TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Book of the Month
Our Guest Article | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? Happiness!
I’ve got to tell you about two movies that are making their way into the general consciousness: Happy and I Am. It’s really exciting to me to see more and more movies addressing our state of being, our interconnectedness, and the condition of our planet. Perhaps is the whole 2012 thing, or maybe the amount of us out there that are choosing to wake up has reached a critical point. Whatever the reason, it bring great joy to my heart.
Writer, producer and director of some of the most successful comedies of the late 1990s and early 2000s, Tom Shadyac is most notable for hit films such as: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), The Nutty Professor (1996), Liar Liar (1997), and Bruce Almighty (2003) and is the inspiration behind both of these movies. After he had a critical accident and faced death – he experienced a shift that inspired him to get involved with these films, especially the film “I AM.” Check out the official website by clicking the links above, watch the video and let me know what you think!
Blessings and love,
Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Ready to finally create the life you’ve been dreaming of?
Excited, but a bit afraid to step out boldly and bravely?
No worries, ’cause you’ve got support, clarity and
a plan – ready and waiting for you!
2012 is a pivotal year and the winds of change are blowing strong. We can all feel it – paradigms are shifting, structures are falling, and old ways are…well…going by the wayside! Just as our larger structures are being challenged so are our personal structures. As aware students of spirituality, we must ask ourselves which of our old structures (that we’ve been clinging to out of fear) need to go so that we can make way for the new.
I invite you to join Sheri Rosenthal July 13-15, 2012, (Friday evening to Sunday morning) for a powerful workshop in Gretna, Louisiana (near New Orleans). During our time together we’ll get clear on the direction we want to go and discover the self-imposed blocks that are stopping us from getting there.
We’ll delineate the actions we need to take to make our dreams manifest and shine the light on the subtle acts of sabotage that prevent our success. If you have big plans for the next 5 years, don’t miss this opportunity to ground your dreams into reality and live your best life with joy and passion!
Tuition for Sheri’s workshop is $395.00. When you hit the light-grey Add to Cart button below, your selection will go immediately into the shopping cart. When you are finished, then click the “checkout” link below.
If you don’t wish to register online or are having issues, call 727.421.0849 or email us.
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The Oneness Gospel by Charlene Proctor
What will empower you and sustain your relationships in the new age? We are all one with God. We are all one with each other. But how can we embrace these simple truths in our everyday lives?
Many Indian teachers, as well as Jesus, have offered this insight and encouraged us to open up to our own potential. In her revolutionary book, bestselling author Charlene M. Proctor, PhD, unites spiritual wisdom from the East and West to help readers experience Christ consciousness in the here and now.
Combining the Oneness teachings of India with a fresh look at the New Testament, she gives profound but practical advice on releasing your emotional suffering, shifting disorder to order in your personal life, and embracing the present moment. Through ancient and contemporary wisdom and personal stories, you’ll expand your heart and mind and awaken to your eternal nature.
**Buy The Oneness Gospel today and receive some very special free gifts!
Becoming one with parts of ourselves we don’t want to claim…
Recently, my experiences of integrating aspects of myself have led me to some new/old awareness’s. I sense that each of us is being given many opportunities to see what we don’t want to own about ourselves. Whether we’re being shown through interactions, through accidents or illnesses, through events that occur seemingly at random, or through our own moods, we are getting reflections of where we are. And where we’re not.
How can we be “away” from our selves? Easy! It happens every time you feel a prickle of tears and decide not to cry. Every time someone speaks unkindly to you and you want to set a boundary but swallow your words. Every time you decide to be a different person than you really are.
I find that some parts of myself are easier to claim than others. I feel comfortable owning that I am a good cook. I feel less comfortable owning that I have a big destiny in this world. Thinking of myself in terms of my gifts and greatness seems like asking for a “giant smack down” from the universe. I am more afraid of my own power than I am of getting sick of getting some awful disease!
We all get “smack downs” from the universe in the form of our authority figures as we grow up. We learn that it is best to hide out, to conform, to cheapen ourselves, to settle. Our survival strategy pays off in the short term because we live through something intolerable. But in the long run, the parts of ourselves we hold at arms length may be the very thing that saves us.
The discovery of self is my most passionate quest. It is like the hunger for the next horizon, the push to find the edge of the frontier; I am a treasure-hunting pioneer in the landscape of my psyche, and my happiness is absolutely connected with the re-finding of aspects of myself I threw off in my attempt to fit in. I have found no greater joy than in being reunited with long lost parts of myself.
And as I piece together those parts of self, like I do in my collage work, I come into greater actualization of my blueprint, the purpose of my being here. The more I claim my whole self, the more I can show up in the world.
Take a little psyche/soul inventory:
- What are aspects of yourself that you had as a child that you haven’t seen in awhile, but perhaps you get a glimpse of every now and then? Qualities like innocence, fearlessness, independence, curiosity, or unapologetic joy?
- What kinds of myths/fairy tales/stories interested you?
- What kinds of questions did you ask? What were you curious about?
- What reflections are being brought to you, over and over, that make you uncomfortable and want to hide from the truth inside yourself? There is an important key here to owning your greatness.
My experience shows me that these are qualities of my psyche, my soul, and are with me always. And they are the blueprint of who I really am.
**Join Licia and Teresa for a very special women’s retreat:
“Heaven on Earth – the Creative Path for Embodied Spirituality: New Mexico – Oct 19-23rd, 2012
(Interested? Excellent! You can register here.)
Blessings & light – Licia Berry
Licia Berry is an heart-centered artist, published author and educator. A 25 year veteran teacher in the creative, sacred and transformative arts, Licia has facilitated self-discovery and insight workshops, teleclasses, and led retreats nationwide. Licia has a deep and abiding love and passion for integrative traditions.
A licensed massage therapist, Teresa Husband is also a life-time spiritual explorer. Her in depth knowledge of the physical body combined with years of deep inner work truly compliment all that Teresa brings to her personal one-on-one sessions. Her ability to allow the divine to flow during her massage and healing sessions greatly impacts her clients’ well-being.
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Explore & Express Your Authentic Artistic Vision |
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Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile |
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A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon |
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Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! |
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Awaken in the Andes |
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Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders |
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Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom |
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Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit |
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The Awakening! a Women’s Intuition, Yoga & Life Mastery Retreat |
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Inspire Your Creative Soul! (Painting Retreat) |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.