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Angel of Death
WHAT’S NEW? Everything can change in one moment…
Last week I mentioned how touched I was by all the recent deaths in the news and then on top of all of that a VERY dear friend of mine passed away on Friday night.
He was fine when we met 2 months ago and then three weeks ago was diagnosed with a virulent form of colon cancer and now is gone.
So I wrote an article below about living a life filled with love – and I hope it has meaning for you. It sure does for me. 🙂
Blessings & love, Sheri
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The Land of Legends: Wales, Celtic Britain
May 24th-June 2nd, 2016
Wales is majestic and otherworldly – lush green valleys filled with morning mist, craggy mountain peaks reaching to the clouds, a coastline to stretch the imagination to the horizon and a formidable reputation founded on legends of druids, wizards and witches.
As the last retreat of the inhabitants of ancient Albion, the Welsh are still connected to the “olde ways.” Even today this depth of history and tradition is present in the very fabric of the land.
In eleven days we travel through breathtaking countryside, see stunning coastline, take a train ride up Mount Snowdon the highest mountain in Wales and visit memorable sites. Ancient dolmen and cairns, a legendary Abbey, cathedrals, village churches, a truly unique village, traditional historic towns, the capital city, wells, waterfalls and two castles, including having a medieval banquet in one of them! Trip cost: £1995 based on double occupancy (approx $3400 USD).
Recently, several people in my life passed away quite quickly – one friend passed this weekend just weeks after being initially diagnosed with their conditions. The rapidness of their decline was a bit shocking and certainly eye-opening. For me, when people’s lives are cut short so suddenly and without warning it makes me take a step back and reevaluate where I am in my life.
It’s easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and lose perspective about what is most important in life. For me, I feel blessed to have wonderful people in my life that I love and that is top on my list. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter what you do (that may be long forgotten), only who you have loved and if you have added grace to their lives. Of course it is possible to do many good works in the world, but if you do those good deeds without touching hearts, I feel that is falling short of one’s purpose.
By purpose – I don’t mean a “pie-in-the-sky” idea of what your ultimate mission on earth is. I know so many folks abusing themselves with that notion, not knowing what it is they “should” be doing in life. No – I am talking about the deeper purpose that is common to all of us – to love openly and boldly.
Honestly I still don’t know what my ultimate job purpose is. That keeps changing and evolving surprising me at every turn. Instead of seeing that as frustrating, I now see it as the way life works, a constant opportunity expansion and a deeper understanding of myself. Even if I lived 100 years and accomplished everything I wanted to, I still would not have crossed off everything on my bucket-list.
So instead, my satisfaction in life is now centered on how I love and the grace I can add to the lives of others. Another way of saying this is; being in service to life. That changed everything for me, removing all the anxiety I felt about not being able to do all the things I wanted to do before I died.
So when people pass away suddenly in my life I simply check in and ask myself did I do my best today to love all the people I came into contact with? Did I bring a smile to the table? Did my conversation uplift them? Was I fully present during my interaction? If I can answer yes to these questions, then I am living my purpose. An additional benefit of thinking this way is that it takes my focus away from doing and places it on being – a great exercise for me since I am normally “Miss Action Girl.”
So here’s an exercise you can do this week: Put your focus on how you show up for others, how present you are and how big your love is. At the end of each day give yourself a score from 1-10 on how much love you put out that day and how much grace you added to the lives of others. At the end of 7 days add up your score. You might be surprised at what you come up with. So, don’t wait until the Angel of Death comes knocking on your door to know the true purpose of life. Here’s your chance to live that purpose in every moment, love boldly and with all your integrity!
With all my love! Sheri
A Spiritual Adventure to Machu Picchu + Sacred Valley
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
March 31st-April 9th, 2016
Women’s Journey to Malta’s Sacred Goddess Temples
Trip Leaders: Cameron Broughton + Sue Milner
April 28 – May 5, 2016
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.