.” 2010 trip cost is: see the website for details (approximately $3500.00 USD for Britain and around $1300.00 USD for the extension to Scotland which includes the roundtrip flight from England to Scotland) Details for Sacred Britain here!
TEOTIHUACÁN: “The Place Where Humans Become as God”
Summer 2010
Using the layout of the city as a model for transcendence, we spend four days changing our dream of hell to a dream of heaven on earth. The energy here is perfect to support our personal work and change. Discover all the things that have been preventing you from expressing yourself fully and authentically in this lifetime.
On this journey we’ll be focusing our attention on “The Medicine Bag” – a powerful process that allows you to see your mental map and its limiting aspects (designed by my teacher don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements®). You’ll need to bring a couple of specific items with you on this journey to create your medicine bag – but you can bring your magical creation home with you so that you can continue your process there. 2010 cost: $1150.00 USD per person double occupancy, all meals included. Details for Teotihuacan here!
SWIM WITH THE WILD DOLPHINS: A Women’s Retreat of the Heart!
Summer 2010
Ladies, come join us for a truly magical adventure of heart and spirit to the Caribbean Island of Bimini for an intimate and touching experience with the wild spotted dolphins. During our time with the dolphins we’ll have the opportunity to open our hearts and practice unconditional love and acceptance, for these marvelous creatures, ourselves and each other. Although they do not speak our language, dolphins are natural empaths who respond to the emotions we radiate and the judgmental thoughts or clarity of mind we possess. These are wild dolphins and when we approach their pods they make the choice to come and join, swim and connect with us. Connecting with their wondrous spirits can be a profoundly moving, deeply healing and life altering experience.
This week we will spend time looking at our communication skills, self-judgments and the limiting thought patterns which are interfering with our most important relationships and preventing us from becoming the true manifestation of Spirit that we really are! This is a profound and heartfelt trip – there will be plenty of time for swimming with the dolphins, snorkeling the reefs, meditating, group class, group discussion, swimming, journaling, resting, and sharing. The 2010 trip cost: $2095.00 USD per person double occupancy or quad occupancy (one room is a quad – the “giggle room”) including most meals. Details for Swimming with the Dolphins here!
September 8-13th, 2010
On this adventure you descend into one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, into the heart of the Grand Canyon at Havasu Canyon, where we will hike and explore this incredible landscape, swimming in travertine pools of turquoise blue, enjoying the evenings at our comfortable permanent camp (with exclusive arrangement with the Havasupai tribe) searching for stars, having great meals and sharing our experiences during our adventure.
It is this spiritual energy that forms the basis for our 5 days of heart-felt transformation and personal expansion. The focus and intent of this journey is to transcend any fears we have about what we can and cannot accomplish in our lives and within the depths of the canyon and the heart of the mother earth we will find our answers. Some say you haven’t lived until you’ve taken a journey through Grand Canyon. This journey takes you through the heart of the canyon and will leave you with a sense of accomplishment, awe and a true appreciation and love of the grandest place on earth. Within the depths of the canyon and the heart of the mother earth we will find our answers. 2010 trip cost is: $2095.00 USD per person double occupancy, most meals included. Details for Havasupai Falls here!
September 16-21st, 2010!
Join us for a magical and introspective retreat to the red rock country of Sedona, Arizona. For six days we’ll have the opportunity to experience the beauty, majesty and energy of this unusual location on our Mother Earth. Each day we will visit a different vortex to reflect the limiting beliefs and concepts that are keeping us from this self-realization and oneness.
The time frame for our September retreat happens to be during the sacred Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur (September 17th) is the Day of Atonement (the at-one-ment with Spirit/God), and during this time the veils between the worlds are thin – making it a perfect time to reflect on the past year and to commit to dreaming a healthier future filled with our deepest and highest intent. It’s time for forgiveness and living our life from a place of wholeness and love. Indeed – you don’t have to be Jewish to appreciate this mythology (as this journey is not about religion, but about expressing our divine nature). You only need the desire to open your heart and mind to more powerful opportunities for love and light in your life.
We’ll be gathering at the lovely Sedona Mago Retreat Center. The center serves a healthy vegetarian diet (they do serve fish) and is located on land that vibrates at a high frequency. As part of this retreat we will engage in a fire ceremony, multiple ceremonies in beautiful locations, and a therapeutic healing massage which is part of the retreat package. If you are looking for a place to open your heart and to gain clarity of your mind, this is where you want to be. Shanti Gilbert is co-teaching with me on this journey. 2010 trip cost is: $1795.00 USD double occupancy, most meals included. Details for Sedona here!
KENYA, AFRICA: Into the Heart of the Motherland
October 4-15th, 2010
Connecting with the energy and wildlife of the motherland of all humanity is the focus of this amazing spiritual journey to Kenya, Africa. Here we will have the opportunity to witness some of the most powerful animals on our planet; lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, zebras, wildebeest, and gazelles, befriend members of the Masai warrior tribe, and give deeply of ourselves at the Kids Alive Children’s Home and the Kamatongu Primary School.
