TAKE ME TO: Our Next 2 Spiritual Journeys & Retreats
Sheri’s Article | Our Favorite Recommendations, Books & Videos | Ales’ Cool Travel Tips!
Our Upcoming Journeys | Favorite Quote!
Dear Friends,

John of God, A Healing Journey May 23 - June 5th. Register now to join us!
WHAT’S NEW? I don’t know about you – but so many people I’ve been talking to have been faced with stressful family issues lately – especially regarding health and relationships. I just want to send all my love to those of you who are doing your best in challenging circumstances. Please know that this too shall pass and change is coming ♥. Do read the article below – I think you will find it very helpful.
I am looking forward to our Conscious & Healthy Relationships Retreat in Santa Fe June 17-22nd! You don’t need a partner to attend – it’s more about how we conduct ourselves in relationships – no matter whether we are dealing with ourselves or with others!
Last Chance to Register for:
BAJA MEXICO: Majestic Grey Whales – Whale Watching – Feb 9-14th
TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Sacred Valley of Magic & Mysticism – Feb 14-19th
EGYPT: Remembrances, Exploring the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries – March 3-13th
COSTA RICA: Writing Down Your Soul – April 7-17th
Ladies – early registration is important for our Journey to Avalon May 12-22nd (Sacred Britain). Do let me know if you are interested!

Crop Circles in Sacred Britain May 12-22nd
I encourage you to explore the website, join our monthly free teleclasses, watch our videos, and even come for a Personal Intensive with me in Florida if you need to seriously jump-start your new year. I always look forward to meeting you in person!
Also, please don’t forget about Ales in Custom Travel – he’s always ready to help you with you.
Did you know that most dating is now taking place online? Wow. If you are looking for a spiritually minded mate consider Spiritual Singles.
Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal
Email: info@sherirosenthal.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sherirosenthal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Sheri_Rosenthal
BAJA MEXICO: Majestic Grey Whales – Whale Watching – Feb 9-14th
On this spiritual journey with author Susan Gregg, we will get close-up and personal with the Grey Whales, sending them energy and love. Just for a moment, imagine touching and connecting to one of these majestic mammals – running your hand over her bumpy back, looking deeply into her eye as she rolls over in the waters. There is something amazingly magical and transformational that happens when you look into the eyes of one of these creatures. There’s no description for the feeling of meeting a Grey Whale and her babies up-close – witnessing this beauty is a special experience.
We’ll be staying on Magdalena Bay in comfortable walk-in tents along the beach, with special showers, and yummy Mexican food. Each day will be spent connecting with the Gray Whales and nature. Using the stars, the sand and the ocean, you’ll to shift your awareness and deeply transform the way you connect with mother earth and your life. Our intent is for you to come away from this experience with a connection to your limitlessness spirit that is elemental in nature. 2011 trip cost is: $2199.00 USD per person double occupancy, most meals included. Details for the Whales here!
TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Sacred Valley of Magic & Mysticism – Feb 14-19th
Join author Susan Gregg for a truly transformational spiritual journey to the ancient home of Quetzalcoatl – The Feathered Serpent God. Tepoztlán, Mexico has become a meeting ground for different religions and practices such as New Age, Hare Krishna, traditional local shamanic healing practices, and Catholicism. It’s also well known for being a spiritual center where energy and mysticism converge. Because of this, the energy here is perfect to support our personal work and transformation.
Our home base in Tepoztlán is the very romantic Posada De Tepozteco. From here we’ll visit the sacred sites of the Tepozteco and Xochicalco Pyramids. We spend four days exploring and moving through the Tepozteco and Xochicalco pyramids and the Cavernas de Cacahamilpa – using the energy of this region to accelerate your own personal journey toward your wholeness, holiness and your connection to the divinity that is you. Details for Tepoztlan here!
Join Linda Jacobson and I on February 8th. If you missed our chat last time – make sure you get on the call. Learn how to use creativity and self expression to connect directly with your subconscious mind to experience and release blocked energy in your life and connect directly to the divine source of creation! If you missed any of the previous teleclasses you can listen them on the library page of my website.
Join Sheri for a personal intensive! These intensives will take place in St Petersburg, Florida. It’s a lovely place to take time to reflect upon your life and walking on the beach is beautiful and peaceful. You’ll stay at a hotel on the beach during your intensive. Figure we’ll spend around 3 hours together in the morning and then you’ll do your assignments in the afternoon. Then we’ll catch back up for ~1 hour in the evening to re-cap. Details here.
Join us for lively discussion and like-minded community February 15th when we chat about Relationships (with ourselves and with others)! Want to join us? Call or email Sheri. The tuition/suggested donation is $10.00.
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When we find ourselves faced with economic difficulties, illness, stress and intense interpersonal challenges – our default as a society is to qualify these as bad. The result of this judgment is suffering. If we are already dealing with difficult situations, compounding that challenge with judgment only makes the situation worse. Now, not only are we dealing with a challenge, but we are compounding that by reacting emotionally to it. If the situation was not tiring enough – the emotional wear-and-tear can put us right over the edge.
