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WHAT’S NEW? Stand in Your Power – Teotihuacan Mexico!

If you’re a healer, coach, retreat leader or simply on your own healing journey and ready to show up more fully for yourself and confidently stand in your power, then join Meghan Gilroy for a heart-led sacred ceremonies retreat to Teotihuacán & Tolantongo Mexico October 4-9th!

Spiritual retreat TeotihuacanStanding at the end of the Avenue of the Dead, you turn and face the Pyramid of the Moon. Your heart’s desire? Freedom, happiness, inner peace… whatever your soul most craves to feel in your daily life! You know it’s time for a major breakthrough with every cell in your being.

But how do you move past all the situations in your life that challenge you? How do you release those subtle (or loud!) limiting thoughts in your mind or old stuck emotions in your heart? And how do you dare to shine your brilliance in today’s crazy world?

Have no fear, “Teo” will guide us. Calling on ceremonies that have been passed down for generations, in the locations where many of them originated, we’ll use The Plazas of Hell, Earth, Air, Water and Fire to release the ways we’ve made the (often unconscious) choice to limit ourselves – all while discovering how to be able to create and facilitate sacred ceremony step-by-step for yourself or your clients back at home.

Click Here for more information about Teo, Mexico

Blessings & love, Sheri

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A Journey to the Unlimited Self:
Grand Canyon & Sedona, Arizona
October 4th-11th, 2018

If you are an avid hiker who is looking for a unique challenge that will give you the gifts of more confidence & inner strength – then join Heather Feather for this amazing week in The Grand Canyon & Sedona.  It will make you feel strong in your body and expansive in your mind.

As you make your way down the trail to Phantom Ranch the sun is just rising up and you walk in awe at the beauty that surrounds you.  Your body feels amazing, strong and capable.  It feels so good to soak in the beauty, the warm sun on your skin and the grandiose visual experience of it all!

The expansiveness of The Grand Canyon reminds you of the expansiveness of your mind and all of the unlimited possibilities that lie ahead for you.  As you take in a deep breath the smell of juniper and fresh creek water awakens your senses and you realize all that really is possible in this life and the power you have to create your own amazing reality.

Trip Tuition:  $3,400.00 USD includes most meals, hotel stay and transportation to & from The Grand Canyon

Details for Grand Canyon

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Serenity, Self-Discovery & Serious Pampering:
Sacred Bali
October 14th-22nd, 2018

If you’re a woman, who gives her all to others, who puts other first and who needs to relax and clear your mind, let go of old habits and limitations and step into your abundant audacious life– then you must join Stephanie Osborne on this journey of self-discovery.

Perched on a clifftop overlooking the Indian Ocean, the ocean winds brushing across your face taking with them, the weight of old habits and the walls of limitations which have been holding you back from leading the life you desire. You will be immersed in the practice of meditation and yoga- supported by compassion, as you listen to the call of your own inner yearning.

Immerse in the cultures of Bali, and some well deserved pampering, as you spend your first five restful nights in the comfy cottages of the Bagus Jati-a complete health and well-being center in the Balinese capital of Ubud. Take comfort in your own oasis, cut off from the world, surrounded by lush, colorful hillside gardens, meandering pathways and soothing greenery. A retreat fit for a goddess encouraging you to explore Balinese culture and indulge in exquisite Balinese cuisine, followed by luxurious pampering and soulful exploration as you discover the goddess within you.

Trip Tuition: $3,849 USD double occupancy, $1,195 USD single occupancy supplement. Deposit of $750 USD due to reserve your space.

Details for Bali

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I am not and I can’t – I am and I can!

It’s amazing how often I’m in conversation with people who are enthusiastic about their spiritual path and teachings. They get so excited discussing how we’re divine beings, how everyone is one, and how many great organizations are lifting the consciousness of the world today. And as long as the conversation stays on the intellectual/conceptual level, everyone’s happy and in agreement. That is until something comes up that challenges their old programmed beliefs.

Inevitably a situation comes up where it is clear that these conversations are simply concepts, ideas that appeal to our ego’s sense of self-importance, that we are “cool” and enlightened beings. For example, discussion may come around to being employed at a job that is not fulfilling. Instead of hearing how the person has gratitude for the impetus to leave and move onto something more challenging and creative, I might be hearing how their co-workers are unappreciative and unpleasant and how they are unfortunately stuck in their job with these irritating people.

Now, how can we ever say we are stuck in any situation if we truly believe we are divine beings? If we say we are stuck, aren’t we saying we’re being victimized by our finances or lack of ability to see other options in life? If we cannot leave, isn’t that because we don’t have enough faith in ourselves to try something new, or that we don’t have faith that we can find another job that can replace our income? Perhaps we’re even blaming our inability to change jobs on other people or circumstances in our lives? Isn’t it time we move those wonderful spiritual concepts and ideas into action in our lives, rather than leaving them to animated dinner conversations?

Either you know yourself as “I am and I can do it” or you know yourself as “I am not and I cannot do it.” You cannot be in two places at the same time. So in any moment in your life you are either living the truth or living a lie. The question is: In any moment – do you have the awareness to hear what you are saying to yourself and others – or are you blindly following the voice in your head that is telling you what you cannot do while giving you all the justifications and reasons to support those lies?

Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question for you. It takes real self-honesty and disciplined journaling so that you can see your lies in writing in front of your face. Yes, it’s wonderful to have such enlightened beliefs, but unless you put them into action they’re simply a bunch of lovely concepts that your ego-mind has collected to make it even more powerful.

I encourage you to take a moment to see the truth of this strategy so that in the future you don’t allow yourself to fall prey to this kind of thinking. I happen to know that you can do it because I know I can do it and we are one and we are divine. Next time, “I am not and I cannot do it” comes out of your mouth don’t believe yourself. Call a friend that does not have the same mental limitations as you and allow them to assist you in seeing the all the possibilities that life is sharing with you.

With all my love! Sheri

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