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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? ……..It’s Here………!


As I promised the 9 week online How to Forgive eCouse is back to start the new year out right.

So here is your official early-bird discounted invite. And this is how it works so read carefully.

Go to www.howtoforgive-ecourse.com to watch the brand-new video series (not the same as last year) by signing up.

If you signed up last year it will tell you that you’re already signed-up and ask you – do you want to do so again? Say YES!

Enjoy the powerful 5 video series and if you want to join me in February for the course sign up at this special link only –> www.howtoforgive-ecourse.com/jots.

DO NOT SIGN UP AFTER THE LAST VIDEO IN THE SERIES. Your special link gives you $100 off the program only if you sign up on this page!

Truly – there’s nothing like giving yourself the gift of forgiveness for the New Year.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Building your business? I’ve got a great event for you!

Be The Change

Join me (Sheri) – April 25-28, 2013 in Orlando, Florida at the 2013 Be The Change Event. I’m going to have a booth at this crazy event and I have 8 tickets TWO tickets left to gift (it’s part of my booth package) and I want to give them away to the people I love the most – you folks!

This wonderful event has excitement, energy, opportunity and real strategies for explosive growth in your business. And more networking than ever before. But that’s just the beginning! Because Be the Change is more than an event, its an experience. More than a gathering, it’s a phenomenon.

More than another feel-good exercise, it’s a launching pad for REAL, lasting business success. Because what worked ten years ago, or five years ago, or even three … just doesn’t cut it anymore. So when you sign up now to attend Be the Change, you’ll receive fresh off the press access to powerful strategies that work NOW.

And best of all – instead of paying the $997.00 current rate – you can come as my guest! Isn’t THAT sweet?

If you’re interested – please sign up here ASAP so you can get a ticket and get the deets! Want more information? Details for Be the Change here!

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Want to start the New Year clear and ready to go?
Here’s the solution!

Intensives in Florida

Are you ready to break out of the box you call reality? If so – join me (Sheri) in Florida for a Personal Intensive. It’s a powerful experience and is a great way to jump-start your New Year! In my experience, the root of most people’s issues is a belief system that is sabotaging their life – rather than supporting it.

Imagine what life could be like if you were calm and centered no matter what situation you faced in life, rather than emotional and unclear. What if you no longer took people’s actions personally? Or if forgiveness came easy to you? Or even if you never got in another argument for the rest of your life?! Believe me – it’s possible.

You’ll learn to…

  • Take positive action in life – regardless of anxiety or fear.
  • No longer feel victimized by the people in your life.
  • Deal with people openly, without taking their actions and words to heart.
  • Let go of the burdens of the past, forgive and move on with gratitude and joy.
  • Reclaim your self-esteem and greater life purpose.
  • Replace anger with focused clarity.
  • No longer fear confrontation, or be a doormat for others.
  • Come to a place of self-acceptance, no matter what actions you took in the past.
  • Clearly identify your limiting beliefs, their origin and true purpose – empowering you to make healthier life choices.
  • Utilize specific tools to help you live courageously, boldly, and with your head held high.

This is the bottom line – and please read this carefully: You can do one hour sessions once a month for a year (like in therapy), OR you could invest ~12 hours over 3 days and have the time to deeply work through what you need to without the clock interrupting you. That is extremely significant. Who wants to take a year to resolve something that can be dealt with in one weekend? Hopefully not you!

If you’re interested – please let me know immediately – dates for January & February’s 3-day sessions will fill quickly. Want more information? Details for Personal Intensives here!

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Choosing Gratitude over Regret


As we begin another glorious year of life and adventure we are presented again with the opportunity to make a decision as to the way we choose to perceive our life’s circumstances.

Everyday our mind judges and qualifies each moment of our lives. Either life measures up to our expectations or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, we share with others that we had a bad day. If the day meets our expectations, then we say the day is good. But is this type of communication to both ourselves and others impeccable, and does it reflect the ultimate truth?

It’s easy to get caught up in being victimized by life, even if it’s in the gentlest way. By that I mean, expressing that you are having a bad day at first may not sound like you are a victim of life, but when you look a bit deeper it is. If you truly believed that you create your life perfectly regardless of the outcome according to your mind’s point of view and expectations, then how can the day be bad?

It can only be lousy if you feel done to. If that’s the case – then indeed you have just victimized yourself. This may be a subtle point – but it is what it is!


You might be wondering – how can you have gratitude for something that obviously did not work out the way you wanted it to? The key is to understand that life did turn out exactly the way you created it to be – however, in any moment we are never fully apprised of all the contributing factors so things often turn out differently than anticipated.

Just because life gave you an outcome that you did not expect does not mean you have to have regrets about it. Simply note what occurred and ask yourself what you could have done differently and learn from the situation. This helps us refine our actions and create lovelier outcomes.

Once you start perceiving life from this point of view you realize that you’ve never made a mistake in your life. You simply took actions that did not have the outcome you anticipated. This understanding takes the fear away from getting out there and taking chances in life because you no longer allow your mind to see failure in your dream. Every time you get an outcome you don’t enjoy, you simply switch gears and take a different action.

As we walk our spiritual path, it behooves us to keep challenging our level of awareness to go higher and higher. It’s not enough to just be satisfied with mediocrity. It’s important to view every word that exits our mouth with suspicion and to take a skeptical view towards our own thoughts and conversation.

Sheri Rosenthal

Don’t be afraid to question the motivation of your mind’s proposals, and if you see yourself leaning towards regret regarding any moment of your day – stop immediately, question your thoughts and switch them to gratitude. Go ahead – give it a go, you might be surprised!

Blessings & love, Sheri

Sheri’s the CEO of Journeys of the Spirit and has been a Toltec Teacher for the past 10 years. But that cycle is over with 2012 and she’s creating something new and juicy for you that she can’t wait to reveal! Keep your eyes open because you are going to LOVE it!

In addition she’s got a hankering to lead a trip to the Mayan Rivera this April that will be a totally different format – so just you wait and see……wanna come?

Thank-you picture complements to michaelsgalpert and Gratitude picture complements to x1brett

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The Mapuche Experience

The Mapuche Experience
Patagona, Chile – NEW!
Trip Leader: Walter Lema
Feb 10-16th, 2013


Bali spiritual journey

Spiritual Empowerment! Female Entrepreneur Summit
Trip Leader: Deborah Skye King
April 5-15th, 2013

Spiritual Journey Spain

Embodying the Heart of the Mystic
Andalucía & Costa del Luz, Spain – NEW!
Trip Leaders: Rita Rivera Fox & Ellen Luksch
April 13-20, 2013

women's retreat sedona

Soul*Full Women’s Photography Retreat
Sedona, Arizona
Trip Leader: Catherine Just
April 16-21st, 2013


Spiritual Retreat Carrapateira, Portugal

Access your Dreams Retreat
Carrapateira, Portugal – NEW!
Trip Leader: Mami Veza
May 10–16th, 2013

teotihuacan spiritual journey

Dreaming Heaven!
Teotihuacan, Mexico – NEW DATES!
Trip Leaders: Gini Gentry, Francis Rico, and Lee McCormick
May 17-22nd, 2013

women's retreat sacred britain

A Women’s Journey to Avalon
Sacred Britain – NEW!
Trip Leader: Cameron Broughton
May 23-31, 2013

dharamsala spiritual journey

The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India
Trip Leader: Lisa Tully
May 30-Jun 17, 2013


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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