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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? Are Dolphins Smarter Than Humans?

I love Joe’s article on dolphins this week – don’t forget to take moment to read it!

Just a reminder folks – LAST CALL for our upcoming September trips! If you need a getaway and you’ve been putting off making a decision – now’s the time to do so!

Whales & Wild Dolphins

The Heart Wisdom of Whales & Wild Dolphins
Trip Leader: Anne Gordon de Barrigón
Various 5-day itineraries running from: Aug 31-Oct 11th, 2013

Sacred Scotland

Highlands and Mystical Islands
Sacred Scotland
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
Sept 15-24th, 2013

Horse Wisdom

Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom
Tucson, AZ
Trip Leaders: Ezra Marrow, Briana Lorenz-Marrow and Judy Askins
Sept 18-22, 2013

Journey to Machu Picchu

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
Sept 26–Oct 5th, 2013

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Do You Ever Find Yourself Getting Upset About
the Words or Actions of Others?

Don't take it personally

Are you a fan of The Four Agreements? If so you’ll love the upcoming 4 part teleclass on the second agreement coming up this September with yours truly!

The key to our happiness depends on us not taking what other people say and do to heart. When we do take things personally we get emotional, lose our clarity, and often say things we definitely don’t mean!

The solution is learning how to detach from our ego mind which believes that the world revolves around us – because the truth is, it does not.

Imagine not getting upset at work when a co-worker says something that would normally upset you. Or imagine how great it would be if you didn’t get upset if your partner had an affair. It is possible – and I am very excited to be able to share my favorite techniques with you!

So won’t you join me Thurs Sept 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th at 5pm PT/8pm ET? I’ll be recording the classes so if you can’t make it no worries.

Don’t miss it, sign up here –> www.sherirosenthal.com/stop-taking-it-personally

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The Empower + Enlighten Women’s Retreat: Uxmal, Yucatan
November 9-16th, 2013

Womens Retreat Uxmal

Ladies, if you are looking for a special small group experience for this November in a magical part of the world – I have the perfect experience for you!

If you’re looking to explore your current life direction and transform it with passion + purpose, learn focused tools to help keep a sense of Zen in your hectic life, unwind your creaky muscles and quiet your feisty mind with delicious spa services AND experience some of the most striking Mayan ruins + cenotes in the Yucatan peninsula – this is your trip!

If so, join me for a very special journey to the Mayan Heartland for 7 delicious days of deep clarity, inner peace + fierce self-love. You’ll gently illuminate the sneaky inner dialogue that’s limiting your success in both your business + personal life.

We’ll be staying at the 5 star Lodge at Uxmal located at the very entrance to the Archaeological Park in the mist of the sacred energy of this magnificent site in the Puuc Hills. Wonderful spa services are available to relax, be pampered and rejuvenated. Enjoy regional cooking and a wonderful terrace bar where you can relax under the stars in the magnificent shadow of the ruins.

**DUE TO THIS TRIP BEING DURING HIGH SEASON – we need everyone to register early – as in now! 🙂

Trip cost: $2995 USD per person double occupancy, all meals.
Register for Uxmal here!

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Are Dolphins Smarter Than Humans?
Swimming with wild dolphins

Humans have been in love with dolphins since the beginning of time, and for good reason. Not only do they frequently come to our aid in times of need, they also elicit a most ecstatic response from the most hardened souls. How do they do that?

After bringing groups of people to swim with wild dolphins for the past 18 years, I think I’m beginning to get a clue as to their magic…

What is fascinating is their big brain when you compare brain size to body weight. Evolutionarily, the dolphin/whale Cetacean brain started getting big between 25 and 50 million years ago. Our brain only started getting big about 100,000 years ago. So, as far as big brains go on earth, we’re the new kid on the block, we’ve only recently caught up with them.

Existence doesn’t create such a big brain without using it. For example, dolphins can hear sound far above and below our range. They see through the water and air (so if they look at you when you’re on the boat, you’ll have amazing eye contact!). They communicate with each other continuously, through touch and sound and even have names for each other; called their signature whistle.

