TAKE ME TO: Our Featured Journey/Retreat | Teleclasses, Events & Workshops
Quote of the Month! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? Fear & Anxiety! Granted – the news inundates us with thousands of things to be worried about every day – but if we observe all of these events from a place of neutrality another picture emerges. We can see a fledgling consciousness coming forth, old structures dissolving, paradigms falling apart and useless ways of functioning being challenged. And that I believe is a good thing – nothing to be afraid of. Quite the contrary – that is exciting and something to look forward to!
Yet – when we fall into our state of separateness from Infinite Consciousness/Spirit/God, we forget that we are loved, acknowledged, cared for and appreciated. We forget we are the eyes of Spirit functioning in this dream. We get nervous and worried about everything, concerned about the future and tortured by the past. We lose our center, purpose and passion.
That’s why having some kind of spiritual practice these days is crucial. Whatever that is for you – meditation, yoga, prayer, church/temple/mosque, spiritual community – this must take a prominent position in your life. I know many of you feel very uncertain about your future, but it is going to be okay somehow. Being proactive at the same time as you have faith in who you are in this world are both critical aspects of making it through these times.
I invite you to my upcoming journey to a rarely visited part of the Grand Canyon – Havasupai Falls for a special journey on Living Fearlessly September 20-26th. You’ll experience sacred Indian land and turquoise waters – the perfect respite from the craziness of life. But most of all you’ll come away with a new attitude about fear – and that is priceless. If you’re interested in this subject – sign up for my upcoming free teleclass on Transcending Fear below! I’m curious about your level of fear and anxiety these days – post below and let me know how you are dealing with it! ♥
SEDONA: The Aramaic Breath of Life: Awakening in the Desert – Sept 22-27th
Early-bird pricing special ends July 1st!
KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! – Oct 3-15th
Early-bird pricing special ends July 1st!
SANTORINI, GREECE: Inspire Your Creative Soul! – October 14-21th
Early-bird pricing special ends August 1st!
Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!
Blessings and love, Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
The beautiful picture of the woman praying is thanks to Kevin Rawlings
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KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! – Oct 3-15th
- Connect with the feminine earth energy and wildlife of the Motherland!
- Befriend members of the Masai warrior tribe!
- Share and journey in sacred circle with a group of awesome women!
- Give deeply through donating and participating in community projects!
- Witness the most powerful animals on our planet: lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, zebras, wildebeest, & gazelles!
This Woman’s Safari of the Soul with author Sheri Rosenthal and LUX World Travel owner Melinda Johnson will embrace you on every level of your mind, body and spirit. Through heart-felt circles, ceremony, meditation, and connection with our mother-earth – we will celebrate Africa, the Motherland of life. As sisters, we will honor the earth and ourselves by discovering and re-connecting to the innate rhythm of our deep personal being.
Discovering our integrity, purpose, peace, and passion through our experience of adventure, connection and giving will be powerful and fulfilling. There is no doubt that we will come home transformed, refreshed and inspired – with an intuitive knowing of where we stand in the world. Connecting with the feminine earth energy and wildlife of the motherland of all humanity is the focus of this amazing spiritual journey to Kenya, Africa. The 2011 trip cost is: $5995.00 USD per person double occupancy minimum of 10 participants (early-bird discount!), including meals as indicated in the itinerary. Sign-up by July 1st – the trip price is going up to $6595.00! Details for Kenya here.
~Is It Possible to Have Fear & Still Live Boldly?~

Sheri Rosenthal
♥Join me – Thursday, July 7th at 8:30 pm eastern, 5:30 pacific time for a powerful free teleclass. We’ll be talking about: Transcending Fear! – and what are the necessary tools to step through our uncertainties and live fully in our power. I’ll also be sharing what will be happening on my upcoming Havasupai Falls Retreat – Sept 20-26th. Sign up NOW!
On this call we will move past the fears that are holding you back from creating your best life, and let go of troublesome mental limitations. Together we’ll transcend any fears we have about what we can or cannot accomplish in our lives. Imagine what life could be like if you could take any action in life regardless of whether or not you felt afraid or if your mind was filled with objections!
~Feeling Stifled, Overwhelmed & Disconnected?
Activate your Creative Soul!~
♥Join join renowned shaman-ess, artist, & teacher extraordinaire Linda Jacobson and I – Saturday, July 23rd at 12:00 noon eastern, 9:00 am pacific time for a wonderful teleclass on: Feeling Stifled, Overwhelmed & Disconnected? Activate your Creative Soul! (she is facilitating the ZION NATIONAL PARK: Art & Spirit Painting Retreat – Sept 14-18th and SANTORINI, GREECE: Inspire Your Creative Soul! – October 14-21st Retreats).
Linda believes: Each one of us has untapped creative abilities that can deepen our understanding and connection to the world. Enhanced levels of creativity make us flexible and able to cope with the uncertainties of our changing world. They can help us to have insights and breakthroughs as we navigate our way to higher levels of expression and actualization. Don’t miss this class! Sign up NOW!
Words of Wisdom for the Heart
Dear Lord,
I may not see the sun and moon lose their light.
I may not witness rivers turn red, or stars fall from the sky.
Yet there are times when my world becomes unhinged
and the foundations of what I believe crack and dissolve.
Give me the grace to believe that Your power is at work
in the turmoil of my life.
Lead me to remember that Your power is greater than all evil,
and though the world may rock and sometimes break,
it will in time be transformed by Your Love.
~author unknown
ZION NATIONAL PARK: Art & Spirit Painting Retreat
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
Sept 14-18th, 2011 (price goes up August 1st!)
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Sept 20-26th, 2011 (price goes up July 15th!)
SEDONA: The Aramaic Breath of Life: Awakening in the Desert
Trip Leader: Dale Allen Hoffman
Sept 22-27th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
DOLORES, CO: Revolution! Intuitive Awareness & Communication Retreat
Trip Leader: Kathy Knowles & Joy Valenti Kochmer
Sept 24-28th, 2011 (price goes up June 21st!)
TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Creating Divine Partnerships
Trip Leaders: Greg & Tamara Montana
September 24-30th (price goes up July 1st!)
KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! REGISTER EARLY!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal & Melinda Johnson
Oct 3-15th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)
PERU & MACHU PICCHU: The Heart & Soul of Pachamama
Trip Leader: Carol Rydell
October 13-23rd -Lake Titicaca extension Oct 23-25th (price goes up Aug 1st!)
SANTORINI, GREECE: Inspire Your Creative Soul!
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
October 14-21st, 2011 (price goes up August 1st!)
DAY OF THE DEAD: Oaxaca Mexico: A Celebration of Life!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Oct 29th-Nov 6th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)
MAYAN RIVIERA: Prayer Beads & Altars
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Kathy Benson
Nov 9-15th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)
TULUM, MEXICO: Atmananda Yoga Retreat
Trip Leaders: Jhon Tamayo
Dec 3-10th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)
PALENQUE, MEXICO: A Shamanic Portal to 2012
Trip Leaders: Fu-Ding Cheng & Linda Jacobson
Dec 8-13th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)
ANGKOR WAT, CAMBODIA: Unconditional Love in Action
Trip Leader: David Ault
End of January – Beginning of February (price goes up Oct 1st, 2011!)
I love the prayer Sheri, it reminds me of this one by Rabindranath Tagore :
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
but hope for the patience to win my freedom.
Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling
Your mercy in my success alone; but let me find
the grasp of Your hand in my failure.
I love you my Sheri amor <3
Beautiful Kim! Thank you for sharing this! xoxo