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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? How would you change your life if you knew your time was limited?!

You’ve got to listen to this fabulous 5 minute video by Ric Elias – one of the people on the plane that had to do the emergency landing in the Hudson River in NYC. In a few minutes he got the download on what’s truly important in life – and this is worth listening to.

Some of his thoughts are: It all changes in an instant, don’t postpone anything in life, don’t waste time with things that don’t matter, get rid of negative energy, don’t bother about being right – choose to be happy, and dying is not scarey – we’ve been preparing for it our whole lives. Wise words!


LADIES! We have two spots left for our Journey to Avalon – Sacred Britain trip June 14-22nd. I would love for you to join us for a very special retreat where we focus on the female energy and archetypes – and ultimately take our own “Grail Quest” of the heart. This is a very small and intimate group and the perfect time to get away. Please don’t miss this special opportunity!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Ready to finally create the life you’ve been dreaming of?

Excited, but a bit afraid to step out boldly and bravely?

No worries, ’cause you’ve got support, clarity and
a plan – ready and waiting for you!

2012 is a pivotal year and the winds of change are blowing strong. We can all feel it – paradigms are shifting, structures are falling, and old ways are…well…going by the wayside! Just as our larger structures are being challenged so are our personal structures. As aware students of spirituality, we must ask ourselves which of our old structures (that we’ve been clinging to out of fear) need to go so that we can make way for the new.

Sheri Rosenthal

I invite you to join Sheri Rosenthal July 13-15, 2012, (Friday evening to Sunday morning) for a powerful workshop in Gretna, Louisiana (near New Orleans). During our time together we’ll get clear on the direction we want to go and discover the self-imposed blocks that are stopping us from getting there.

We’ll delineate the actions we need to take to make our dreams manifest and shine the light on the subtle acts of sabotage that prevent our success. If you have big plans for the next 5 years, don’t miss this opportunity to ground your dreams into reality and live your best life with joy and passion!

Tuition for Sheri’s workshop is $395.00. When you hit the light-grey Add to Cart button below, your selection will go immediately into the shopping cart. When you are finished, then click the “checkout” link below.
If you don’t wish to register online or are having issues, call 727.421.0849 or email us.

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Challenging times? – Need a bit of magic to turn things around in your life?

Lisa Tully & monks

Struggling to find a decent place to live? Not sure how to pay the bills next month? Well I’ve found a bit of magic in my life that I think you can use in yours – right here and right now!

Having just returned from a three-month stint in India, I spent the entire duration of my trip in the company of Tibetan monks who help me run my spiritual tours in India. In other words, I learned a thing or two about Tibetan Buddhism and the undeniable magic it can bring about in ones life which I am keen to share.

A dear friend of mine, Lama Tashi, initially introduced me to the deity Green Tara in Dharamsala, India when I first went to visit the Dalai Lama in India. Tara is a female aspect of the Buddha who was originally born as a princess called Yeshe Dawa. Upon achieving enlightenment she was told by some monks of that period that if she made prayers to receive a male body they would be fruitful.

However her response was; “Many work for sentient beings with male bodies, but few with female. Therefore I shall work for all sentient beings as a female until samsara ends.”

Green Tara

There are twenty-one Tara’s in total, one of which is the Green Tara. Many realized people, in both India & Tibet, have attained that state through working with her. When I asked my friend Lama Tashi; “What can I do to improve my business?” (I had recently quit my job and was out on a financial limb when the economy was crumbling), he replied with the Green Tara mantra: Om Tara Tuttara Ture Svaha.

In pictures of Green Tara she normally has her right leg extended out. This is representative of the fact that she’s always ready to take action to assist us, and no request is too big or small! By repeating the Green Tara mantra up to 108 times a day, we are calling on her intervention for swift action.

The Dalai Lama consistently asks us to check things out for ourselves before we believe anything, so I’ve spent the last year exploring this female deity to see what influence she could bring into my life’s work. And I have to say my belief over time has grown stronger and stronger as my dreams continually manifest. I started with the daily mantras on my own, and then discovered that weekly Green Tara pujas were happening at my local Buddhist centre which had been set up to help bring her energy into projects of choice.

Initially booking my ticket to India for one month, I then decided to extend my stay by two months. Keen to learn as much as I could, I signed up to do a Green Tara retreat in Bodhgaya, India, which was happening around the time of the Kalachakra. The Kalachakra is the largest Tibetan Buddhist event where the Dalai Lama teaches and gives initiations.

