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WHAT’S NEW? Happy Birthday don Miguel!
Some 8 years don Miguel was giving a talk in St Pete, Florida and so he was staying at my place there. We decided that we wanted to grab a bite to eat and while we were driving down the road we saw a big old Lincoln Continental driving in front of us at around 30 miles an hour. It was ancient and all you could see of the driver was a little white tuft sticking up above the drivers seat.
So I said to don Miguel; “Look! A Q-tip is driving!” Of course with his not-so-perfect English my comment made absolutely NO sense to him. So I explained; “Miguel, here in Florida there are so many elderly folks that probably should not be driving, never mind driving such a big and unwieldy car! But because all you can see is the top of their white hair sticking up above their seat – we call them Q-tips around here.”
He just looked at me and laughed and that was that. But a few years later when it was finally his 60th birthday – he called me up and said; “Sheri guess what?” I said; “What Miguel? I know it’s your birthday, and a special one – Happy birthday!”
With a sly tone to his voice he answered; ” Yes Sheri, and I am finally Q-tipping!” It was hysterical! If you know his sweet accent you can just hear him saying that. It totally cracked me up and we still joke about it today.
So please join me in sending love to him for his birthday and for a long and beautiful life!:)
Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal xox
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Mastering the Tao Nature Within: Wudang Mountain, China
Nov 30–Dec 12, 2015
Join Terry Hodgkinson for a very special and unusual journey to China where you will be learning Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation from the Chinese Taoist Masters. Spend your days learning from the most prestigious Chinese Taoists how to attain the perfect balance between yourself and nature, and then put those teachings into practice to feel the most alive you have ever felt.
Wudang is located in Central China’s Hubei Province and this location houses thousands of years of Taoist practice. The atmosphere is ripe with Tao and finding your inner Tao is easily grasped in a place with so much support. The complex was designed to fit the Taoist principle of harmony between man and nature. Magnificent buildings are cited as a museum of ancient Chinese design and thought and are located all over the mountain. There are more than 2,000 Palaces and Temples, making this complex the world’s largest Taoist center.
The trip is all-inclusive, a 13 day adventure to the other side of the world where all accommodations, meals, and inter-Asian travel will be booked for you as you learn from the most prestigious spiritual leaders in the Eastern World. Trip cost: $1,697 USD per person double occupancy, Single occupancy: $2,197 USD – most meals included.
Details for China on Terry’s website
“A Prayer for Love”
This month it was don Miguel Ruiz’s birthday and in honor of that I am sharing A Prayer for Love.
Today, Lord, help me to accept myself the way I am, without judgement. Help me to accept my mind the way that it is, with all my emotions, my hopes and dreams, and my unique personality. Help me to accept my body the way that it is, with all it’s beauty and perfection.
Today, Lord, clean my mind of emotional poison and self-judgement, so that I can live in peace and love. Let the love for myself be so strong that I never reject myself or sabotage my happiness and personal freedom. Let me love and accept myself without judgement, because when I judge myself, I find myself guilty, and then need to punish myself.
With the power of self-love, let all my relationships be based on love and respect. Help me to let go of the need to tell others how to think or how to be. Let me accept the people I love just the way they are, without judgement, because when I judge them and blame them, I find them guilty, and want to punish them. Help me Lord, to love everything you create with no conditions, because when I reject your creation, I reject you.
Today Lord, help me to start my life over with the power of self-love. Help me to explore life, to take risks, and to love myself unconditionally. Let me open my heart to the love that is my birthright so that I can share my love wherever I go. Amen.
Click here to pick up a copy of his book “Prayers: A Communion with our Creator” on Amazon.com.
A Spiritual Adventure to Machu Picchu + Sacred Valley
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
September 10th-19th, 2015
Akashic Records Intensive & Consultant Training – Sacred Wisdom for Transformation in Magical Bali
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
September 15-30th, 2015
Highlands and Mystical Islands: Sacred Scotland + Orkney Islands Mysteries Revealed extension
Trip Leader: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
Sept 17-25 + 25-27, 2015
Amplify Your Energy: A Woman’s Journey into Sedona’s Sacred Vortexes
Trip Leader: Julie Lewin
October 18-24th and October 25-31st 2015
Re-Discover the Treasure Within” A Spiritual Journey in the Himalayas of Nepal
Trip Leader: Sharee James
Oct 28–Nov 6, 2015
Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.