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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? New Trips, New Directions, New Energy!


The one thing we can be 100% certain of is change. And this year has been filled with it! I don’t know about you – but wow – I feel like I’ve been on a roller-coaster this whole year. I’m really curious about what you’ve been experiencing and I do hope you take a moment to post below and let me some of the things you’ve been through.

So now that it is almost the end of the year – I invite you to keep your eyes open for some new directions, new trips, and new energy here at Journeys of the Spirit. I am re-launching my personal website with a totally NEW direction which I am SOOOOO excited about (I can’t wait to share with you)!! There will be a new series of trips on the website reflecting my new direction along with our other wonderful offerings.

You may not be aware of this, but this past summer over 1000 people participated in my forgiveness program! Just so you know, that is going to re-launch with new videos this January. The free 4 video series is really powerful and is a prelude to my special 9 week online How to Forgive eCourse program (which is even more amazing if I may say so myself). What better way to start the new year than letting go of your old baggage and forgiving yourself or someone else you’ve been harboring resentment towards? I do hope you choose to participate in the actual 9 week course – as I put my heart and soul into it. 🙂


Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose: Bhutan – Dec 5-20th, 2012. Join author and aikido master Wendy Palmer for this sacred pilgrimage of meditation, chanting, prayer and ceremony – where we expand our consciousness and cultivate the compassion of Buddha within us. This trip is designed in the context of spiritual practice and our intent will be to strengthen our connection to wisdom, energy and compassion. Anyone with a committed and regular practice is welcome to participate.

swim with the wild dolphins

Awakening Your Divine Joy: Wild Dolphin Trip: Bimini, Caribbean – Dec 10-14 & Dec 19-23, 2012. Join Dolphin Whisperer Joe Noonan for an amazing, retreat to beautiful Bimini, Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. On this Nature-based retreat, we will be swimming in the vitally alive and healthy waters that surround Bimini, and we will visit pods of wild dolphins in their home, on their terms. Wild dolphins have an almost magical ability to activate us into heightened levels of joy and awakening; most everybody describes the experience as profoundly inspiring and life-changing!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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The Mapuche Experience: Patagonia, Chile
Dec 16-Dec 23rd, 2012

This special experience invites you to enter the Mapuche’s world and learn about their vision of the Universe, their customs and vast spirituality. Unlike other programs that offer a superficial and peripheral view of the culture, this experience offers you a truly unique opportunity: to become part of the community during the period of your stay.

When we refer to the Mapuche, we are speaking of individuals who have lived in constant union and harmony with the lands to which they belong, respecting Mother Earth’s laws and recognizing her sacredness. In this sense, it wouldn’t be possible to fully comprehend this marvelous cultural and spiritual tradition without integrating into the experience the possibility of a deep connection with Nature in this region: a connection that includes the dimension of the body, heart and Spirit.

The Kila Leufu endeavor is the result of the efforts of a Mapuche family, who out of pride for their traditions and a strong sense of community, have decided to open the doors to an ancient culture of profound wisdom, normally inaccessible to outsiders.The ranch also has its own farmland and organic garden, providing fresh and natural products for the daily meals.

Trip cost: approximately $1629.00 USD per person double occupancy, all meals included.
Details for Patagonia here!

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Gratitude and Blessings – A Letter from the Heart

Dear God,

Bimini Swim with Dolphins

I feel the need to share with you what is in my heart today. I’ve been working hard on my spiritual path and I can see all the miraculous changes in my life as a result. And I feel so blessed. I am grateful and happy for all the good in my life. Yet, I feel I must be honest with you – gratitude is not always in my heart.

I understand gratitude on an intellectual level. I know that I “should” feel gratitude for all the blessings in my life. I can even list all I have to be grateful for: my friends and family, the support in my life, the food on my table – truly the list is endless. Yet – Mother/Father/Spirit – I still complain about the very things I’m supposedly grateful for! The attitude I live my life from does not always reflect my gratitude, only my selfishness and I feel ashamed.

