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WHAT’S NEW? Where Does Your Heart Travel?

Happy 2020 Everyone! This year is just buzzing and I am so excited for all the great things to come for each of you!  So tell me what is it that your heart desires this year? Where is it that your heart wishes to travel?  I for one am heading to Spain and then to the Dominican Republic for our amazing Vortex event.  The Wanderluster in me is thriving for some travel and exploration.  Maybe an exotic experience, meeting new people, trying new things and of course being able to stay in touch with my work wherever I go.  That urge to travel has been with me since I was old enough to make the decision to board a plane and it thrills me to this day to be able to sit down on an airplane and hop off in another country!  The excitement. 

Do let us know your plans! We would love to hear!

Blessings & love, Sheri

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CAMBODIA; Unconditional Love in Action
February 4th – 14th, 2020

Join David Ault on this profoundly heart-opening spiritual journey of service to Siem Reap, Cambodia – home of the incredible ancient temples of Angkor Wat.

To open oneself deeply, to risk feeling the suffering of others, and to wish to relieve that suffering – is the definition of compassion and the cultivation of the Buddha within us.
As Gandhi once said: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

You will explore the amazing temple at Angkor Wat, build in the 12th century, while giving totally of yourself to the service of others. You will come home feeling a deeper sense of self-realization, a clearer vision of what it is you want from life and clarity about your purpose.

This Unforgettable Journey will allow you to become familiar with two school facilities, one located in Siem Reap which serves more than 500 children, and the other in Nokor Krau with approximately 200 children.  You will become a part of the class room learning environment, enjoying playtime and community.  Trips are also made to the surrounding villages to distribute used clothing, engage in well-digging, and support in distributing seeds to the village communities.

At the end you will have made endearing friendships and remembered a valuable and precious lesson – we are blessed.  We have so much that we take for granted and this tangible act of service and volunteerism reminds each of us to never forget that.

Trip Tuition:  $1980 USD based on double occupancy – Single Occupancy Supplement is $545 USD.


Details for CambodiaΩ

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R.A.W. – Redesign & Align From Within
Bali, Indonesia
April 19 – 26, 2020

If you’re a woman who’s ready to start thinking of yourself without the guilt, replacing that empty feeling that should be filled with your hearts desires – plus finding constructive and simple steps to achieving your personal goals all while being the loving mother, partner, daughter or friend that you long to be – then join Denise Marsh in the magnificent and healing land of Bali!

Join me in the Island of the Gods while we create our personal blueprint to living in a state of well being, true purpose and love. Let go of fears and replace with faith while you engulf yourself in the spiritual energy and power that awaits in Bali.So many women have forgotten what it feels like to make themselves a priority, and love themselves for who they were meant to be.

Join me as we set of to relax the mind and body at a Balinese Spa, engage in a blessing at a sacred temple, and indulge in Balinese culture including preparing authentic meals.

Imagine how fantastic it would feel to start thinking of yourself and how to find balance, to create goals and determine the steps to achieve them, all while surrounded by a supportive amazing group of women their to lift you up.

Trip Tuition: $4394 USD Double Occupancy, $5184 USD Single Occupancy.  Please note this retreat is inclusive of all internal flights, transportation, deluxe accommodation and much, much more.

Details for Bali

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Living a Creative & Fulfilling Life

In our society children are domesticated to understand that when they reach adulthood they will be required to get a job and support themselves. Our parents often teach us that it is important for us to have a good education so that we can make decent money and have the things we want to have in life. On the surface this all seems normal. However, thi

s type of domestication contains subtle fear-based messages.

Rather than encouraging children to be in fear of making a “good” living, it would be exciting to see to see us teach our children how to think of our lives as beautiful creations. It isn’t about getting a good job

to make the money to do things on the weekend that we enjoy. Instead, what would it be like if we were taught to expand our creativity and look at our work as a creative outlet?

Creativity is an expression of spirit moving through us. Just look outside your window – you see nature creating all over the place. We are no different from nature. We are going to be here (wherever here is) for our entire lives. We can spend our lives being creative and excited about life or we can suffer a job that makes a good living and then see if we have enough time for our creative outlets on the weekends.

Albert Einstein once said, “The greatest formal talent is worthless if it does not serve a creativity which is capable of shaping a cosmos.” If we perceive ourselves as the Infinite, then we will not live in fear and buy into the need to worry about making a “good” living. Instead we will look to spend our lives creating, knowing that we will make a good living if we fulfill ourselves and express ourselves spiritually. It is the confidence in knowing that we can create our life any way we want, and it will be filled with abundance – whether that abundance is of money, friends, love or creativity.

My life is my cosmos. And so is yours.
If you created your universe with awareness, love and joy, what would it look like?
What are you doing with the many talents you were born with into this reality?
Are you inspired on a daily basis?
Do you wake up excited about what your day will bring?
Do you dream about what you are going to create next?

If the answers are yes’s, fantastic! But if the answers are is no’s, then it is time to look at some of these fear-based beliefs and change the focus of your life from having the goal of making money to consciously and actively creating.

I encourage you to meditate on what I have written here today. Be honest with yourself and see what beliefs you are buying into. You do have a choice – you just might have to make a different one!

With All my love & blessings. Sheri Rosenthal

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