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WHAT’S NEW? Last call for Nepal!

“Re-Discover the Treasure Within” A Spiritual Journey in the Himalayas of Nepal
Oct 28–Nov 6, 2015

Nepal retreat

There are places in the world where the spiritual and the sacred are a part of everyday life. Where eons of wisdom and deep knowledge have accumulated to give us a road map on the path Home. The Himalayas have long been known as the world’s Shangri-La, that mythical utopian paradise of harmony and peace. Hundreds of generations of rishis, yogis, monks and sages have been called to this sacred place to meditate and unravel the mysteries within.

Highlights of your adventure: Daily Yoga and Meditation classes to calm your mind and release built-up stress and tension held in your body. We stay in two gorgeous resorts with on-site Ayurvedic wellness spas: one close to sacred Buddhist and Hindu sites, the other on a tranquil lake surrounded by jaw-dropping Himalayan views. Fascinating guided tours exploring Buddhist monasteries, Hindu temples, medieval royal squares, as well as hiking to a local village and a visit to a local school, and so much more!

As well as being surrounded by stunning vistas throughout the retreat, we will take an early morning trip to the top of Sarangkot mountain to view one of the most incredible spectacles in the world: the sun rising over the Himalayas. We’ll also have a very special lesson with a 4th generation Tibetan sound healer on using Tibetan Singing bowls for healing and meditation. Trip tuition: $2995 USD per person double occupancy, $500 USD single supplement, most meals included.

Details for Nepal here!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal xox

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Rock Your Revenue Giveaway

Those of you who know me well know I do not recommend something unless it is from someone I really love or that I am personally participating in – and this giveaway is something you seriously cannot miss.

This special giveaway event is for those of you who have your own business – healers, yoga teachers, heart-centered entrepreneurs and more.

Hosted by Monica Shah, of Revenue Breakthrough, this unprecedented giveaway has amazing giveaways for everyone — and some even more amazing raffles you can enter!

That’s why I LOVE this event – because there are 70+ FREE gifts awaiting you that ALL can help your business!

–>Get your gifts NOW!

(I’m giving away one “Complete Retreat Planning Package” worth $6000 which includes my online Retreat Blueprint Program, a 2 hour private consult with me to design your retreat, and a 1 hour consult with Ales, my travel specialist, to find the perfect location for your retreat. Unreal!!!)

Check out just a few of them:

* Sales Funnel (Re)Design Consultation
* Your Divine Money Kit
* Double Your Business Media Bootcamp
* Money-Making Tracking Sheets
* Logo Design
* The Money Manifesting Solution
* Website Package
* Fall in Love with Money Challenge
* Expert Guest Appearance on a TV Show
* Money Date Checklist
* Elevator Pitch Makeover
* VIP Video Makeover
* Media Pitch Email & Press Release Templates
* Stop Repelling Money Course
* And much, MUCH more!

Click here to get your gifts now! 

To your audacious life, Sheri

P.S. There’s no “catch” to this goodie basket of free trainings and services. We’re doing this to introduce ourselves and meet new people who we can support. Nothing for you to do but receive! Get your gifts here. 

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Self-Importance is the Root of All Evil!

in-the-woodsOne of the most challenging and significant tasks of a Warrior is the fight to overcome his self-importance. And what a fight it is! It’s truly a battle to stop believing that everything is about us, to stop taking everything personally, to end our selfishness and self-centered behavior, our manipulative and controlling conduct, our defensive actions, our need to be right, our need to have things done our way and our obsessive pride. Wow, that is a pretty significant list.

But we can sum it up by saying that this task is one that takes our focus off of our mind and places it on our spirit. The result of this battle is claiming our freedom from the ego or the mind which is normally the driving force in our lives. So let’s talk a bit about how these aspects manifest themselves in our lives and what we can do about changing them.

As so many of you already know – it’s so important to practice not taking things personally in our lives. We can weed out so much of our self-importance from our lives just by putting our attention on when we’re behaving in this way. Instead of just talking about the concepts of self-importance, let’s illustrate these ideas with real situations so we can be very clear about them, and relate to them in a more personal way.

A Growing Grudge

Timothy grew up with a father who was a well-known physician in town. He loved and respected his mother, a hard-working lady with a good temperament and an open heart. On the other hand, his relationship with his father was strained for as long as he could remember. His dad had a strong personality and demanded perfection from his son.