Every high level Buddhist practitioner is in town for this event! Consequently, towards the end of our Green Tara retreat our teacher told us that the Dalai Lama’s personal oracle, Khandro-La, would be arriving that afternoon. Oracles go into trance like states and deliver powerful predictions to those around them and are used regularly in the state affairs of the Tibetan Government in exile.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Khandro-la is a lay practitioner who was discovered by the Dalai Lama himself. While attending his teachings in Dharamsala, she kept going into one of her trances. To the untrained eye this might look like a woman going into hysterics, which happens from time to time when Tibetan devotees see the Dalai Lama. As a result, security kept throwing her out. Somehow she kept getting back in and eventually the Dalai Lama spotted her and instructed her to be brought to him. She has lived at the Dalai Lama’s home ever since.

My teacher had spent a great deal of time with Khandro-la, she even stayed at his home for a period of time. He told us she was the real deal and we were very excited. As we lined up with our silk scarves for blessings and she came to each of us individually – words fail to express the heartfelt beauty I experienced being around this woman’s energy and humility.

Afterwards our teacher said to us; “Here we are on our Green Tara retreat and you’ve just been blessed by a physical manifestation of her.” In that moment it hit me, I had been doing Green Tara practice all year long in one form or another to help me with my work in India and look what magic was happening! The synchronicities were everywhere.

Now, remembering that the Dalai Lama always asks us to check everything before we believe in it (including the word of the Buddha himself) – don’t take my word for any of this. If times are tough and you need a helping hand, then why not give Green Tara’s mantra a go? Repeat her mantra 108 times a day for 30 days with a specific issue or project in mind and who knows – maybe you’ll soon be sharing about the “green magic” in your life!

Blessings & light – Lisa Tully

**Join Lisa this year for one of her sacred journeys:**

The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile: Dharmasala, India
June 5-21st & Oct 16 – Nov 1st, 2012

(Interested? Excellent! Click the link above to learn more and register.)

Photograph of the Green Tara thanks to Tanya Schroeder | Photograph of the Dalai Lama thanks to his official website

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Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes
Trip Leader: Dennis McKenna
June 2-9, 2012

Oregon Coast

Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat
Oregon Coast – FILLING FAST!!
Trip Leader: Catherine Just
June 6-10th, 2012


The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India
Trip Leader: Lisa Tully
June 5-21st, 2012


A Women’s Sacred Journey to Avalon
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Cameron Broughton
June 14-22nd, 2012


Isla Espiritu Santo

Sisterhood, Sand & Sun!
Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja, Mexico
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
July 1-7, 2012


Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Awaken in the Andes
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
August 19-27th, 2012


Santorini, Greece

Inspire Your Creative Soul! (Painting Retreat)
Santorini, Greece
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
Sept 7-14th, 2012

Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
September 13–24, 2012

Equine Therapy

Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom
Tucson, AZ
Trip Leaders: Ezra Marrow, Briana Lorenz-Marrow & Judy Askins
Sept 19-23rd, 2012

Bali Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit
Trip Leader: Deborah Skye King
Sept 21-Oct 1st, 2012 TRIP MOVED TO APRIL 2013!

Sedona Women's Yoga Retreat

The Awakening! a Women’s Intuition, Yoga & Life Mastery Retreat
Sedona, AZ
Trip Leaders: Kathy Knowles & Joy Kochmer
Sept 29-Oct 4th, 2012


Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat

Mayan Vibrational Alignment – Embracing the Cosmic Shift
Costa Rica – NEW!
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
October 14-20th, 2012

Ghost Ranch Spiritual Retreat

Heaven on Earth – the Creative Path for Embodied Spirituality
Ghost Ranch, New Mexico – NEW!
Trip Leaders: Licia Berry & Teresa Husband
October 19-23, 2012

Big Sur California Artists Retreat

Sacred Relationships & Sexuality – Tantra for Couples
Machu Picchu & Peru – NEW & VERY FUN!
Trip Leaders: Richard & Diana Daffner
Oct 26-Nov 5, 2012


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
Sheri Rosenthal
Sheri Rosenthal
Lisa Tully & monks
Green Tara
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
Oregon Coast
Isla Espiritu Santo
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
Santorini, Greece
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
Equine Therapy
Bali Spiritual Journey
Sedona Women's Yoga Retreat
Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat
Ghost Ranch Spiritual Retreat
Big Sur California Artists Retreat
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