From the teleseries Women on the Edge of Evolution comes a dialogue exploring the possibilities and potentials of a radically new archetype of motherhood, one that holds the key to personal and planetary transformation. To listen simply click the green button on the right –>

Katherine Woodward Thomas and her lovely daughter!
What meaning does motherhood have to those of us now pushing the leading edge of culture and consciousness? As women become less and less defined by their traditional roles as mothers and caregivers, what new foundation might there be for a new, evolutionary archetype of motherhood to emerge? And what is the significance of this emergence personally and collectively?
Barbara Marx Hubbard – social innovator, speaker, author, educator and leader in the new worldview of conscious evolution – discusses Planetary Motherhood with Women on the Edge of Evolution hosts Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit.
Katherine Woodward Thomas is the national bestselling author of Calling in “The One,” a licensed psychotherapist and the co-creator and co-leader of the Feminine Power transformative courses for women. Claire Zammit is a highly trained transformative educator, the co-creator of the Feminine Power courses for women and co-leader of a thriving, global community of women.
Please join Katherine Woodward Thomas & Miriam Martineau for their
Raising Empowered, Radiant Daughters: Mother/Daughter Retreat! (coming soon!)