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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? Can you make a definitive decision or are you a wimpy waffler?

Ever have trouble making a decision? Do you often find your mind littered with a list of pros and cons? When you have to make a big decision do you give yourself a headache? After you make your choice is it hard to let go and move on? If so you are not alone. This weeks article below will give you more clarity about what is actually going on when you are decisions challenged. Do post and let me know what you think!

**DON’T MISS THIS – I am doing a live internet radio show TONIGHT at 6pm PST/9pm EST. So if you have been watching the forgiveness videos and have questions – I suggest you listen in and be ready to call in with your query! I can’t wait to hear from you! Scroll down for the info.


Costa Rica Shamanic Retreat

December 21st, 2012 is a just step away and there’s no better way to prepare for this cosmic shift than to celebrate together with Shamanic ceremonies and Sacred circles facilitated by author and Shaman Ernesto Ortiz in Costa Rica. Our intent is to start creating a shift in our personal vibrational frequency to align our personal Chakras with the Planetary Chakras.

Rewind while you unwind, bring your spirit into wholeness, re-connect with your Shamanic and Sacred Selves, and become vibrationally alive as this vibrational shift ends and a new one awakens. Trip cost: $1855.00 USD pp double occ and $1699.00 USD pp dormitory occ (4-6 people), all meals included. Our Mayan Vibrational Alignment Retreat runs October 14-20th, 2012. (TRIP IS FILLING REGISTER NOW!)

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Forgiveness! Uncensored, Demystified, & Absolutely Obtainable!


What if you could completely forgive yourself and others? What if you could gain all of the insight, tools, and support needed to completely release the past? Well I’m here to say it is possible – and I’m very excited to share this amazing opportunity to experience the freedom of forgiveness in all areas of your life!

I’ve launched a powerful online forgiveness program to change what you believe about forgiveness and make it possible to move past those blocks that have you stonewalled and flummoxed! With humor and joy, I’ll will help you move through the challenges of forgiveness and support you in expanding your perspective, nourishing your soul, and healing the wounds of the past.

So if you’re tired of getting aggravated and stressed out every time you have to spend time with your mother or father, frustrated with that sick feeling in your gut every time you have to deal with your ex, or sick and tired of beating yourself up and getting down on yourself – you’ve got to watch my 4 part video series on forgiveness – right now!

Even if you feel you don’t have anyone you need to forgive – I bet you know someone who does. Would you consider letting them know about this program and passing the link along to them? I would appreciate it! Let’s start a forgiveness movement today that changes the world!

If you’re ready to move past the blocks that are sabotaging your success in your relationships, business, love, heath, and abundance – don’t wait – let me show you how forgiveness can be uncensored, demystified, & absolutely obtainable!

Tricks and Tools for Forgiveness with Sheri on Energy Healing Radio this Weds!


Please join me and Krystalya on her radio show THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 6pm PST/9pm EST. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite tricks and tools for forgiveness. You will learn how to see forgiveness in a new light – one that will make it easier to forgive even the most challenging of situations.

If you have been having a hard time letting go of something painful in your life – don’t miss this powerful discussion!

**I’ll will be answering questions LIVE, so please make sure you have your questions ready for me. See you there! Call in information: Phone 815.880.TALK (8255). For more details: A2Zenf radio

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. Can you make ’em?!

One of the most profound issues I’ve noticed over the past 10 years of working with folks is that most are incredibly challenged in their decision making. It seems like this would be such a basic and simple thing to do, yet experience shows me it is not. It’s become very obvious that most people have a striking inability to make a decision with absolute confidence.

life is about choices

When you make a decision with confidence you are able to let go and move on in life. But for most folks their internal dialogue wanders back to whether or not they’ve made the right choice and they waste time and energy further mulling over lists of pros and cons even when that decision is seemingly over and done with.

They’re too busy worrying about whether they made the “right” choice and being concerned about how people are going to judge them and if others will think they are stupid. Good grief! All that thinking is bound to exhaust a person for sure!

And that’s assuming the person actually made a decision! The majority of folks will do anything to avoid making a choice – especially when they feel a lot is at stake. For example, let’s say we’re not enjoying our current work situation but because we don’t have a new job to replace our current one we won’t make a decision to leave. We don’t want to look stupid so we do nothing until all our ducks are in a row.

Same thing with relationships. People will stay in a relationship that is un-fulfilling, un-supportive and not particularly loving, just because they can’t make a decision to leave. Or maybe we should be more honest here and say they won’t leave because they’re too worried about what others will think and how they are going to be perceived. So instead they’ll justify their fear of judgment from others by saying they have a fear of hurting others and bury their true fear by saying they don’t know what they want and can’t make a decision.