Traditionally, the Maasai rarely hunt and living alongside wildlife in harmony is an important part of their beliefs. From July to October, the promise of rain brings more than 1.3 million Wildebeest together into a single massive herd. They pour across the border into the Mara, making a spectacular entrance in a surging column of life that stretches from horizon to horizon. Truly, this will be a powerful journey for us, an opportunity to open our hearts to nature and to those in need. 2010 trip cost is: $5695.00 USD per person double occupancy 6-12 participants OR $52855.00 USD per person double occupancy >12 participants – most meals included. Details for Kenya, Africa here!
TEOTIHUACÁN, MEXICO: A Photography Workshop
October 7-12th, 2010
It is said that the layout of Teotihuacán is a model of the ascension of human consciousness; one that spans from the limitations the human rational mind to that of the absolute limitlessness of the infinite. Using the layout of the city we will spend four days shifting our attention from what we think we are suppose to photograph (the place of the mind), to a place of no expectation and of true creativity (the place of the heart & consciousness of the infinite).
The energy of this sacred place is perfect to support our creative transformation. Through ritual, ceremony, photo excursions, discussion and meditation you will learn ways to focus your attention and bring new life into your photography. Our emphasis is on noticing the sacred in every moment and less on the technical aspects of photography. A good understanding of how your camera gear works is essential for this journey led by award-winning photographer Catherine Just. The 2010 trip cost is: $1295.00 USD per person double occupancy, meals included. Details for our photography workshop here!
DAY OF THE DEAD, Oaxaca Mexico – A Women’s Celebration of Life!
October 30th-November 7th, 2010
Mexicans love Day of the Dead, it’s a revered holiday where folk celebrate their beloveds’ who have passed. Families create altars filled with pictures, food and items that belonged to the deceased. The atmosphere is festive, with music, eating and the celebration of life! During our 8 days together we’ll learn how to enjoy life as it is – to cultivate our joy and vitality and explore our manifestation as true “Artists of the Spirit.” Indeed, becoming a supreme artist of the spirit involves creating from the heart, not from a mind filled with fear-based beliefs about what we can and cannot do.
We’ll be visiting the graveyard, and creating our own altars – whether they are to our own loved ones who have passed, or to a relationship that we want to let go of, or even an aspect of ourselves we’re ready to let go of. We’ll also go to the local market, visit the sacred ruins of Monte Alban & Mitla, and so much more. By the end of this journey you’ll have the tools to re-create your reality and to face your greatest fear – expressing your life with integrity, honesty, fearlessness and joy. Join HeatherAsh & Sheri on this spiritual journey of the heart and let’s celebrate and honor together all we can be and create in our lifetime. 2010 trip cost is: $2465.00 USD per person double occupancy, some meals included. Details for Day of the Dead here!
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PALENQUE, MEXICO: 2012 Mayan Prophecies – Bringing in the Light
Dec 17-22, 2010
Here we’ll travel back in time from the remains of the Olmecs at La Venta to the incredible structures of the Maya at Palenque and Tonina. The most striking aspect of this set of ruins is their connection with the underworld which had a very profound significance to the Mayans. During our week together we’ll be preparing for the 2012 Mayan prophecies by using these sacred underworld sites to birth a dream of world peace into the light. In addition, we’ll have the opportunity to meet with a Mayan elder to talk more about what the 2012 prophecies mean for them.
We’ll immerse ourselves in the mythology of the underworld exploring the aspects of ourselves long abandoned or forgotten, leading to the rebirth of our integrity and oneness for ourselves and for the world. Utilizing the energy and intent of these structures we’ll delve into our own underworld and then burst forth to merge with the sun and the light that we are. 2010 cost: coming soon. Details for Palenque here!
BHUTAN: Blessings of the Heart, Meditation & Service
December 9-21st, 2010
Not many people have actually heard about Bhutan – Land of the Thunder Dragon, or even know where it is located. For many years this little country about the size of Switzerland has been off limits of foreigners. You must realize that Bhutan is not like any place you are likely to travel to.
The people are Tantric Buddhists who also have a Shamanistic background called Bon – and a fantastic history filled with legends and mythology. In fact, one of the highlights of our journey is hiking to Tiger’s Nest where Guru Rinpoche flew to on the back of a flaming tigress! Indeed, the monasteries are magical and beautiful in ways that I cannot begin to describe.
Thankfully we will have the opportunity to spend a day at one of the annual religious dance festivals, to immerse ourselves in ancient tradition. As part of our journey a Lama will be preparing a special prayer and blessing ceremony for us. We’ll also be giving of ourselves and helping some of the nuns by being in service. Through meditation, chanting, prayer and ceremony – we will expand our consciousness and cultivate the compassion of Buddha within us. 2010 trip cost is: $5195.00 USD per person double occupancy, all meals and roundtrip airfare from Bangkok to Bhutan included. Details here!
Words of Wisdom for the Heart
“We begin life with the world presenting itself to us as it is. Someone-our parents, teachers, analysts-hypnotizes us to “see” the world and construe it in the “right” way. These others label the world, attach names and give voices to the beings and events in it, so that thereafter, we cannot read the world in any other language or hear it saying other things to us. The task is to break the hypnotic spell, so that we become undeaf, unblind, and multilingual, thereby letting the world speak to us in new voices and write all its possible meaning in the new book of our existence. Be careful in your choice of hypnotists.”
~ Sidney Jourard