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WHAT’S NEW? Have you been watching Outlander?

Okay it is definitely chic lit for sure – but it’s a really great story! And now they’ve made it into a TV show which has been even better.

One of the interesting side effects of the show is the extreme interest folks have been having in sacred circles and in Scotland!

That said – our trip to Sacred Scotland is filling up so if you are interested the time to register is NOW.

Highlands and Mystical Islands: Sacred Scotland
Sept 16-24 + 25-27, 2016 Orkney Islands Mysteries Revealed extension

Celtic Mystical Journey to Edinburgh

Join Glenn & Cameron Broughton for 8 magical days exploring the energetic sacred sites and stunning natural beauty of “Bonnie Scotland.” This is an experiential journey where we’ll be spending quality time at each site to truly get a feel for the presence and energy of each place.

We visit the lovely harbour town of Oban is set in a dramatic location in the Firth of Lorn and protected by the Isle of Mull. Moving into Glen Lyon valley in the breathtaking natural scenery of the Central Highlands we visit some sites from different periods in history that are empowered by earth energy currents. The old capital of Scotland, Dunfermline, holds some secrets that await us. And at the end of this remarkable journey we will have a special guided tour of the Knights Templar sanctuary of Rosslyn Chapel with its many secrets and the mysterious underground cave system known as Gilmerton Cove. The tour ends at Edinburgh with a visit to Edinburgh Castle and royal Scottish city life.

By the end of our journey our hearts will be filled with sweet memories of holy wells, stone circles, faery glens, chambered cairns, an abbey, early saints churches, lochs, glens, mountains, islands, beach and ocean – plus friendships, laughter and insights! Trip tuition: £1995 based on double occupancy, single occupancy supplement: £190 – some meals included.

Details for Scotland here!

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Finding YOUR Way on El Camino de Santiago: Spain
September 11–22nd, 2016


Walking the el Camino de Santiago is the perfect way to illuminate key areas of your life – including health, self-care, relationships, career, creative expression, and even your relationship with the Divine that are calling out to you. Make no mistake – this will be a once in a lifetime pilgrimage with modern day shaman Cara Andershock to connect with your soul’s deepest longing and truths offering you time away from the stresses of everyday life to breathe, think, feel and gain fierce clarity.

The Camino normally takes as long as two months, so we handpicked an unforgettable experience that includes unique, top-notch accommodations, delectable meals and transportation – while still giving you the opportunity to walk 61 miles (100 KM) traversing lavender fields, medieval cities, rolling vineyards, and olive groves. Historically people have walked el Camino as a spiritual journey to tap into inner peace and solitude, and to personally challenge themselves while being immersed in cultural marvels. And you’ll feel your spirit soar with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment when you reach the breath-taking grandeur of The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela – the final steps of your pilgrim’s journey!

Following the traditions of the pilgrimage with a modern shamanic twist, we’ll be using the powerful energies of the magical, mystical and miraculous el Camino de Santiago to build your dream life. You’ll receive life-altering tools and strategies to identify and breakthrough personal barriers so that you can create more love and abundance and reach your highest potential in life. Trip cost: $3,997 USD based on double occupancy, Single occupancy supplement: $650 – most meals included.

Details for el Camino on Cara’s website!



What is the Meaning of Life? by Mooji

This is perhaps one of the most seemingly profound questions within the human kingdom. Yet at closer scrutiny it is revealed as one of the most elusive in as far as coming to any one satisfactory answer.

moojiLet’s imagine there is a world cup football match being played. The match can only be what it is and goes how it does. However, if there happen to be one hundred commentators giving commentaries on the game, the listeners will only hear each commentator’s interpretation and each one will be different. Now, which commentator has given the most accurate account of the match?

Each one will speak from his or her preference, temperament, conditioning and perspective. It will be a subjective view only and not the complete picture, which is impossible to convey. We could go further and imagine that we, ourselves, are at the match—live.

Nevertheless, our view will still be biased and based on whichever team we support, as would be the view of each and every supporter. So, with an attendance of one thousand spectators, there will be a thousand unique views.

Perhaps, if any view could be accepted as being most universally objective and genuine, it will come from someone who understands and enjoys the game but is inwardly neutral in terms of the game’s final outcome or score.

It is the same with the question about the meaning of life.

hikingWe can use this simple analogy or metaphor and see that it will be the same in the case of the lawyer, the mother, the doctor, the thief, the politician and the religious man. We each perceive what we consciously or unconsciously conceive.

Each will perceive and experience life according to his conditioning and the role that he identifies with, but each person will only comprehend and reflect a limited perspective of the whole, shaped by the fearful and unavoidably self-opinionated mind.

Amongst the various types of beings, I feel that a sage is the one who has really grasped life in an all-encompassing and holistic way and this is so because, as an awakened being, his personal mind has merged in his universal consciousness—his source being.

tigerSuch a one looks from the harmony and vastness of unconditioned consciousness, without personal interpretation or judgment. He feels at one with life in all its varied expressions and even beyond this. His enormous compassion and wisdom arises out of his effortless and natural understanding of the laws of nature, the universal play of existence as time and change and the unbroken recognition of his true Self as the core perceiver of the manifest and functioning world.

His mind, free of conditioning, is not caught in the bubble of ego-identity and thus he becomes the true friend of all living beings. Seeing himself within all and all within himself, he lives the complete life.

The sage alone opens the door to the Divine.

From “Embracing The Darkness” by Nicolae Tanase – an interview with Mooji.
Mooji (Anthony Paul Moo-Young) is a spiritual teacher originally from Jamaica. He is a disciple of Sri HWL Poonja, or Papaji, a devotee of the great advaita master Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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