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Ales’ Travel Column! | Our Upcoming Trips at a Glance

Dear Friends,


WHAT’S NEW? Tolerance! I deeply respect the Dalai Lama, and in today’s world of conflict and strife, his words are like a breath of fresh air. I hope you agree!

I always say that every person on this earth has the freedom to practice or not practice religion. It is all right to do either. But once you accept religion, it is extremely important to be able to focus your mind on it and sincerely practice the teachings in your daily life. All of us can see that we tend to indulge in religious favoritism by saying, “I belong to this or that religion”, rather than making effort to control our agitated minds. This misuse of religion, due to our disturbed minds, also sometimes creates problems.

I know a physicist from Chile who told me that it is not appropriate for a scientist to be biased towards science because of his love and passion for it. I am a Buddhist practitioner and have a lot of faith and respect in the teachings of the Buddha. However, if I mix up my love for and attachment to Buddhism, then my mind shall be biased towards it. A biased mind, which never sees the complete picture, cannot grasp the reality. And any action that results from such a state of mind will not be in tune with reality. As such it causes a lot of problems.

According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind. This is very important. A distorted mind, in contrast to an enlightened mind, is one that is not in tune with reality.” (Read the whole article on His Holiness’ website)
Please post below
and let me know how you are feel about his words!


SANTA FE, NM: Healthy, Spiritual & Conscious Relationships – June 17-22nd
SEDONA: The Aramaic Breath of Life: Awakening in the Desert – Sept 22-27th
Early-bird pricing special ends July 1st!

KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! – Oct 3-15th
Early-bird pricing special ends July 1st!

Need a special trip for you or your family? Let Ales in Custom Travel design something for you!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

Picture of Thich Nhat Hanh from his website
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DOLORES, CO: Revolution! Intuitive Awareness Retreat for Women – Sept 24-28th REGISTER NOW!

  • Uncover your own true essence, inner guidance and intuitive wisdom?
  • Become more mentally & physically grounded, focused, and aware?
  • Create your dream with clarity, knowing what you truly value and desire?
  • Design a fully-expressed, empowered and revolutionary life for yourself?

Colorado Spiritual Retreat

Join Kathy Knowles & Joy Kochmer in the serene and rejuvenating setting of the Sophia Peace Center for a special women’s retreat. Unveil the truth of your spiritual awareness as you embark on a journey beyond traditional workshop techniques into the depth of your being ~ your personal universe.

Revolution! is a uniquely powerful, 5 day immersion course held in the mountains of Dolores, Colorado where the Milky Way magically sparkles and unfolds above us and we can merge with the infinite possibilities of the universe. The 2011 trip cost is: $1145.00 USD per person double occupancy, including meals. Sign-up by June 21st – the trip price is going up to $1325.00. Details for Colorado here.

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~Wish You Had More Trust in
Your Decision-making Processes?~

Kathy Knowles

Kathy Knowles

♥Join intuitive coach Kathy Knowles, and yoga teacher extraordinaire Joy Valenti Kochmer and I – Tues, June 14th at 8:30 pm eastern, 5:30 pacific time for a free teleclass (they’re the facilitators for our DOLORES, CO: Revolution! Intuitive Awareness Retreat for Women – Sept 24-28th).

Joy Valenti Kochmer

Joy Valenti Kochmer

We’ll be chatting about: Intuition in Action! 5 Ways to Start an Inner Revolution. On this heart-felt call, you’ll learn: How to detect when your intuition is signaling you, Joy’s special heart-centered meditation to connect to your true self,  and how to open your awareness with Kathy’s “intuitive scan” – and so much more! Sign up NOW!

Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in the yogic traditions, and the powerful and practical wisdom of our inner intuition – you will leave this call with the tools you need to begin making needed changes in your life.


~Need Some Clarity & a New Point of View?~

Do you often…

  • Wake up wondering whose life you’re living?
  • Feel like you’re lacking clarity?
  • Find yourself short-tempered, frustrated or unhappy?
  • Wish your relationships were more supportive and loving?
  • Want to forgive and move on, but can’t?
  • Crave freedom from your own life and mind?
Sheri Rosenthal

Sheri Rosenthal

Are you ready to break out of the box you call reality? If so, join Sheri for a personal intensive! It’s a powerful experience and is a great way to jump-start your life. In my experience, the root of most people’s issues is a belief system that is sabotaging their life – rather than supporting it. These intensives will take place in St Petersburg, Florida. It’s a lovely place to take time to reflect upon your life and walking on the beach is beautiful and peaceful. You’ll stay on St Pete Beach during your intensive. Figure we’ll spend around 3 hours together in the morning and then you’ll do your assignments in the afternoon. Then we’ll catch back up for ~1 hour in the evening to re-cap. Details here. Did you miss my Living With Clarity, Leading With Power & Loving With Awareness teleclass? Listen here!