To that I say bull. You’re lying to yourself first and foremost and to everyone one else second. Your true fear of how you are going to be perceived – is simply unadulterated EGO. It’s all about you, you, you. How others are going to see you and how you are going to see yourself. The bottom line is you cannot hurt others. You can take actions in life that people take personally and use to hurt themselves because they are living an ego-ridden life too. But you cannot do anything to anyone – you’re not that important and neither am I.


Part of the reason why the decisions are so hard to make is because we have so many conflicting thought forms going on in our heads that have our attention – we can’t see the forest for the trees. But this is the perfect excuse and mental strategy for keeping us from looking at the true issues and making a choice. If we don’t make a choice because we are consumed by the list of pros and cons we won’t be judged and all will be well.

Except all won’t be well because we’ll be living out our lives trading safety and certainty for a passionate, exciting, uncertain, authentic and audacious life. If we don’t make the choice to leave our job or relationship we can pretty much guess what tomorrow is going to look like. In fact we can be certain of it. But if we take a chance to chance and do something different – and go the route of the heart – we won’t know what’s going to happen, what others will think of us or if we are going to fall on our face.

I can tell you that I’ve fallen on my face hundreds of times. And if you haven’t noticed – I’m still living and breathing. When I left my practice, most of the medical community thought I was crazy. But so what. I’m living my life – not anyone else. As long as I don’t judge myself – all is well. And that’s the kicker isn’t it? Worse than anyone else’s judgment of us – is our judgment of ourselves.


I learned long ago that people who are bold are people who have surrendered self-judgment. They have adopted a rule and it goes like this: I no longer choose to hurt myself with my own thought forms because I love and respect myself too damn much.

If you haven’t adopted this rule I highly recommend it. Banish self-judgment. Stop worrying about what others are going to think about you. Be kind and set boundaries with love rather than fear. Stop waffling and wavering and make a CHOICE already! Get on with your life and stop being afraid to take responsibility for your decisions.

If you need help making a decision ask for it. If you need a mentor spend the money and get one. If you need a business coach do it. Don’t put anything off until tomorrow because tomorrow may never come for you. When you are on your death bed you don’t want to be laying there pondering a life time of regret. Your choice. There is never a better time than right now. ♥

With all the love in my heart, Sheri

Cenote 2012 Spiritual Journey

**JOIN ME (Sheri) – November 10-17th, 2012 for a very special journey to Uxmal and the Mayan Heartland to embrace the new consciousness of 2012. My intent for this retreat, Returning to our Sacred Center is to encourage you to live boldly from your sacred center. THIS is the space where the Divine flows unobstructed by the illusion of the ego and its limiting perspectives – where you are free to live fully in the light of your integrity and unconditional love.

Uxmal Spiritual Journey

Uxmal was a university of sacred spirituality and cosmic harmony whose information is stored in the stones ready for us to access and embody. Through powerful ceremonies and spiritual practices we will connect with universal wisdom and truth residing within – beautifully reflected in the design and purpose of these ruins. REGISTER NOW! Take $100.00 off if you sign up BEFORE August 1st!

The picture of the trees thanks to Zest-pk
The picture of Status Quo to Scott McLeod

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Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Awaken in the Andes
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
August 19-27th, 2012


The Magic of Celtic Ireland
Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton
August 19-27th, 2012


Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
September 13–24, 2012

Equine Therapy

Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom
Tucson, AZ
Trip Leaders: Ezra Marrow, Briana Lorenz-Marrow & Judy Askins
Sept 19-23rd, 2012

Sedona Women's Yoga Retreat

The Awakening! a Women’s Intuition, Yoga & Life Mastery Retreat
Sedona, AZ
Trip Leaders: Kathy Knowles & Joy Kochmer
Sept 29-Oct 4th, 2012


Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat

Mayan Vibrational Alignment – Embracing the Cosmic Shift
Costa Rica
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
October 14-20th, 2012


The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India
Trip Leader: Lisa Tully
October 16-Nov 1st, 2012

Big Sur California Artists Retreat

Sacred Relationships & Sexuality – Tantra for Couples
Machu Picchu & Peru
Trip Leaders: Richard & Diana Daffner
Oct 26-Nov 5, 2012


Uxmal Yucatan spiritual journey

Mayan Mysteries of the Heart
Uxmal, Yucatan – NEW!
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Rev Frankie Timmers
November 10-17th, 2012


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Costa Rica Shamanic Retreat
Sheri Rosenthal
life is about choices
Cenote 2012 Spiritual Journey
Uxmal Spiritual Journey
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
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Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat
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