Swim with Bimini dolphins

Their sonar is believed to be at least three times more powerful than our medical ultrasound, and they can distinguish when a woman is pregnant before she knows it! They are able to communicate an object’s size, shape, density and location better than we.

Half their brain sleeps at a time, the other half staying awake and alert. Another amazing fact; every single breath a dolphin or whale takes is conscious. To fully appreciate this level of present moment awareness, try being aware of your every breath for the next five minutes…

Clearly they are highly evolved. How they use the rest of their brain remains a mysterious unknown and that is most likely where the magic comes from. From my experience, whether we’re swimming with spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, spinner dolphins or humpback whales, they all share a magical ability to reach into our hearts and profoundly affect us.

Wild dophin swim

I’ve seen it time and again; from the most open, already in-love-with-life individual, to the grumpy old curmudgeon who only gets in the water to appease the persistent pleas of their grandchildren – everyone comes out of the water changed.

In the movie “Avatar,” the Na’vi acknowledge each other with the greeting, “I see you.” The feeling of being seen by a wild dolphin in the open ocean ignites a profound remembering that all is well, always has been and always will be. It’s a cosmic wink from the Divine Beloved from behind the curtain, saying “I see you, the vital grand essence of you, and isn’t this game of life on earth fun?”

Since the day I first swam with the wild dolphins, they are my guides in the realm of playfulness and joy. I have made it my business to bring people of kindred spirit to meet them.

If you are curious about the wild dolphins and are ready to experience their magic for yourself, I invite you to join me October 21-25th, 2013 for my upcoming Oneness Awakening Wild Dolphin Trip to Bimini in the Caribbean.


Blessings, Joe Noonan

Joe Noonan is a playful lover of life whose joy is contagious. He has been bringing individuals, families and groups to swim with the wild dolphins in Hawaii and in the Bahamas for the past 17 years.One day Joe, took a long walk off a short pier and ended up in the water with a pod of playful dolphins. He came out of the water a changed man, and has never been the same since…

Registration is open for Joe’s:Oneness Awakening Wild Dolphin Tripin Bimini.

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Journey to Machu Picchu

A Spontaneous Café Real Food Peru Adventure
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes + Chef Mateo
Oct 4-11th, 2013 (please contact Sheri for booking this trip rather than Willka T’ika)

Spiritual retreat Assisi

Access your Dreams Retreat
Assisi, Italy
Trip Leader: Mami Veza
Oct 12-18th + Nov 15–21st, 2013

Sacred Pilgrimage to India

A Sacred Pilgrimage to India
Trip Leaders: Elaine Dodson, Jahnava Devi, and Mahatma Das
October 15-27th, 2013

Travel to Nepal

Kindfulness – a Healing Retreat in the Himalayas
Trip Leader: Sharee James
October 16-25th, 2013

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Revealing the REAL You – Journey to the Pyramid of the Sun
Teotihuacan, Mexico – NEW!
Trip Leader: Brandt Morgan
October 18-24th, 2013 (email us ASAP if you’re interested)

Swim with the Wild Dolphins

Oneness Awakening Wild Dolphin Trip
Bimini, Caribbean
Trip Leader: Joe Noonan
October 21-25th, 2013


Uxmal, Yucatan

The Clarity + Heart Women’s Retreat
Uxmal, Yucatan
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal + Rev Frankie Timmers
November 9-16th, 2013

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India
Trip Leaders: Lisa Tully
Nov 16-Dec 6th, 2013


Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap

Unconditional Love in Action: Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap, Cambodia
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
Jan 22-Feb 1st, 2014


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
Whales & Wild Dolphins
Sacred Scotland
Horse Wisdom
Journey to Machu Picchu
Don't take it personally
Womens Retreat Uxmal
Swimming with wild dolphins
Swim with Bimini dolphins
Wild dophin swim
Journey to Machu Picchu
Spiritual retreat Assisi
Sacred Pilgrimage to India
Travel to Nepal
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Swim with the Wild Dolphins
Uxmal, Yucatan
Dalai Lama
Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap
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