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| Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance – NEW TRIPS LISTED! |

Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? It’s Never Too Late!


Nothing brings a bigger smile to my face than hearing about someone who refuses to make excuses for themselves and accomplishes something outstanding.

I was reading in the news recently that the first centenarian ever just completed a marathon (26 mile run) in Toronto last month. It had been something he always wanted to accomplish and rather than saying he was to old, he just decided to train and do it. Granted, it took him almost 9 hours to complete the race – but he did finish!

Considering how many excuses I hear from people on a daily basis – this was quite refreshing. So if you’ve been telling yourself you’re too old to switch careers, to master the computer, to start a new hobby, to delve into something complicated – don’t believe yourself! Simply tell your mind thanks for sharing and carry on anyway. I’m curious – is there something you’ve been selling yourself short on? Do post below!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

Photo of runner complements of sarniebill

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What YOU need to know about 2012 & the Akashic Records!
Part of our NEW FREE video-class series

  • Curious about the upcoming impact of 2012 on your life?
  • Wondering how you can use the Akashic records for your personal growth?
  • Are you vibrationally, mentally and emotional ready to ride this wave of change?
Ernesto Ortiz

Ernesto Ortiz

In this special videoclass, Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Ernesto Ortiz. Over the past 25 years, Ernesto has taken thousands of people on a journey from physical and emotional inertia to the freedom of ecstasy, from the chaos of the chattering ego-mind to the blessed emptiness of stillness and inner silence.

In this powerful class you will learn about The Akashic records and what they are. The Akashic records date back to antiquity – references in the Old Testament and beyond give us the sense that there is a collective storehouse of knowledge that is written on the fabric of reality.

The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past, present and future in to the “now”. By accessing the Akashic records, we can identify and release anything that we have created, that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God.

SIGN UP NOW and get access to the video-class on Dec 8th!
(you can watch it anytime)

Synchronicity, Dreaming & Empowerment!
Part of our NEW FREE video-class series

Ken von Roenn III

Ken von Roenn III

In this special videoclass, Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Sheri Rosenthal will be chatting with with Ken von Roenn III – creator of Skanda Yoga, and a former affiliate of Anusara Yoga. A practitioner for 13 years, Ken presents a dynamic synthesis of attributes from many Hatha Yoga systems.

In this powerful video you will learn:

  • What Skanda yoga is and how it aligns with the Mayan Calendar.
  • What the significance of December 21st, 2012 is.
  • What Ken believes about synchronicity.
  • What Dream Yoga is and how can it help empower us.

You’ll also have the opportunity to learn more about Ken’s two powerful upcoming yoga/spiritual retreats:

Portals of Power! Teotihuacan, Mexico – April 11-18th, 2012 and,

The Art of Transcendence Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – Dec 9-15th, 2012, and why you should join him in 2012 for two life-changing experiences!

SIGN UP NOW and get access to the video-class on Dec 15th!
(you can watch it anytime)

Are you finally ready to Get Clear, Get Real & Get Going?

In just 90 minutes, discover how to move from confusion to clarity so you can start living the powerful life you are destined for… right now!

  • Are you feeling stuck in your current life situation?
  • A bit overwhelmed and unable to get your bearings?
  • Unclear and fogged in by your emotions and feelings?
  • Yes? Well I’ve got the solution!…

A 90 minute Get Clear, Get Real, & Get Going Coaching Session!

Sheri, how will I benefit? You’ll…

Sheri Rosenthal

  • Clarify your current situation so you can see “the what is.”
  • Identify the issues in your thinking that are creating confusion or indecision.
  • Gain the tools you need to let go of what is limiting your progress.
  • Create an action plan to move past your overwhelm or fears.
  • Be able to calm your mind and relax knowing exactly what you need to do.

Get your Clarity Session today!

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Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey

Join David Ault in Cambodia and Angkor Wat, Jan 30-Feb 9th for a volunteer journey of the heart.

Anyone who, even for a second, feels a pure, clear confidence on hearing the truth will experience immeasurable happiness. Why? Because, at that moment, that person is not caught up in the concept of a self or a living being or a life span. He is not caught up in concepts about the world, nor is he caught up in concepts about nothingness. He does not take any notice of the idea that this is a sign, or this or that is not a sign.

For if you are caught up in ideas, then you will be caught up in the self. And even if you are caught up in ideas about nothingness, you will still be caught up in the self. That’s why we should not get attached to the belief that things either exist or do not exist. This is the hidden meaning when I say that my teachings are a raft to be abandoned when you see true being.
~ Diamond Sutra

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Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey

Unconditional Love in Action ♥
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Trip Leader: David Ault
January 30 – February 9th, 2012


Florida Women's Spiritual Retreat

Honoring & Healing the Goddess Within!
Delray, Florida
Trip Leader: Shanti Gilbert
February 9–12, 2012


Tantric Shamanism Retreat Mar de Jade

Trance Dance – Opening the Chakras to the Energies of 2012
Mar de Jade, Mexico
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
March 3-10th, 2012

Great Pyramid

Remembrances: Exploring the Mysteries of the Stones
Trip Leader: Samvedam Randles
March 8-18th, 2012

Women's Retreat Agua Nicaragua

Soul*Full Sisters – Spirituality & Photography by the Sea
Agua Nicaragua
Trip Leader: Catherine Just & Sheri Rosenthal
March 29-Apr 3, 2012


Lina Vallejo

Skanda Yoga Retreat – Portals of Power!
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Trip Leaders: Ken von Roenn III & Lina Vallejo
April 11-18th, 2012

Sedona Spiritual Journey

Goddess Healing Spiritual Retreat
Sedona, Arizona
Trip Leader: Shanti Gilbert
April 29-May 4th, 2012


Chichen Itza

Shamanic Healing Techniques in the Heart of the Mayan Lands
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
May 17-22, 2012


Oregon Coast

Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat
Oregon Coast NEW!
Trip Leader: Catherine Just
June 6-10th, 2012


A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Cameron Broughton
June 14-22nd, 2012


Isla Espiritu Santo

Sisterhood, Sand & Sun!
Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja, Mexico
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
July 1-7, 2012


Feminine Power Global Community

Raising Empowered, Radiant Daughters – A Mother/Daughter Retreat!
Costa Rica NEW!
Trip Leaders: Katherine Woodward Thomas & Miriam Martineau
August 5-11th, 2012

Akashic Records Intensive

Akashic Records Intensive – Opening the Secrets of the Stones
Teotihuacan, Mexico NEW!
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
August 5-11th, 2012


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
Sheri Rosenthal
Ernesto Ortiz
Ken von Roenn III
Sheri Rosenthal
Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey
Angkor Wat, Cambodia Spiritual Journey
Florida Women's Spiritual Retreat
Tantric Shamanism Retreat Mar de Jade
Great Pyramid
Women's Retreat Agua Nicaragua
Lina Vallejo
Sedona Spiritual Journey
Chichen Itza
Oregon Coast
Isla Espiritu Santo
Feminine Power Global Community
Akashic Records Intensive
FREE e-book
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