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Ales’ Travel Column! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,

Thich Nhat Hanh
WHAT’S NEW? Compassion! I am concerned about the media and people’s response to the capture and death of Osama bin Laden. One thing that I have learned on my spiritual path is that hate begets hate. When we kill from the point of view of revenge or anger – it only can create more of the same. If I get revenge out of anger I am taking the exact same action as the terrorist and I have become him.
I know this is a difficult place to come from – but world peace depends upon us. We must have peace in our own mind to have peace on earth. I love this quote by Zen monk and Nobel Peace Prize winner Thich Nhat Hanh. If you have a moment I encourage you to read this article: What I Would Say to Osama bin Laden. Please post below and let me know how you are feeling about all of this.
“We must look deeply and honestly at our present situation. If we are able to see the sources for the suffering within ourselves and within the other person, we can begin to unravel the cycle of hatred and violence. When our house is on fire, we must first put out the fire before investigating its cause. Likewise, if we first extinguish the anger and hatred in our own heart, we will have a chance to deeply investigate the situation with clarity and insight in order to determine all the causes and conditions that have contributed to the hatred and violence we are experiencing within ourselves and within our world.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
SANTA FE, NM: Healthy, Spiritual & Conscious Relationships – June 17-22nd
Sign up by May 15th – the price is going up!
NORTH DAKOTA: Vision Quest into the Badlands – July 2-12th
KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! – Oct 3-15th REGISTER EARLY!
Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!
Blessings and love, Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Picture of Thich Nhat Hanh from his website
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NORTH DAKOTA: Vision Quest into the Badlands – July 2-12th REGISTER NOW!
- Step out of your daily routines and broaden your sense of Self
- Realign with the original intention of your soul’s purpose
- Gain greater perspective like the eagle, yet stay balanced in the earth realm
- Overcome your fears and embrace your birthright of freedom
Join facilitator Samvedam Randles on this sacred Vision Quest to the ridge of the Badlands of North Dakota where the vistas are expansive and bison and coyote walk freely. In preparation for our powerful quest we will be lodging in rustic cabins in Killdeer where we’ll be asking important questions such as: What do we need to let go of and leave behind? What new inner spaces do we want to open? Where does our inner guidance want to take us next? The 2011 trip cost is: $1995.00 USD per person dormitory style occupancy, including meals as indicated in the itinerary. Details for Badlands here.
Want to go Deeper into Yeshua’s Original Aramaic Teachings?

Dale Allen Hoffman
♥Join Dale Allen Hoffman and I – Thurs, May 12th at 8:30 pm eastern, 5:30 pacific time (he’s the facilitator for our Sedona – Sept 22-27th) retreat.
We’ll be chatting about: 5 Keys to Awakening the Aramaic Breath of Life Within! and the 3 vital relationship keys that can transform your greatest “sticking points” and challenges into spiritual strengths. He will also chat about what he will be sharing on his upcoming retreat!
Sign up NOW!
Dale is considered by many to be one of the world’s leading authorities on the direct, practical application of the ancient Aramaic teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and how we can utilize these insights to radically transform our spiritual awareness almost instantaneously.
Calling all Wild Women & World Explorers!

Melinda Johnston
♥Join Melinda Johnson and I – Tuesday, May 24th at 8:30 pm eastern, 5:30 pacific time (we are both facilitating the Kenya – Oct 3-15th) retreat.
Ladies, we’ll be chatting about: Discovering Your Integrity, Purpose, Peace, & Passion! – and what are the necessary tools and perspectives we need to to step ahead in our lives fully in our feminine power. We’ll also be sharing what will be happening on their upcoming retreat!
Sign up NOW!
Together Sheri and Melinda will share important information on how to step back and look at your life with new eyes so you can identify what aspects are not aligning with your integrity so you can start in a new direction – one filled with passion and light which follows your greater purpose. Truly we have the most joy in life when we know we are leading meaningful, stress-free, inspired lives.
Need Some Clarity & a New Point of View?
Do you…
- Wake up wondering whose life you’re living?
- Feel like you’re lacking clarity?
- Find yourself short-tempered, frustrated or unhappy?
- Wish your relationships were more supportive and loving?
- Want to forgive and move on, but can’t?
- Crave freedom from your own life and mind?

