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WHAT’S NEW? How Will You Remember 2020?

I keep hearing statements and reading memes about how awful 2020 has been.  How it was a year of uncertainty, of fear, and loss and for lack of a better term ” a disaster”.  I absolutely agree it has been a year of unfortunate events, of challenges.  A year which created fear and which has been unlike any other year I can recall.  However, I also believe this has been a year of tremendous growth, after all where there is fear there is growth.

We have hit a breaking point in our countries, and in our personal lives.  We have realized what works and what does not, and most importantly what really matters. We have been forced to appreciate the simpler things in life, the company of our loved ones and to spend time together. We have had to rebuild, re-write and budget like never before. However here we are, appreciating our health,

In the face of all of these challenges, if we can recognize where change is needed, and plan for those improvements then 2020 has not been a disaster, but a lesson.

In a time where there are so many things out of our control, ask yourself how will you remember 2020?

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Journey to Putting Yourself First
March 21st- 28th, 2021
Bali, Indonesia

If you’re a woman who’s ready to start thinking of herself first without guilt, and replacing that empty feeling (that should be filled with your heart’s desires!) with simple steps to achieving your personal goals – then you’ve got to join Denise Marsh in the healing land of Bali!

You’ll create your personal blueprint to living in a state of well-being, with true purpose and love. Learn to let go of fears while you engulf yourself in the spiritual energy and power that awaits you in Bali.

Embark on a journey filled with all of Bali’s hidden and not so hidden treasures.  From breathtaking waterfalls and a monkey forest – to the sacred temples of Bali – your heart, mind and soul will be rejuvenated.

Create a concrete plan of action, fall in love with yourself again, and build new-found grit to take home with you in a supportive, caring and compassionate setting with other women just like you!

Come fall back in love with your life in Bali!

Trip Tuition: Double Occupancy $4394 USD, Single Occupancy $5184 USD

Details for Bali

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Wild Tuscany
June 6th – June 11th, 2021 or
September 19th – 24th, 2021

Welcome to the “Other Tuscany”, the one that most tourists haven’t discovered yet. Where you wake up to a bag of fresh eggs and vegetables hanging on the front gate….. and where we’ll harvest olives from the neighbors olive tree, and indulge in the essence of pure olive oil complete with homemade bread.

You’ll experience a week of daily guided meditations, visualizations and journaling prompts, beautiful hikes and stunning views. All designed to help you purposefully explore your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and heart’s desires to see if they’re congruent with the life you’re living.

Experience the authenticity of Tuscany from the foothills of the Alpe di Catenaiai at a working farm with amazing view of the Tiber valley, to the Castle of Montauto where you’ll enjoy hiking, meditation, make your own pasta, and take part in a sommelier guided wine tasting in the charming town of Anghiari.

Come let your dreams soar, in the hills of Tuscany!

Trip Tuition: Single Occupancy $2447 USD

Details forTuscany

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What is False will Make You Suffer.

So often we get caught up in the idea that it’s what’s outside of us that is causing our suffering, and if we could make changes to those aspects, life would be better. We think that if we were making the decisions, that we would be better off. We imagine that if we had another job we would look forward to work and express our creativity more fully. We tell our friends that if we had a relationship with someone who was supportive of our goals and aspirations, rather than someone who did not understand us, everything would be different.

Well, the truth is that life is not perfect according to what we might imagine in our minds. It is filled with folks who have their own mind and point of view about all kinds of issues. People have wounds and sore spots that we aren’t always aware of, and they express themselves through the filter of these wounds. It would be nice if our parents were kind and loving, our partners in our personal and business lives were supportive of our creative abilities, and if people honored our desires and wishes in life.

It’s not likely that these people will manifest change tomorrow. Therefore, waiting for tomorrow to be happy is not a very productive life strategy! As spiritually aware people we must take responsibility for how we chose to create our lives despite what others are doing and saying. Yes, it’s possible to express out love to our father even if he is an angry person. If we wait for him to change first – we could be waiting into our next lifetime! No, we must make the effort first because we want to love and because our love is not based upon what someone else is doing – in other words it is unconditional.

The same applies to waiting to express ourselves fully in life, or waiting for the people in our life to change, or support our dreams and desires. We must be the action in life, not the reaction. When we wait for others to take action first, we make ourselves the reaction to their actions. But if we believe that we create our reality and that we hold divine power – then we will take responsibility for being the action and allow the others in our life to be the reaction. Once you change they will do so in kind – although you must be patient and allow them to adjust to your changes. Give them time to digest your change in actions so that they can create new reactions. Then you can evaluate from there whether or not your actions need tweaking.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj once said: It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates. Wise words! It’s time we see the falsehood in our thinking and recognize the truth. We create our own suffering from these false ideas and ways of framing our lives. It’s up to us to make those changes right now, and take responsibility for life and the stories we tell ourselves about it.

As always, I wish you the best on your path!

With All my love & blessings. Sheri Rosenthal


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