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WHAT’S NEW? Finding Peace….
As the holiday season fast approaches we are challenged to stay in a place of peace and centeredness. We are often forced to choose between the very commercial presentation of the holidays versus the true meaning of the season. Some folks love the holidays where they get to connect with family and celebrate the love and appreciation they have for each other – and others feel alone, detached and depressed. I personally feel that this is the time to gather up souls and invite them to your celebration. If each of us invited one lonely person to our table it would do a lot to bring more joy to folks during the holiday season. <3
Blessings & love, Sheri
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Discover the Guru Within:
A Sacred Journey to India to Access Your Power, Peace & Divinity
February – March 6th
From bustling mega-cities to tiny villages, bask in the wisdom of India with Meenu & Pawan Deol on this 15 day journey for the open-hearted traveller.
You’ll learn to surrender to the present moment, trust your subtle intuition, and awaken to the divine energy of this wondrous land. Make this third-eye-opening retreat your priority for 2018!
Plus, you’ll experience firsthand the 5 cardinal principles of Santosha: Ahimsa, Moksha, Vidya and Yatra (contentment, nonviolence, liberation, self-knowledge and sacred travel) and their link to Atman, your inner truth.
Together we’ll visit Delhi, Haridwar (and celebrate Holi!), Vashistha’s Cave in Rishikesh, The Golden Temple in Amritsar, the Hola Mohalla festival in Anandpur Sahib, Dharamsala – India’s “Little Tibet,” PLUS Palampur in the foothills of the Himalayas!
Trip tuition: $3,897 USD, double occupancy – all breakfasts, welcome and farewell dinners included.
Details for India on Meenu & Pawan’s website!
Unconditional Love in Action
March 16th – 26th, 2018
Join Ian Folker on this profoundly heart-opening spiritual journey of service to Siem Reap, Cambodia – home of the incredible ancient temples of Angkor Wat. To open oneself deeply, to risk feeling the suffering of others, and to wish to relieve that suffering – is the definition of compassion and the cultivation of the Buddha within us. As Gandhi once said: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Some of the highlights of this amazing journey will be….
- Throughout the days of the tour – you will become familiar with our two school facilities. Our main campus located in Siem Reap serves more than 200 children daily.
- You will become a part of the class room learning environment, enjoy playtime and community, discover your desired area of service and find your heart opening with connection and service while becoming a part of their lives during the course of 10 days.
- Our newest school in the village of Nokor Krau provides additional opportunity for you to teach, share a smile, lend a hand and become a familiar presence with another 200 children.
- You’ll be able to prepare meals, teach English or support the staff in anyway you feel inspired to do.
And so much more!
Trip tuition: $1,847 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $495 Supplement USD.
Details for the Cambodia trip!
5 Awesome Truths To Live An Authentic Life
With everything going on around us, it’s hard not to feel completely overwhelmed. The environment, natural disasters, the politics of race, and then there are politics in general. Add to that the day-to-day stuff we face in our personal lives and it can all be downright crazy-making!
What we at Living Atman want to tell you is that you are not crazy, and you are definitely not alone. Many people are feeling exactly this way right now. The great news is that by stepping into your personal power you can transform these negative feelings. It all starts with anchoring in your inner truth, what we call Atman.
When you live your life connected to Atman, your True Self, you can tap into your limitless strength to handle whatever is going on around you. An authentic connection with Atman gives you the clarity you need to move forward with confidence and hope. To start seeing how much POWER you have in the world, embrace these 5 awesome truths for a happy, healthy, holy life:
1. Santosha ~ Contentment
This is all about being happy with the blessings we have already received in life. It’s knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.
Getting Started: A great way to practice Santosha is to wake up every morning and express gratitude to the universe. Saying a general heartfelt thank you, or focusing on something you are personally grateful for gets your brain in the habit of focusing on the positives!
2. Ahimsa ~ Nonviolence
Kindness and compassion can inform every choice you make including what we put in our bodies. Limit the amount of suffering that you contribute to in this world – your karma will love you for it!
Getting Started: Enjoy a meatless meal at least once a week. It’s the kindest choice you can make for your health, the planet and the animals. <3
3. Moksha ~ Liberation
What we spend our money on matters. We have incredible power to create positive change through our purchases. It’s time to take a stand!
Getting Started: Choose any product that you currently use that is unhealthy or unethical. Replace it with a sustainable, toxin-free option. This could be clothing, skincare, or a household product. Just one, you can do it!
4. Vidya ~ Self Knowledge
Journey into yourself and embrace the awareness that Atman brings. It’s only when you understand your reason for being that you can become unshakeable in your truth.
Getting Started: Try a new spiritual practice. Attend a yoga class or sign up for forest-bathing, join a drumming circle, or participate in a full moon meditation. It’s natural to experience resistance when trying something new. In fact, growth only happens when we are outside the comfort zone!
5. Yatra ~ Sacred Travel
This should be an easy one for you! Go on journeys that feed your soul. Visit places that vibrate love. Travel in the company of kind, inspired people and allow the group energy to uplift and inspire you.
Getting Started: Set aside time and money for transformational travel. Do away with typical vacations and replace them with journeys of self-discovery. Traveling in this way will let you break through old patterns and transform into the person you’re meant to be!
It’s up to each of us to create the life and world we want to live in. By embracing these 5 simple truths, you will begin to have an experience of Atman that will allow you to maximize your peace, power and effectiveness in the world.
If you’re a loving soul feeling disenchanted in today’s shocking world, then we would love to inspire you on a sacred trek through India’s spiritual wonders. On this beautiful journey you will learn to master chaos, reconnect with your deepest inner wisdom, and experience five awesome truths for a happier life!
If you are ready to surrender to the present moment, trust your subtle intuition, and awaken to the divine energy of India then join us in India for this third-eye-opening retreat: Discover the Guru Within – North India | Feb 18 – March 6, 2018!
Learn more about Meenu and Pawan’s Journey to India here!
Meenu & Pawan Deol are the sister duo who power Living Atman’s transformational experiences. They design heart-expanding, soul-awakening retreats that allow people to open up in ways they never thought possible, and have life-changing experiences that are truly enlightening. It is their mission to connect people with Atman, the True Self within, so they can live authentic lives full of purpose, power and joy.
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.