Tim always felt like he was never loved by his father; he felt as though he was expected to produce good grades so his father could boast about him to others. Tim fought with his dad over anything and everything. Although his mom told him that his dad loved him, he didn’t believe her, choosing to see his father as a horrible and abusive man, thus making himself a victim of his father’s stern ways.

aloneAs an adult with kids of his own, Tim faced off with his father yet again. His dad had finally retired and was excited to have the time to enjoy his grandchildren in way that he was never able to with his own son. Tim was angry with his dad for being so good and loving to his kids (although he would deny taking that position vehemently). He thought his dad was a mean old hypocrite and he didn’t want that type of person around his kids.

Tim would say, “Can’t you get that we need to spend time with our own kids? You can’t just come over when ever you want! You’re so selfish and always want things your way. Can’t you have consideration for our lives”? His father felt guilty because he believed he was at fault for the poor relationship he had with his son, but he had too much pride to apologize for hurting his son in any way. So they were both at an impasse, angry and hurt and unable to see each other’s point of view.

This is a great example of how our self-importance prevents us from being in a place of unconditional love, happiness and gratitude. Tim made a choice as a child as to how he was going to see his father. He made that choice because he wasn’t old enough to understand the dynamics of his father’s life.

In other words, he didn’t know the pressure his father felt to provide for the family and he couldn’t understand that his dad even thought that by working so hard, he was actually doing his son a favor (financially, anyway), even if that meant missing out on Tim’s childhood. Tim didn’t understand that his father wanted him to have all doors open to him in the future, which was the real reason for encouraging those good grades.

Because Tim chose to be victimized by the lack of his father’s presence in his life and his father’s choices, he felt empowered to punish his father for the crimes he felt his dad was responsible for. Can you see how Tim’s point of view and beliefs have determined the tone of his present-day relationship with his father?

“A Warrior’s greatest enemy is self-importance. Constantly feeling offended by the acts and words of his fellow man drains his personal power and makes him weak. Holding on to his self-importance forces him to spend his life insulted and angry.”

Resolution Required

looking-at-mountainsAs an adult, Tim is behaving like child who is unable to see what is and to forgive and appreciate his childhood. He has no gratitude for his father and the sacrifice he made for his son’s comfort. I’m not saying what his dad did was right or wrong. I’m simply stating what is, and being happy in life requires us to accept what is regardless of whether or not we would have done the same thing in a similar situation.

Tim is manipulating and controlling his father by denying him visitation to his grandchildren. He’s also defending his point of view against his father by insisting on being right. Things have to be his way or the highway at the expense of his kids enjoying their grandpa. This is true selfishness and self-centered behavior. He’s taking his dad’s actions personally, since from his dad’s point of view he did what he did so his son could have a good life!

Tim’s dad understands his son is angry with him and he feels badly about their relationship. But his own guilt, fear, and self-importance is preventing him from communicating what he feels with his son. If he forgave himself for not being present in his son’s life, he would no longer have the emotion of guilt to deal with and he would be able to talk about the past with his son.

Having said all of this:

  • Do you have a situation in your life similar to this one? Knowing what you know now about letting go of self-importance, what could you do to change the situation?
  • Does your need to be right show itself in your life? Do you find yourself consistently defend your point of view to others?
  • Can you list three ways you behave selfishly or from a self-centered point of view?
  • Are you manipulative and controlling of others? How do others feel about it when you behave this way?
  • If you feel that others in your life are manipulative or controlling, can you look at their behavior from their point of view and see any underlying factor(s)? If their behavior has affected you, can you forgive them?
  • Do you catch yourself insisting that things have to be done your way? When you behave like that how do people react?
  • When has your pride prevented you from saying you were sorry? When has your pride prevented you from forgiving someone?

We can clearly see how self-importance is the root the unhealthy relationships we have with the people in our lives. Letting go of our need to be right and our one-sided points of view allows us to enjoy the people we love and, in turn, our lives.

With all my love & blessings. Sheri Rosenthal


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Spiritual Journey to NepalRe-Discover the Treasure Within” A Spiritual Journey in the Himalayas of Nepal
Trip Leader: Sharee James
Oct 28–Nov 6, 2015


Spiritual Journey to SedonaFrom Geysers to Glaciers: Tap into the Sacred Soul of New Zealand
New Zealand
Trip Leader: Gayle Franceschetti
November 3–13th, 2015

Spiritual Journey to NepalMastering the Tao Nature Within
Wudang Mountain, China
Trip Leader: Terry Hodgkinson
Nov 30–Dec 12, 2015

Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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