So what can we do about this? Awareness is always the way – learning to identify our particular way of being in stressful times is important. Once we can see our doings and patterned behaviors to stress, we can change them. I am going to share several different patterns with you and see if you can see yourself in the following examples.
Depression: There are those of us who lean towards depression on and off our whole lives. We are the people who feel helpless, hopeless, inadequate, sad and downhearted when things seem overwhelming to us. Our judgments can look like this: I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this mess, I can’t change anything to make things better, I’ve worked so hard and now look where I am, I don’t have the resources to reinvent my way out of this, My life is going downhill and there is no way out, There is no one to help me, I’m so stupid to be in this mess, etc.
Anxiety: For those of us who are big worriers, anxiety is a life-long companion. We are the people who are constantly second guessing life, creating tragic scenarios in our minds, none of which have happy endings! We imagine the worst will unfold and we cannot stop our minds from proposing tales of impending woe. Often we become immobilized by our thought-forms which are so over-the-top. Our judgments often sound like this: The housing market is yet to crash and my house will be worth nothing, The government’s economic structure is going to collapse and we will be doomed, All my stocks are going to be worth nothing, I’ll never have enough funds to retire, I can’t figure out the right choice in this situation, etc.
Anger: Let’s not forget those of us who are moody and irritable when the going gets rough. We are the people who have no patience for long drawn out stressful situations and we often project those feelings out onto others. Our judgments can mimic these thoughts: Our government is filled with idiots that are ruining my life, The banking industry should be annihilated, Investment firms and stock managers should be shot. I’d love to blow up my ex-boss’s car after firing me after all these years, etc.
When you have these kinds of “negative” judgments and then suffer the emotional reactions to them, you are actually affecting your brain chemistry – further supporting the tendency to continue your current patterning. The shift in your brain function can also steal your clarity making it more difficult to see your way out of whatever situation you are currently in. The key is to let go of what you cannot change and take immediate and pro-active action to shift what you can.
Making sure you take the time to meditate, exercise or to do anything that brings you joy and peace is critical in these times. I encourage you to be honest and recognize your patterns and see if there is anything you can do to stop your negative thinking. Try focusing on gratitude where you can find it, volunteering, helping others worse off than yourself, and remember: keep your heart open at all times!
With all my love & best wishes, Sheri
Mad Kitty Photo by Joel Telling
Sad & Tired Woman by Soffie Hicks
THE FOUR-HOUR WORKWEEK: Expanded and Updated
Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan – there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, The 4-Hour Workweek is the blueprint.
Granted you may feel this book is over-the-top, impossible, or totally ridiculous. You may find yourself having any number of seemingly justifiable judgments about why you could never do anything in this book. Regardless, it is worth the read no matter what you get from it. I love the book simply because he has the guts to create a new paradigm for himself and that in itself is fascinating to me. After the past three years of economic uncertainty, I for one welcome any new ways of living and creating freedom.
Pick up a copy of his book today: The 4-Hour Workweek. When you purchase a book through Amazon.com a small percentage of your dollars come back to JOTS to support our free teleclass series.
YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE THIS FILM!! (And it’s a great gift…)
I would like to introduce you to an unique and inspirational film designed to reveal the mysteries of life transformation through its fascinating stories. Written and directed by Michael Domeyko Rowland, Being in Heaven gives you insights and revelations about how anyone can transform their life forever. It has been especially designed to allow you to experience, while you are actually watching the film, what it is within you that that drives your choices, behaviors and actions. |
It is these mental programs that make up your life’s experiences, so understanding them is very valuable and is the key to recreating any part of your life to become what you want it to be. As you may be aware, I spend my time examining and exploring a whole range of interesting ideas, looking for any ‘jewels’ that exist out there. This is one of the most exceptional ones I have ever looked at. I encourage you to pick up a copy of the Being in Heaven DVD. (When you purchase a DVD a small percentage of your dollars come back to JOTS to support our free teleclass series.)
BAJA MEXICO: Majestic Grey Whales – Whale Watching LAST CALL!
Trip Leader: Susan Gregg
February 9-14th, 2011
TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Sacred Valley of Magic & Mysticism LAST CALL!
Trip Leader: Susan Gregg
February 14-19th, 2011
EGYPT: Bridging Levels of Consciousness LAST CALL!
Trip Leader: Samvedam Randles
March 3-13th, 2011
COSTA RICA: Writing Down Your Soul LAST CALL!
April 7-17th, 2011
Trip Leader: Janet Conner
SEDONA: Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat ALMOST FILLED!
April 28-May 3rd, 2011
Trip Leader: Shanti Gilbert
SACRED BRITAIN: A Women’s Journey to Avalon
May 12-21st, 2011
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Cameron Broughton
BIG SUR: Explore & Express Your Authentic Vision NEW!
