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WHAT’S NEW? The 2018 Olympics + Happy Valentine’s Day!

This past Friday the 23rd Winter Olympics kicked off in PyeongChang, South Korea.  This year 92 countries will have athletes competing (Time.com).  Each Olympic games comes along with excitement, inspiration, and awe- these athletes are incredible at what they do!  However,  My favorite part of the games is the unity, and friendly competition felt around the globe.  What is your favorite part of the Olympics?

And in the spirit of LOVE and world peace – may you have a beautiful and love-filled Valentine’s Day!

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Magical Greece –
Land of Myths and Gods!
May 7th – 16th, 2018

Greece – the original land of myths and gods, of wide open skies and a deep blue sea speckled with islands, contains a beauty and ancient heritage that continuously inspires.

You will open up to greater self-awareness and celebrate through ritual and daily practice. Imagine breathing in the beauty and meditating at the ruins of Delphi or holding sacred ceremony along the banks of the Aegean Sea on the island of Santorini.

There is plenty of time amidst our travels for personal exploring and rejuvenation.

Our fantastic itinerary provides a leisurely paced and unhurried schedule allowing you to use the Greek landscape and historical settings as an opportunity to explore personal spiritual teaching opportunities with Rev. David Ault. Explore the Athens, sail to the islands of the Saronic Gulf; Aegina, Poros and Hydra, and spent 3 magical full days on the island of Santorini.

Trip tuition: $3,195 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $4,190 USD many meals included, as well as round-trip flights from Athens to Santorini.

Details for the Greece trip!

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A Soul Full Purpose Retreat for Women:
Amalfi Coast and Puglia
September 14th – 29th, 2018

If you are a woman ready to release your fears and doubts and take a new direction that fulfills that longing to be something greater than you’ve imagined then join Gloria Coppola, your personal coach and guide.

If you are tired of the old patterns that keep you in that never ending cycle of self sabotage and frustration you are in the right place. Let’s unleash the emotional effects of your past and create a dazzling new future for yourself and attract what you love and live more purposefully!

This is the perfect environment to feel special, valued, creative and to gain clarity on your life. You will be inspired and nourished by ideas that will make your creative juices come alive; even the ones you didn’t know you had! Life will become more purposeful as you attract what you love. Watch out world…here she comes!

Trip Tuition:  Approximately $5,495 USD double occupancy, many meals included

Details for Italy

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Most of us think we are our bodies, minds, emotions, and personalities. But who you really are has nothing to do with your personal history or who you think you are. The real you exists mainly in the absence of thought. The real you permeates your mind and body, but it is neither. It contains all things, but it is no thing. The real you is vast, formless, and forever.

Yet at the same time, it is not void or empty; it is brimming with light, love, and joy. It is a great, living mystery. It is the very source of life and all Creation. The real you, your authentic self, is the no-thing that gives rise to everything. It is the ocean of consciousness. It is pure awareness beyond form.

THE REAL YOU SEES, HEARS, AND FEELS THROUGH YOUR BODY, but it is not your body. Your body is contained within it, and so is everything else. To the real you, your body is mainly a tool of perception, like a pair of 3-D glasses you might put on at the movies. Through our human senses, forms appear separate from one another, but we are not separate from anything.

At the level of the real you, you are one with all Creation. In fact, the entire universe and everything in it is only one thing—one grand, omniscient being that has magically and magnificently projected itself into trillions of different forms. Your personal body-mind is one of those forms. You are a human, but you are also the universe. Using a common metaphor, you are the drop, but you are also the ocean.

JUST IMAGINE FOR A MOMENT. . . . that you are looking up at the stars and the night sky when a wise sorcerer waves a magic wand and your perception suddenly turns inside-out. Now, instead of seeing the universe through the eyes of a human, you are seeing a human through the eyes of the universe. Imagine that you are the universal life force itself, the loving space between the stars.

Imagine that you are pure, vibrant awareness; that with your love you created all things; that you have seen an infinity of worlds blaze into existence, spin across the screen of time, and dissolve back into empty space; and that over the eons your greatest joy has been to express and experience yourself through all your varied creations.

IMAGINE THAT YOU ARE THE FORMLESS SPACE between the stars, but that for the fun of it you decided to project yourself into all the forms you created. Imagine you are inside the body of the human being who is reading these words right now, but that you see it more as a costume you slip into each day so that you can interact with other humans—all of whom are also you in disguise.

Imagine you are also alive inside every animal, rock, tree, and blade of grass, experiencing through their perspectives. Imagine that you are life itself watching a movie that you wrote, directed, and produced. Imagine for just a moment that you are the all-that-is experiencing itself through the thoughts, feelings, and senses of a human being.

DO YOU NOTICE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO THIS? How can you get worried or anxious when you know it’s just a movie? How can you take anything personally if you know you’re not really a separate person? How can you be afraid of dying when you know you’re immortal? How can you get worked up about life when you are life? How can you not enjoy life if you know you are life?

THAT IS THE MAGIC OF THE REAL YOU. The ocean of consciousness is waiting to wake up inside you. When it does, it comes alive and rejoices everywhere, and it stretches to the depths and ends of the universe. There is a part of you in every galaxy, every teacup, every blade of grass. The real you is always and everywhere, one with the one and only One.

At the deepest level, we are all life experiencing itself through human thought and emotion, life dancing and playing and smiling at the myriad faces of itself, life delighting in its own creation. When you realize that truth, what’s left to do but enjoy it?

Blessings, Brandt Morgan

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