TAKE ME TO: Events & Workshops | Guest Article
Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance | Post a comment!
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? Forgiveness Rules!
As I promised the 9 week online How to Forgive eCourse is back to start the new year out right.
Go to www.howtoforgive-ecourse.com to watch the brand-new FREE video series (NOT the same as last year) by signing up today.
If you like the free series please consider joining me in the 9 week paid program that follows. It’s pretty special.
PLEASE NOTE: *If you signed up last year it will tell you that you’re already signed-up and ask you – do you want to sign-up again? Say YES! See you there!
Blessings and love,
Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Embodying the Heart of the Mystic: Andalucía & Costa del Luz, Spain
April 13-20, 2013
Awaken within you the inspiration of the spiritual artist and mystic, a 7-day journey to Southern Spain. Join Rita Rivera Fox, Master Toltec Teacher and spiritual visionary featured in the film “Awaken – Soul to Soul” and Ellen Luksch, poet and counselor, to explore ancient sites of devotion and mystical power to open to your heart’s wisdom and your awareness of unity.
We’ll embody this opening through hiking, yoga, poetry, music, and meditation. Our lovely accommodations are at the peaceful and beautiful Suryalila Retreat Center, situated adjacent to mountains, sea, and stunningly beautiful and culturally rich towns of Andalucia.
Be moved by the brilliant light of Southern Spain with its prehistoric cave paintings, ancient coastal ruins, cave churches and majestic fir trees while exploring the depths of your own heart-wisdom through expanded awareness, movement and restoring your connection to the power of nature. This is the trip for all of you: body, mind and spirit. Watch the video on the right to learn more! –>
Trip Cost: $1795 USD (€1369) per person, double occupancy, including three meals a day. Registration is NOW. Details for Spain here!
Building your business? I’ve got a great event for you!
Join me (Sheri) – April 25-28, 2013 in Orlando, Florida at the 2013 Be The Change Event. I’m going to have a booth at this crazy event and I have 8 tickets TWO tickets left to gift (it’s part of my booth package) and I want to give them away to the people I love the most – you folks!
This wonderful event has excitement, energy, opportunity and real strategies for explosive growth in your business. And more networking than ever before. But that’s just the beginning! Because Be the Change is more than an event, its an experience. More than a gathering, it’s a phenomenon.
More than another feel-good exercise, it’s a launching pad for REAL, lasting business success. Because what worked ten years ago, or five years ago, or even three … just doesn’t cut it anymore. So when you sign up now to attend Be the Change, you’ll receive fresh off the press access to powerful strategies that work NOW.
And best of all – instead of paying the $997.00 current rate – you can come as my guest! Isn’t THAT sweet?
If you’re interested – please sign up here ASAP so you can get a ticket and get the deets! Want more information? Details for Be the Change here!
Living Aligned With The Flow & Magic of Life
I was on the plane flying into Hawaii for my annual 5 week getaway into nature when I suddenly remembered upon landing that I hadn’t booked my hotel for that first night. I had two opportunities to book a hotel. Once when I made my flight and again when confirming my flight, but I just didn’t feel guided to.
On the plane I made my list of intentions for my “Ideal Trip to Hawaii” which included “connecting with open, spiritual, heart centered happy people who share the same values as me and have wonderful gifts and talents that are willing and thrilled to share with me.”
The trip got off to a great start – on both flights I manifested extra leg room emergency exit row seating – sweet! I’m 6’2″ so that gift just made my vacation! And then – I heard guy the sitting next to me talk about a sermon he was giving.
We got to chatting and he told me about his brush with depression, how it nearly killed him, how he overcame it, wrote a book about it, and now was here with a group of missionaries over the next 10 days to speak and empower people to embrace God into their lives.
I told him I was an author as well and he gave me his book. I met his friends who were all fabulous open and warm spiritual people who instantly embraced me and we traveled through the airport together.
They invited me to their hotel, a bus with a tour guide picked us up from the airport and we laughed our way to a great hotel where I got my own room. I woke up in the morning and had breakfast with my new friends and spent the ENTIRE morning immersed in great company exploring spiritual ideas, stories and spontaneous healing.
Oh – and the bus station I had to get to in order to make my way up north that same day was situated only a 10 minute taxi drive from my hotel. I LOVE MY LIFE! Can it get any better than this?
This experience of divine synchronicity coming in to guide me was a beautiful way to start off my trip, and talking with my new friends got me thinking just how little room we make in our lives for “The Universe” – or God to come in and “surprise us” with grace.
You know what I mean, these amazing connections and synchronicities, when things just pop in almost delivered to you on a silver platter.
Think about it, just how jammed packed is your schedule? With all the meetings, appointments, clients, networking events, writing, proposals, etc., when was the last time you scheduled in some time to just EXPLORE what life has in store for you?
Schedule time for yourself to just BE, to be in the flow of life, to let go of the reigns a bit and I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised. Look at your calendar and block some “ME” time out. If you don’t block it out I guarantee your work and business will. The most common complaint I hear from my clients is that there is NEVER enough time. You have to make time, that’s the whole illusion of time.
I had no other plans for my 5 week trip other than to teach a special workshop along the way. I said YES to life – I was invited by a client of mine who purchased my book last year when it came out, how perfect is that?
I love how my speaking career has me sharing myself in a place where my toes get to delight in wearing flip flops! And get this – a year ago to the date EXACTLY on March 8th when my client received my book in the mail last year, I arrived in here in Hawaii this year – March 8th. Love the synchronicity!
And it keeps getting better – so my message for you today my breakthrough to success tip is to create some space in your schedule to allow grace to show up and surprise you. I promise you won’t die if you let go of control.
Who knows where life might take you, you might even wind up on a beach somewhere sipping lemonade in the sun. The universe has a perfect plan for you if you will only allow it to unfold.
To Your Love, Expansion and Freedom,
Vanessa Simpkins
Vanessa is the author of “From bankrupt to $900 a Day Selling Mops,” a coach & transformational workshop leader. Once a struggling holistic practitioner stuck in a bad relationship and declaring bankruptcy, she is now on a mission to help women break free from controlling situations, relationships, and self imposed limitations of the mind so they can TAKE their power back and create a life + business by design instead of by default and THRIVE! Vanessa loves to teach in amazingly beautiful locations and cannot wait to share her love of Kauai with you! (The pictures above are from Hawaii!)
Join her “Take Your Power Back – A Women’s Retreat” in Kauai, Hawaii this March 18-25th, 2013!
Registration is NOW!
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Take Your Power Back – A Women’s Retreat |
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Embodying the Heart of the Mystic |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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Access your Dreams Retreat |
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Oneness Awakening Wild Dolphin Trip |
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Dreaming Heaven! |
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A Women’s Journey to Avalon |
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The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.