TAKE ME TO: Events, Video-Classes & Workshops |
Sheri’s Video Message | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance
Dear Friends,
WHAT’S NEW? Happy New Year!
All I want to say is THANK YOU for being you, for being in my life, and for everything that you contribute to this marvelous world! As always, I appreciate you. My greatest wish is that you appreciate yourself so much that you never use anyone to hurt yourself ever, and that you are brave enough to create the life you were always meant to live.
Although we may live far apart – this crazy technology bring us together to share and touch each others lives. I have faith that 2012 will be a year of many shifts and I am glad that you and I will be celebrating them together. 🙂
Just a reminder – don’t miss our upcoming video classes! Make sure you sign up below to receive your link! And if you missed a video or teleclass no worries – you can still sign up if you like.
Blessings and love,
Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
Photo of the child and tree complements of Eddi van W.
The Perfect Gift for the New Year – A Personal Intensive!
You know you’re a good person and deserve the best in life.
And you know that life shouldn’t have to be so difficult.
But even though you know that deep in your heart, do you still…
- Wake up wondering whose life you’re living?
- Feel like you’re lacking clarity?
- Find yourself short-tempered, frustrated or unhappy?
- Wish your relationships were more supportive and loving?
- Want to forgive and move on, but can’t?
- Crave freedom from your own life and mind?
Are you ready to break out of the box you call reality and start the new year with a totally different point of view? If so – join me for a Personal Intensive in St Pete, FL.
It’s a powerful experience and is a great way to jump-start your life. In my experience, the root of most people’s issues is a belief system that is sabotaging their life – rather than supporting it.
Imagine what life could be like if you were calm and centered no matter what situation you faced in life, rather than emotional and unclear. What if you no longer took people’s actions personally? Or if forgiveness came easy to you? Or even if you never got in another argument for the rest of your life?! Believe me – it is possible.
Sheri, how will I benefit? You’ll learn to…
- Take positive action in life – regardless of anxiety or fear.
- No longer feel victimized by the people in your life.
- Deal with people openly, without taking their actions and words to heart.
- Let go of the burdens of the past, forgive and move on with gratitude and joy.
- Reclaim your self-esteem and greater life purpose.
- Replace anger with focused clarity.
- No longer fear confrontation, or be a doormat for others.
- Come to a place of self-acceptance, no matter what actions you took in the past.
- Clearly identify your limiting beliefs, their origin and true purpose – empowering you to make healthier life choices.
- Utilize specific tools to help you live courageously, boldly, and with your head held high.
Basically you can do one hour sessions once a month for a year (like in therapy), or you could invest ~12 hours over 3 days and have the time to deeply work through what you need to without the clock interrupting you. That is extremely significant. Who wants to take a year to resolve something that can be dealt with in one weekend?
Email me directly with several dates that you feel would work for you and your application. I’d be happy to chat with you for ~20 minutes about what you want to accomplish and how I can help!
“Sacred Journeys Teleclass”
Egypt: Remembrances, Exploring the Mysteries of the Stones
In this teleclass Samvedam Randels will be talking about the mythology of Egypt. It is said that during the journey to the afterlife, the god Anubis weighs your heart against a feather – and only if your heart is as light as that feather will you have eternal life. By letting go of the stories which weigh heavy on our hearts, we too can be free and embrace our eternal consciousness.
Calling upon the support of Anubis and other ancient spirits, Samvedam will be leading a special journey to Egypt March 8-18th. Join her!
SIGN UP NOW and get access to the recording!
(you can listen it anytime)
What Every Woman Needs to Know in These Changing Times!
Part of our NEW FREE video-class series

Cameron Broughton
In this powerful video, Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Cameron Broughton the proud co-owner of Journeys with Soul.
In our videoclass you’ll learn to:
- Question your position in any situation (are you coming from love or fear?)
- Stop and assess so you can redirect if necessary
- Bolster your faith
- Take action even if you are afraid
- Engage in community to support yourself
You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about Sheri & Cameron’s upcoming journey to Sacred Britain: Women’s Journey to Avalon – June 14-22nd, 2012
SIGN UP NOW and get access to the video-class!
(you can watch it anytime)
Gratitude is one of those spiritual concepts that we talk about a lot but don’t always put into practice in our lives. Saying we have gratitude is often like saying the “right” thing so that we are validated by others for being a good spiritual person. The key is to learn how to express your gratitude in way that causes your feelings to impact your life. Please let me know what you think of this video below – I want to hear from you!
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Unconditional Love in Action ♥ |
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Honoring & Healing the Goddess Within! |
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Trance Dance – Opening the Chakras to the Energies of 2012 |
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Remembrances: Exploring the Mysteries of the Stones |
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Soul*Full Sisters – Spirituality & Photography by the Sea |
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Skanda Yoga Retreat – Portals of Power! |
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Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat |
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Shamanic Healing Techniques in the Heart of the Mayan Lands |
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Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat |
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A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon |
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Sisterhood, Sand & Sun! |
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Raising Empowered, Radiant Daughters – A Mother/Daughter Retreat! |
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Akashic Records Intensive – Opening the Secrets of the Stones |
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.
Hi Sheri,
Another great video…..thank you!! I like the idea of taking 5 minutes daily to think about and feel gratitude for our life’s blessings. I will begin doing this immediately. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Peter! I agree – starting the day from the place of gratitude may not solve all of life’s issues but it sure does set the tone for the day! Blessings & love, Sheri