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WHAT’S NEW? Bringing Spirituality into Your Business for Real!

Hope you’ll take a few minutes to real this weeks article below about spirituality and business. I’d love to know what you think….
Crop Circles Journey
Next! It’s last call for Brandt’s Bimini retreat to swim with the wild dolphins. It was great to see that one person stepped up and took advantage to the offer he made for a discounted trip! Yea! We still have a couple of spots open in case anyone is still interested for June 15-20th.

It’s also last call for our two UK trips to Wales June 18-29 and for our Crop Circles and Sacred Sites journey July 20-29th. If you’re interested let me know immediately (how cool would it be to hang out in the middle of one of those)!

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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The Heart + Wonders of Wales: Wales
June 18-29, 2014

Anglesey WalesWales is otherworldly – lush green valleys filled with morning mist, craggy mountain peaks reaching to the clouds, a coastline to stretch the imagination to the horizon and a formidable reputation founded on legends of druids, wizards and witches. As the last retreat of the inhabitants of ancient Albion, the Welsh are still connected to the “olde ways.” Even today this depth of history and tradition is present in the very fabric of the land.

In twelve days we travel through breathtaking countryside, see stunning coastline, take a train ride up Mount Snowdon the highest mountain in Wales and visit memorable sites. Ancient dolmen and cairns, a legendary Abbey, cathedrals, village churches, a truly unique village, traditional historic towns, the capital city, wells, waterfalls and two castles, including having a medieval banquet in one of them!

Our spiritual journey to Wales takes us across this small but diverse country. We will walk in footsteps of the Druids of old as we explore this mysterious landscape and it’s many sacred sites and stunning landscapes.

Trip tuition: £2340 based on double occupancy, Single occupancy supplement: £300 – many meals included.

Details for Wales here!

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Bringing Spirituality into Your Business for Real!
by Sheri Rosenthal

Business woman meditatingBack in April I wrote a short article sharing how I felt about the fact that there are so many healers, spiritual teachers, lightworkers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs of all kinds not making the income they could be.

In our spiritual studies we learn that this is an abundant universe. We learn that we can create and manifest our heart’s desires. All the great teachers share that we don’t have to be afraid – we can take action boldly and not worry about what others think about us. We can be free from our limiting thoughts and beliefs and stretch our wings beyond anything we could imagine.

Yet, in reality, no matter how much we know that intellectually, what are we actually creating in our lives? I see so many business people and internet marketers making huge incomes, and so many spiritually-minded and heart-centered entrepreneurs just scraping by. And this has to change.

It has to change because we have such a strong desire to give back to the world, to uplift and inspire, to heal and open hearts. And how can we do so if we only touch a small number of people and we don’t have the funds to give back, create schools, donate money, and make change?

Of course we can always give of our time, that doesn’t require any money – but what if you could build a school for example, and touch hundreds of children’s lives for the better with your money?

successObviously I’ve been thinking A LOT about this lately.

Many of you know that I’ve been teaching The Four Agreements work for years having studied with don Miguel Ruiz. Last year I changed the direction of my business to focus more on how we put these principles into our business and life and how we can live audacious, juicy lives and give back boldly.

I did that because of this very reason! (Yes, this really bugs me.) The most amazing people I know in the world are not living the lives they could be given the body of wisdom they so strongly believe in.  And that’s a damn shame.

I see it everyday in my own business. I see it when I’m challenged in getting myself out there in a bigger way, I see it when I have to learn new technology and when I have to speak in front of a crowd. I do hear that voice in my head that says:  “Marketing is yucky and so time consuming, why do I have to do this?” or “This is scary, what if people don’t like my speech?”  or “OMG I can’t believe I have to sit here and strain my brain trying to learn how to use this stupid Camtasia program, why can’t I just work with the people I love, and why do I have to do things I don’t like doing?!!

Well, the truth is I do have to do all of those things if I want to be fearless and if I want to share my unique gifts that I received from Spirit with the world. I decided some years ago that I was tired of being selfish, playing small, and denying the people who did needed my help the ability to find me. It took my teacher pointing that out to me to realize what I was doing.

So if you are a heart-centered entrepreneur you owe it to the world to run your business like a business, get over your dislike of marketing, value what you do as the gift from God that it is, and get a real business plan that is actionable and monetizable.  It’s time to stop using non-truthful spiritual mumbo-jumbo to justify playing small.

upset2By that I mean false beliefs like; spiritual people don’t need to make money, we don’t need to charge a lot for what we do, money is not important and not necessary. Well I beg to differ. That energy/money is needed to create other good works that require that energy. Money is an exchange of energy which represents the value of your work and it’s disrespectful to undervalue your gifts. If you were doing a barter would you not want to value your worth appropriately? If you help others in any way, shape or form,  isn’t your gift as worthy as your family doctor’s gifts?

Egads – what is Sheri saying! Yes, as a doctor I can say that I went to school for a lot of years to get my degree – but the bottom line is if you get your clients results, and they benefit greatly, and that benefit changes their life, and gives them great value – then you have the right and the responsibility to charge for your services and market those services like a real business. And by doing that you will be profitable and then you can take that profit and pay it forward and change the world.

So instead of your business being a hobby, it’s time to step up and get serious. It’s time to show up and stop being afraid and making excuses. Whatever you do for a living the world needs it now – so stop holding back! I’m curious what you think about this – and I’d love to hear what you think so do post on the website below right now!

And if this is something you’ve been thinking about for a while let me know. I’ve created a business program for my heart-centered entrepreneurs to help them make that shift and if you are interested in stepping up and learning more email me and we can chat!

Blessings, Sheri
Sheri Rosenthal

Sheri stands for the right for every human to live an audacious life. To stop feeling trapped by jobs, relationships, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us and are holding us back from being everything we can be in this lifetime. To be free to create the business of our dreams, to travel, to explore the world, to have supportive amazing relationships, to be healthy and happy, to have time freedom, to learn deeply about ourselves, to honor ourselves spiritually, to give back, to serve the world in a huge way, to get our message out there, and to stop playing small. 🙂

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Sacred Wales

The Heart + Wonders of Wales
Wales, UK
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
June 18-29, 2014


Sacred Britain

Crop Circles and Sacred Sites
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
July 20-29th, 2014


Sacred Britain

Mysteries + Sacred Sites of England
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
August 6-15, 2014


Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes with Dennis McKenna
Trip Leader: Dennis McKenna
August 7-17th, 2014


The Heart Wisdom of Whales & Wild Dolphins
Trip Leader: Anne Gordon de Barrigón
Multiple dates: Aug 17-22, Aug 31-Sept 5, Sept 14-19, Sept 28-Oct 3, 2014

Sacred Ireland

The Magic of Celtic Country
Sacred Ireland
Trip Leader: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
August 22-31, 2014


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year? Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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