International Cell Phones, SIM Cards & Satellite Phones

Sometimes it’s a much better deal to get a travel phone for your trip than to bring your own overseas. Especially if you don’t have an international call plan on your phone. Other times it is better to bring your own unlocked phone so you can buy a Sim Card in the country you are visiting – getting lower rates for local calls. There are also situations where you’re going to visit a more remote area and no cell phone will be able to get service – that calls for a satellite phone.

But no matter what you need Cellular Abroad can solve your problem! Cellular Abroad

Traveling with your Lap-Top

If you decide to bring your lap-top on a trip it helps to be able to use is securely. There’s too much identity theft going on right now – and why create drama in your life by not taking care?  By using  Hotspot Shield you can ensure that you’re private, secure, and anonymous online! What this FREE downloadable program does is:

  • Hide your IP while you’re online.
  • Access all content without censorship; bypass firewalls.
  • Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
  • Works on wireless and wired connections alike.

International Country Codes

When you are calling to and from internationally – it helps to know the proper dialing sequences and also the correct country and area codes. This nifty website will help you make sure that you are dialing your number correctly so that you don’t end up calling some place on the other side of the world from where you are intending to call! My favorite site for this info is International Country Calling Codes.

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