I often have judgmental thoughts that cross my mind, for example: That stupid gal at the check-out counter is SO slow!!! And then a moment later another thought will come in my mind like this: Well, you’re lucky you have the means to shop in the grocery store – you could be destitute or be in a refugee camp somewhere in the world. I often feel like a war is going on in my head and no one knows about it but me, and I feel so alone.

Bimini Swim with Dolphins

I realize that I cannot feel grateful at the same time that I’m being judgmental and opinionated. When I behave that way I can feel my heart closing and my unconditional love shrinking away – I despise that feeling, yet I do it anyway. It’s as if I can’t stop myself – I can actually see and hear the words coming out of my mouth, yet I feel powerless to change them.

I often wonder; why do I focus on what’s not good enough in my life rather than what is beautiful? I know that if I truly had gratitude for everything I’d laugh when my mind proposed a judgment because I’d know there is no bad or good only the “what is.” I’d be able to know the truth of your perfection and recognize that I don’t have access to the bigger picture. I want to have faith in your truth Father/Mother/Spirit, not my ego-mind’s limited and frightened viewpoint!

I want live my life honestly, I want to walk my talk – yet my thoughts betray me and I get impatient and irritated with myself. I don’t want to be living a lie. How can I live my life in truth?

My Beloved Child,

Truth is a funny thing for the human ego-mind – it gets so confused between the personal truth of a limited belief system and my truth. My truth, which lives in hearts of all living beings, can be alluded to by one human concept: Love. I say alluded to, because the truth of Love is infinite and no human concept or word can capture the glory and majesty of it.

Spiritual Dolphin Adventure

When you allow my truth to express though you, the reaction of your human body is gratitude and bliss. And the only thing stopping Love from being your reality every moment of your life is where you choose to place your attention. When you shift your attention from your heart to your mind you are no longer living my truth, but instead living the truth of your ego’s concepts. And child, those concepts can never be my truth as they are limited which is against my nature.

Your mind, the ability you have to be conscious of your consciousness, is my gift to you. You can either let it reflect the power and glory of infinite possibility, or you can fill it with lies. It’s your choice, that’s what free will is about. If you choose to believe in what is not truth, you will suffer. If you choose to believe in what is truth, you will be free.

Child, have faith in my power which lives within you and use it to take control of your attention. Once focused on my truth, heaven on earth will be yours forever. This is my promise to you. I love you and I bless you always and forever…

The pictures of the dolphins are from Joe Noonan who runs our dolphin adventures.

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Guatemala spiritual journey

Skanda Yoga, The Art of Transcendence
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – Register NOW!
Trip Leaders: Ken von Roenn III & Lina Vallejo
December 9-15th, 2012

Peru spiritual journey

Awakening Solstice at Willka T’ika
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
December 13-24th, 2012

Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose
Trip Leader: Wendy Palmer
December 15-21st, 2012

Swim with the dolphins

Awakening Your Divine Joy – Wild Dolphin Trip
Bimini, Caribbean – ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS LEFT!
Trip Leader: Joe Noonan
Dec 10-14 & Dec 19-23, 2012

The Mapuche Experience

The Mapuche Experience
Patagona, Chile – NEW!
Trip Leader: Walter Lema
Dec 16-Dec 23rd, 2012


Cambodia Volunteer Journey

Unconditional Love in Action
Siem Reap (Angkor Wat), Cambodia
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
Jan 23-Feb 2nd, 2013


Peru spiritual journey

A Journey of Light to the Heart of Peru: Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca
Trip Leaders: Pat Crosby, Reverend Mel Morishige, Karen Yue
Feb 18th-Mar 2nd, 2013


Peru spiritual journey

The South Island & Soul of the Maori: New Zealand
New Zealand
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
March 2-10th, 2013


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
Bhutan spiritual journey
swim with the wild dolphins
Sheri Rosenthal
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Bimini Swim with Dolphins
Spiritual Dolphin Adventure
Guatemala spiritual journey
Peru spiritual journey
Bhutan spiritual journey
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