Sheri Rosenthal
♥ Are you ready to break out of the box you call reality? If so, join Sheri for a personal intensive! It’s a powerful experience and is a great way to jump-start your life. In my experience, the root of most people’s issues is a belief system that is sabotaging their life – rather than supporting it. These intensives will take place in St Petersburg, Florida. It’s a lovely place to take time to reflect upon your life and walking on the beach is beautiful and peaceful. You’ll stay on St Pete Beach during your intensive. Figure we’ll spend around 3 hours together in the morning and then you’ll do your assignments in the afternoon. Then we’ll catch back up for ~1 hour in the evening to re-cap.
Details here.
Last month my 9 year old son, Isaac and I went on our annual spring vacation. We discussed going back to Orlando, Florida as there were still a few places we haven’t seen on our previous journeys. Spending a few days visiting some of the parks, a whole day at the Kennedy Space Center, and a couple of peaceful days relaxing by the pool were top on our list!
Before leaving I started thinking about how I could keep myself centered, grounded and fully present for Issac so I could make this an enjoyable experience for both of us. It breaks my heart to see: parents shouting at their children, crying kids, and unhappy families – even though it’s supposed to be a wonderful time together.
For some reason I was getting anxious a day or two before our departure, doubting the decisions I had made regarding our trip. I could see a litany of thoughts and feelings going through me, and realized these were the same thoughts I have before every trip, no matter where I’m going. It didn’t matter if it was a business trip to South East Asia (which I do all the time), or if I was visiting family back in Europe – I was always doubting myself and it always caused me a lot of anxiety. However today was different – with awareness, this was my opportunity to stop the way I was thinking and to free myself from my old beliefs.
Once we were underway, I was very aware of my underlying thoughts and emotions and I realized that they had nothing to do with the trip itself – but rather with how I thought and felt about myself.
I watched my son being so free and filled with joy and happiness. It didn’t matter what he did: enjoying all the rides, swimming in the pool and even going out for dinner. I asked myself: “Why don’t I experience this freedom anymore?” and realized because I don’t allow myself. I felt I needed to be serious and didn’t deserve to have fun, after all there are so many others that can’t afford this kind of journey, who are struggling every day, etc. My underlying belief became very clear in the first 2 days: I didn’t deserve to be here! What a revelation!
With this awareness I started catching myself as soon as these kinds of thoughts surfaced and I affirmed myself: “You deserve to be here, enjoy life and have a wonderful time with your son.” I took a deep breath, making a conscious decision to feel deserving and allowed myself to enjoy each moment. It’s amazing the difference a few moments of breathing and re-affirming yourself can make.
It was as if I had become a child again. I felt free and liberated, shouting together with my son when we went down steep hills on roller coasters and getting soaking wet on the water rides. Nothing seemed to matter except enjoying every moment. Even my son told me: “You’re crazy dad!” What a great compliment!
My experience and insights during the first few days of our journey made our trip an unforgettable experience and I continue to nourish and grow my enthusiasm about life and who I am.
Disneyworld was the last place I ever thought I’d be going on a spiritual journey to! It just goes to show that every journey can be a spiritual journey.
Have you ever had a similar experience to mine during your travels? Please post below how your journey opened you to new insights or changed your life – I’d love to hear from you!
Wishing you all a wonderful spring, Ales Stuna, Director of Custom Travel.
SANTA FE, NM: Healthy, Spiritual & Conscious Relationships
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
June 17-22nd, 2011 (price goes up May 15th!)
NORTH DAKOTA: Vision Quest into the Badlands
Trip Leader: Samvedam Randles
July 2-14th, 2011
PERU & MACHU PICCHU: Spiritual Mysteries of the Incas
Trip Leader: Romulo Castilla & Carrie Plocher
August 17-29th, 2011 (price goes up June 1st!)
ZION NATIONAL PARK: Art & Spirit Painting Retreat
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
Sept 14-18th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Sept 20-26th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
SEDONA: The Aramaic Breath of Life: Awakening in the Desert
Trip Leader: Dale Allen Hoffman
Sept 22-27th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
DOLORES, CO: Revolution! Intuitive Awareness & Communication Retreat
Trip Leader: Kathy Knowles & Joy Valenti Kochmer
Sept 24-28th, 2011 (price goes up June 21st!)
TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Creating Divine Partnerships
Trip Leaders: Greg & Tamara Montana
September 24-30th (price goes up July 1st!)
KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! REGISTER EARLY!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal & Melinda Johnson
Oct 3-15th, 2011 (price goes up June 1st!)
PERU & MACHU PICCHU: The Heart & Soul of Pachamama
Trip Leader: Carol Rydell
October 13-23rd -Lake Titicaca extension Oct 23-25th (price goes up Aug 1st!)
SANTORINI, GREECE: Inspire Your Creative Soul!
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
October 14-21st, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
DAY OF THE DEAD: Oaxaca Mexico: A Celebration of Life!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Oct 29th-Nov 6th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)
Dear Ken,
Exactly! These people represent the dark shadows that live within us all individually and in the conjoined human consciousness. Rather than rejecting them, it is up to us to take them in, transmute and heal them. In Buddhism they do Tonglan, which is a way to take in the suffering of all sentient beings and relieve it. A practice that does more to help humanity than cheering about revenge.
All my love, Sheri
Dear Kim,
Thank you for posting! We love you too! xoxoxo Sheri
A couple of Sunday evening’s ago my son called to tell me to turn on the TV – Osama Bin Laden had been killed & President Obama was about to speak. As I listened to Mr. Obama I became sickened to hear his positive comments about killing another human being. To see the young people rejoicing and chanting USA was repulsive. I did not feel safer; and certainly this killing brought us further from world peace. Later I felt compassion for our soldiers who put Mr. Bid Laden to death; the killing will certainly visit them in their dreams/nightmares. Some believe we are pure energy – light, and we are all connected – one. If this is so Osama Bin Laden, and Adolf Hitler, for that matter are part of me. Hating them is self hatred. The day was a sad day for mankind.
I heart you Ales, thank you for sharing this lovely story and awesome insight xoxoxo and you too Sheri 😉
Dear Kim, thank you very much for your post. With love & Blessings, Ales