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WHAT’S NEW? Are you keeping your cool?
I always feel that around elections time we all need a reminder not to take anything personally (as my beloved teacher don Miguel Ruiz would always say).
It took me a long time to realize nothing was worth giving my happiness, inner peace, or calm away for. We are all entitled to our opinions in this dream – but if we get angry and project that anger on others, all we are doing is putting negative energy out in the world.
First and foremost love yourself by maintaining a calm and centered position during these challenging times. Your body and soul will thank you for it.
Blessings & love, Sheri
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The Gathering of the Shamans: Sedona, AZ
April 7-9, 2017
The Gathering of the Shaman’s retreat event in Sedona this past April sold out so fast and it’s going to do so again for next April 2017. Because Meghan (my biz partner) will be teaching again there next year they are allowing me to promote the event to all of you EARLY with special pricing!!
So if you are interested I would register NOW or by the time normal registration comes around the event will be filled again.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You’ll return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.
Can’t wait to see you there April 2017!
Are you fulfilling your visionary purpose?
Journeys of the spirit awaken your heart, ignite your purpose, and soothe your soul…
Have you noticed? There seems to be a major upswing in those of us who are not only on a journey of the spirit in our personal lives but who are also heart-based, soul-powered, purpose-driven and conscious entrepreneurs.
Yes, we desire to make money in our businesses to support our families and ourselves. And we love to have the freedom to travel! But equally important, we want to change lives and make a difference in the world.
At JOTS, we’re intentional about how we work and we want to let you in on The 3 Secrets of a Soul-Powered Entrepreneur!
My dear friend and business partner, Meghan Gilroy, will be featured in the Modern Shaman Summit Nov 2-12th along with other top names in the world of shamanism. As a sought-after business coach, shamanic healer and retreat strategist, she’ll be sharing:
- Secret 1: Why Your Business is The Next Phase of Your Personal Evolution
- Secret 2: How You MUST Blend Strategy with Intuition to Succeed in a Soul-Powered Business
- Secret 3: The Crucial Mindset Shifts to Super-Size Your Transformational Power
So if travel, spirit and business are all passions of yours (they sure are ours!) then sign up now!
The Respect of a Spiritual Warrior
One of the most powerful aspects of a warrior is his respect – both for himself and for others. And although this sounds like a lovely thought, the question becomes, how does a warrior put the concept of respect into practice in his life?
First and foremost, a warrior has respect for herself. This means that she does not create situations that go against herself – like going to a party and somehow ending up with someone she does not want to be with (now that she’s not drunk anymore). Nor does she victimize herself with the daily situations that life presents her with.
For example, if she gets a flat tire, she doesn’t get angry and have a fit because she understands it’s not personal and doesn’t want to use life’s situations to raise her blood pressure and make herself sick.
In addition, a warrior knows that he cannot respect himself if he does not respect others. Rather than getting upset with others because they have different points of view, he respects their opinions and does not judge them.
He realizes some points of view create pain and suffering and others uplift, but he does not get angry if someone is doing or saying something that doesn’t align with his belief system. He knows that if he doesn’t respect others opinions they will never respect his.
A warrior never turns herself into a victim. If she victimizes herself, then she realizes she has no self-worth, and is living her life from the point of view of self-pity and self-importance. This way of living is the antitheses of self-respect.
Rather than enjoying the “rush” a victim gets from the emotions of righteous indignation, a warrior gets her “rush” from the emotions of inner peace and happiness.
Spiritual warriors are always grateful for their path in life, but they don’t criticize others for not following the same path as them, nor do they seek to make other’s paths wrong. They have a deeper understanding of the perfection of life and have respect for the way life unfolds. With that understanding, a warrior never takes what happens in life to heart.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you get angry when things do not go your way in life?
- Do you allow others to walk over you, and then do you end up projecting your anger at them because of your inability to set a boundary?
- Do you get yourself in dramatic situations that just seem to “happen” to you?
- Do you impose your opinion on others and have the need to make them wrong?
If you engage in any of these behaviors it’s time to take a look at what you are creating in your life and start adopting the respect of a spiritual warrior! ♥
Blessings & love, Sheri
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.