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WHAT’S NEW? Join me in Marrakesh! Morocco is back on!

I am so ready to put the last year behind me and move forward with some amazing changes and exciting adventures in 2021.  We have re-booked our Wanderlust Mastermind in Marakesh from 2020 to September 18th-23rd, 2021.  If you are a purpose-driven entrepreneur who’s ready to uplevel your inner game, amplify your soul’s gifts in the world, and turbo-charge your business’ joy and abundance- then join us in exotic Marrakesh for this powerful and never-to-be-forgotten mastermind adventure!  You will indulge in the delights of Morocco and enjoy 5 days of adventure, delicious food, culture, masterminding, rejuvenation, spriituality, giving back and FUN!

I would love to have you join me if you wish to check out the details you can do so here; https://retreatmastermindmorocco.com/

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Finding Self-Love in All The Right Places
September 11th – 19th, 2021
Greece, Athens, Mykonos & Santorini

If you are woman who is ready to learn loving new ways to increase your self-worth, self-love and self-confidence, and discover how to finally stop those negative thoughts that have been keeping you from letting go of self-doubt…

Then join Denise Marsh in the magically deep and radiant land of Greece to discover how to live your desired life every single day.

Inhale the love you have for yourself that brought you to this very moment. Feasting your eyes on the view over the Aegean sea you exhale the doubts that will no longer occupy your mind.You feel a slight breeze coming off the water wrap around you like a gentle hug reminding you this experience will stay with you forever.

Spend the first three nights of luxury in the Athen’s Gate Hotel with a view that will have you pinching yourself to confirm it is real. Followed by a five night stay in the beautiful Mykonos where you will delight in delicious local cuisine, relax at the spa and perhaps even enjoy some fresh local Aegean Lobster. Your final evenings will be spent exploring Santorini, enjoying amazing cuisine as you complete a week of learning true self-exploration adding more passion and purpose to your  life, outside of work and family.

Trip Tuition: Single Occupancy $8267 USD, Double Occupancy $6497 USD, VIP Package available.

Details for Greece

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Remember, Awaken & Embrace, A Red Tent Event

AWAKEN your Inner Goddess & EMBRACE your Feminine Wisdom.  It is time to restore the balance of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.  Women everywhere are craving heart to heart community, inner empowerment and connect with their sacred self, the truest essence of who they are a.k.a. their Goddess Self.

Red Tents are a sacred place for women to learn about the Feminine Mysteries: The life stages of a woman- Maiden, Mother, Matriarch, Grandmother, Wise Elder [Crone] and the sacred ‘power’ and ‘wisdom’ of each as well as the inter-relationship between them and how you learn from these aspects of yourself.

There is a magical intimacy that happens when women gather to learn, share and grow.  When a woman shares in the circle, there is something that is healed within each of the women present. As we gather in Sacred Circle each day, we will discover, explore & experience the alchemy of feminine wisdom and the transformative process.Join Certified Red Tent Facilitator Crystal Cockerham at this sacred event and remember your feminine lineage.

Trip Tuition: $500 Deposit required to reserve and hold your space Single Occupancy$5224.00

Details for Sedona

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Changing Direction in Life  

Years ago, before embarking on my spiritual path, I believed that I would and should have a career that would last until my retirement. But since then, and after many years questioning such beliefs and programming, I have come to realize that it is not in the nature of fluid beings of light to be doing anything for an extended period of time. Yes, I do agree that there are some folks who find something they adore and stick with it for their lifetime – but they are not in the majority. Perhaps we can say that they are blessed with an unending passion for what they do.  

However, for the rest of us, we often chose a career that is seemingly steadfast and fiscally sound until we find ourselves terribly bored and without passion. Or maybe we never felt any passion in the first place for our career or maybe we never knew what we wanted to do in life at the time we made those choices. If you are one of those people who are not enthralled with your career – read on.  

There’s always a moment when we realize our life is not going in the direction that we always dreamed it would go – it’s kind of like getting hit with the cosmic two-by-four and asking: How did I get here? Sometimes we call that a mid-life crisis, spiritual breakdown or a come-to-Jesus moment. No matter what we call it – the best aspect of this realization is that it brings with it unending possibilities and opportunities – if we are willing to be open to the miracle of life.  

Once this realization comes into our consciousness – normally the next occurrence is not a vision of us running off, excited to find our next calling. Instead what happens is an onslaught of every possible reason for not letting go of our comfortable but mundane lives. The amount of fear-based reasons for not getting out there and taking a chance at something new are formidable. Perhaps you are familiar with some of these objections: 

  • I can’t leave where I am until I have something new in line.  
  • I don’t know what I want and until I do I should stay with this.  
  • I’m too old to start something new at this time.  
  • I don’t have the resources to make what I would like happen.  
  • I don’t know how to create what I would like.  
  • I don’t know anyone in that business and have no connections.  

If any of these objections have passed through your mind – please see them for what they are – lies. You are capable of creating anything – especially with help. There are so many people out there willing to assist us in creating our dream – but we must be willing to start talking about what we would like and asking for assistance. Believe me, you are never too old to create something new and allow your spirit to soar. There are no excuses for mediocrity and you pay a very high price for a little safety in life.  

If you haven’t thought about any of this before – perhaps now is the time to meditate on your happiness before the cosmic two-by-four gets you! Spread your wings, open your heart and fly.  

With all my love! Sheri

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