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WHAT’S NEW? Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have the most glorious fall and Thanksgiving! And may the beautiful colors of the season inspire you and bring you joy.
Blessings & love, Sheri
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Awaken your Inner Guru: Rishikesh, India
November 21–December 3rd, 2016 – LAST CALL!
Have you been thinking … “Where can I go where all parts of my being come alive… where my mind, spirit, soul and body vibrate with life and color?” “How can I open myself up to an endless world of possibilities?” “Does a place like this exist?” Our answer to you is: YES! and this place is INDIA!
India brings alive the colors of life and blends them together into a fine tapestry of joy never experienced before. Imagine yourself talking with some of the most sought after spiritual gurus. Contemplate the cleansing joy of bathing in the mountainous sacred Ganges river, in one of the most holy of lands. Fantasize about witnessing the edifice of LOVE: the Taj Mahal and realize the true nature of love and beauty. All of this awaits you and so much more on our trek to India!
This unique retreat with Terry Hodgkinson possesses the tools and experiences you’ve been looking for to makes the life changes you know you need to make now. India’s soil is rich in energy and practices that will reshape your thinking and completely change your world. Trip tuition: $2997 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $3787 USD – many meals included.
Details for India on Terry’s website!
The Gathering of the Shamans: Sedona, AZ
April 7-9, 2017
The Gathering of the Shaman’s retreat event in Sedona this past April sold out so fast and it’s going to do so again for next April 2017. Because Meghan (my biz partner) will be teaching again there next year they are allowing me to promote the event to all of you EARLY with special pricing!!
So if you are interested I would register NOW or by the time normal registration comes around the event will be filled again.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to retreat from your usual patterns of living and learn how to harness your inner power in entirely new ways. You’ll return to your life with fresh vision and know how to create your own reality as the work of art it was meant to be.
Can’t wait to see you there April 2017!
The Secret Life of the Spiritual Rebel
Recently I had an experience that almost every one of us has had to deal with – having one’s email account hacked. My luck, it happened while I was out and unaware, so by the end of the day every human I know received a wonderful link from me to a porn website – complements of someone who I imagine has too much time on their hands!
The whole event in and of itself was no big deal, and I set out to apologize to as many people as I could (sorry if you were one of those folks!). However, what surprised me was the number of extremely nasty notes from people. Not from the people I know well – they realized what had happened and that I would never do such a thing knowingly. But my email account is filled with thousands of people who have written me for advice over the years, or to comment about one of my books, or simply to vent something stressful in their lives – who do not know me well.
The largest number of folks in my email account have come to me through my connection to don Miguel Ruiz having read and enjoyed The Four Agreements. So I know that they are aware of the First Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word, and the Second Agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally. But that doesn’t mean anything – what we say we believe and how we actually translate those beliefs into our lives is a totally different story.
No matter what path you study, it’s one thing to resonate with your spiritual teachings and another thing to put them in into practice. It’s amazing how often people will recite The Four Agreements and then justify with all their personal power why they have the right to be angry, curse, project onto others, and be disrespectful. That’s when the spiritual teachings are great in theory but somehow don’t apply to “their life or situation.”
So it was for the people who felt it was acceptable to curse at me and send me flaming emails for something I never perpetrated upon them. And even if I did – there is still no reason to take anything personally. Either you believe this agreement is truth and will bring you happiness or you don’t – but you cannot agree with it when it suits you and then not agree with it when you feel like being pissed off!
That’s what I call the secret life of the spiritual rebel. It’s the person who looks all nice and spiritual on the outside but is still justifying their right to live as a victim, still secretly enjoying their righteous indignation, and still exercising their ability to blame others.
Truly I understand – I was one of those people too in the past. I loved to share all the wonderful new ideas I was learning on my spiritual path – but look at me the wrong way – and forgiveness, compassion and not taking you personally were out of sight and out of mind faster than you could blink.
Having been a spiritual rebel myself, I can say with all my heart that there is no excuse for treating others in a less than godly way. It doesn’t matter what happened, what the story was or the outcome, how hurt you were, or inconvenienced – there is no excuse, period. There is understanding: yes, unconditional love: yes, forgiveness: yes, but condoning – no.
So today I challenge you to look deeply inside and see if a spiritual rebel exists within you. Ask yourself if you justify falling back on old ways when you think you have been wronged. Do you allow all your spiritual truths to fly out the window in the need to be right? I’m curious what you think. Do post below and let me know what comes to mind! ♥
Blessings & love, Sheri
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.