Have you ever felt like you just needed a week to get away from it all, take care of yourself, pamper your body, quiet your mind and go back into life refreshed, with a new and inspiring outlook? I know I have, and whenever I can I follow that calling! There are so...
Sheri A Rosenthal DPM, Inc. dba Journeys of the Spirit® is registered with: The State of Florida as a Seller of Travel - #ST35968, The State of Washington - as a Seller of Travel #603-050-619, The State of Hawaii - Travel Agency #6748, The State of Iowa - Travel Agency #986, CST 2102811-50.
Sheri A Rosenthal DPM, Inc. dba Journeys of the Spirit® is registered with: The State of Florida as a Seller of Travel - #ST35968, The State of Washington - as a Seller of Travel #603-050-619, The State of Hawaii - Travel Agency #6748, CST 2102811-50.