May 18-22nd, 2011
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
JOHN OF GOD: A Journey of Spiritual Healing
May 23-Jun 5th, 2011
Trip Leader: Millie Muñoz
THE OREGON COAST: A Women’s Photography Workshop
Trip Leader: Catherine Just
Jun 9-13th, 2011
BALI INDONESIA: Women’s Goddess Retreat, Opening Hearts♥
Trip Leader: Lore Raymond
June 9-19th, 2011
SANTA FE, NM: Healthy, Spiritual & Conscious RelationshipsNEW!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
June 17-22nd, 2011
NORTH DAKOTA: Vision Quest into the Badlands
Trip Leader: Samvedam Randles
July 2-14th, 2011
DAHLONEGA,GEORGIA: Raising Empowered, Radiant Daughters: Mother/Daughter Retreat LOCATION CHANGE!!
Trip Leaders: Katherine Woodward Thomas & Miriam Mason Martineau
July 24-30th, 2011
Whenever I write about a place, I feel a sense of excitement and awe. This month I’m inspired to share about a country that has always been a magical and mysterious place for me – Peru.
Although it’s only 5 hours by plane from Miami, or 8 hours from Los Angeles, it’s truly a world away, a ticket to a another reality. There is so much history and ancient spiritual practices and rituals for you to experience, making it a truly transformational journey. We’re grateful to personally know amazing guides and shamans who are happy to share the deep wisdom of their sacred Peruvian sites, special rituals and ceremonies with you.
Each journey begins with your arrival in Lima and flying onward to Cusco, the center or navel of the Peruvian universe. Even before traveling onto Machu Picchu (everyone’s favorite!), there are so many sacred sites to experience and see, places less known, but no less spectacular!
Cusco has so much to offer, like the pre-Inca sites of Sacsayhuaman, high above the northern edge of the city, and Quenquo, the labyrinth and astronomic observatory. At Kusillucchayoc, the Temple of the Moon, you can feel the power of this sacred cave as you return to the womb, the beginning, a rebirth of your sacred self. Your journey then continues through the Sacred Valley, with its breathtaking vistas of the Urubamba River and Ollantaytambo (The City of Dawn) an incredible ancient Inca city.
The highlight of every journey to Peru is Machu Picchu, also called the “Lost City in the Clouds,” where you will visit the 7 places of power. This entire stone complex is said to be a high voltage magnetic focal point and every intent set at Machu Picchu is amplified to incalculable proportions. Merging your energies with this sacred site and deepening our understanding of the Inca mythology is the focus of your time in this breathtaking place.
This is where a spiritual journey is so different from a regular sightseeing trip to Peru. You are able to go far beyond historical dates and facts and immerse yourself in the spirit and intent with which these sacred sites were created, allowing yourself to evolve in the process.
This journey can be done in group or solo. Whichever you choose, it will be a transformative journey you’ll remember for a lifetime. If you have any questions regarding Peru, please feel free to chat with me anytime. Our next group trip to Peru is August 4-14th with an optional extension to Lake Titicaca until August 16th.
Love & Blessings, Ales Stuna, Director of Custom Travel.
If You Love Movies, You Are About to Be Inspired AND Entertained!
When you join Spiritual Cinema Circle you will be making an important contribution to your world. You are encouraging talented, visionary filmmakers to continue in their efforts to add life and meaning to our movies and to raise the consciousness of the world by supporting and experiencing truly nourishing entertainment.
Feature film: Beautiful Dreamer is a captivating feature film about a newly married couple in the midst of World War II. He enlists, and, when his plane goes down, his young wife is faced with a challenge that only selfless love can conquer. Thought provoking and inspiring, this film will have you wondering what you would be willing to do for someone you love.
Documentary: Internationally acclaimed teacher Byron Katie has helped millions of people examine the truth in the stories that make up their lives. Through her inquiry process in The Work®, Byron Katie shows you, through this transformative master class, how the beliefs you hold can change the reality you see. Her teachings will help you end up in a place of greater self-love. Two award-winning short films also complete the collection on love from Spiritual Cinema Circle.
Great news from our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle – you can receive this full feature film plus 3 great short films for FREE when you sign up for a trial membership at no charge. ($4.95 US shipping fee applies, $7.95 international). Cancel your membership at any time ($21.00 per month). Join the Circle today! When you join Spiritual Cinema Circle a small percentage of your dollars come back to JOTS to support our free teleclass series.
Take a moment to watch this video!
Inspired by a Tibetan monk who rescues children deep in the Himalayan mountains, Waking Journey (Walk With me) is HERE II HERE’s first single off their self-titled Debut Album. One of my favorite songs is It’s All Light and you can listen to it on their website. If the video is glitchy – press the “watch on You Tube” button to see it directly on their site, but don’t miss seeing it.

Join us May 18-22nd for our Big Sur California Artists Retreat! No experience necessary!
Words of Wisdom for the Heart
“A flash of enlightenment offers a preview of coming attractions, but when it fades, you will see more clearly what separates you from that state – your compulsive habits, outmoded beliefs, false associations, and other mental structures. Just when our lives are starting to get better, we may feel like things are getting worse – because for the first time we see clearly what needs to be done.”
~Dan Millman