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Neale Donald Walsh

This is a great program you might be interested in! Click the banner for more info! When you sign up for this program a small percentage of your dollars come back to JOTS to support our free teleclass series.

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Slovenia is a charming country, half the size of Switzerland, where historical cities lie just a stone throw from pure mountain fed lakes while the Mediterranean coast laps gently towards its rolling vineyards.

Lake Bled, Slovenia

Lake Bled, Slovenia

I’m passionate about Slovenia – I was born there and my wonderful grandmother and family still enjoy a beautiful life there. Every year my 9 year old son Isaac and I go home so we can re-connect with family and his heritage (at least half of it!). My grandmother has a small vineyard where I love to just sit, listen to the crickets and birds chirping, while I treasure the views overlooking the nearby valley and rolling hills and forests. Sixty percent of the country is forest – so pastoral views are a common sight!


My son at my grandma's place!

Typical of our changing world, Slovenia has changed a lot since its independence in 1991. Each time I return I’m surprised by how much it is growing yet still has its cozy feeling and charm. It’s nestled between the alps to the North, the Adriatic Sea to the West, Croatia to the South, and Hungary to its East. You can actually go skiing in the morning and then have a delicious seafood dinner in the beautiful little coastal town of Portoroz in the evening (meaning port of flowers). Because of Slovenia’s geographical location – the options for a restful vacation are endless.

Two of the most magical places have to be Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj. Surrounded by mountains, crystal clear water, and fresh air – it’s the perfect place for hiking, cycling or taking a ride down a raging river. Lake Bled is famous for having an island in the middle of the lake which can only be reached by row boat. There’s a charming little church on the island where young couples love to get married. (Legend has it that if the husband can carry his wife up the ninety nine steps to the church they will have a long and happy marriage!)

Lake Bled, Solvenia

The little church on Lake Bled

Slovenia is blessed with 87 natural thermal springs – a great way to rejuvenate your body while enjoying invigorating spa treatments in one of the many natural resorts.

I love spending my days meeting friends and family in the beautiful capital city of Ljubljana, or driving to Lake Bled for a long walk, or even listening to the crashing of the ocean waves by the sea. Within a 40 minute drive I can experience a myriad of vistas – one more beautiful than the next!

There are only a few storybook places on earth like Solvenia and I hope you have the chance to experience it. If you would like to know more about this beautiful little country please call or e-mail me. If you are planning to visit, let me know, I might be able to arrange a visit to my grandma’s vineyard for you! Please post below if you’ve been to Slovenia – I’d love to know!

Blessings & love, Ales Stuna, Director of Custom Travel.

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SANTA FE, NM: Healthy, Spiritual & Conscious Relationships
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
June 17-22nd, 2011


PERU & MACHU PICCHU: Spiritual Mysteries of the Incas
Trip Leader: Romulo Castilla & Carrie Plocher
August 17-29th, 2011 (price goes up June 1st!)


ZION NATIONAL PARK: Art & Spirit Painting Retreat
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
Sept 14-18th, 2011 (price goes up August 1st!)

Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Sept 20-26th, 2011 (price goes up July 15th!)

SEDONA: The Aramaic Breath of Life: Awakening in the Desert
Trip Leader: Dale Allen Hoffman
Sept 22-27th, 2011 (price goes up July 1st!)

DOLORES, CO: Revolution! Intuitive Awareness & Communication Retreat
Trip Leader: Kathy Knowles & Joy Valenti Kochmer
Sept 24-28th, 2011 (price goes up June 21st!)

TEPOZTLÁN, MEXICO: Creating Divine Partnerships
Trip Leaders: Greg & Tamara Montana
September 24-30th (price goes up July 1st!)


KENYA, AFRICA: A Woman’s Safari for the Mind, Body & Spirit! REGISTER EARLY!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal & Melinda Johnson
Oct 3-15th, 2011 (price goes up June 1st!)

PERU & MACHU PICCHU: The Heart & Soul of Pachamama
Trip Leader: Carol Rydell
October 13-23rd -Lake Titicaca extension Oct 23-25th (price goes up Aug 1st!)

SANTORINI, GREECE: Inspire Your Creative Soul!
Trip Leader: Linda Jacobson
October 14-21st, 2011 (price goes up August 1st!)

DAY OF THE DEAD: Oaxaca Mexico: A Celebration of Life!
Trip Leader: Sheri Rosenthal
Oct 29th-Nov 6th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)


MAYAN RIVIERA: Prayer Beads & Altars
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Kathy Benson
Nov 9-15th, 2011 (price goes up Sept 1st!)

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Sheri Rosenthal
Colorado Spiritual Retreat
Kathy Knowles
Joy Valenti Kochmer
Sheri Rosenthal
Neale Donald Walsh
Lake Bled, Slovenia
Lake Bled, Solvenia
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