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I hope you are having the most blessed holiday season. For those of you celebrating Hanukkah – hope you are having a great time (I am)! Let’s make a commitment this year not to stress over holidays, talk badly about family members or put negative energy out there. And if possible – can we please take a break from all the political arguing and just be open minded and nice to each other? It would be great to go onto Facebook just for a couple of weeks and only read pleasant posts (I know I’m just dreaming…..).

I also want to take a moment to tell you how grateful I am for YOU – especially the folks who have been receiving my newsletter for YEARS. I know you’re out there and I appreciate you!

Now’s the time to start planning for next year
and the BEST way to see what’s happening is to
visit our Trips at a Glance page!

2014 is here: www.journeysofthespirit.com/trips-at-a-glance/

Happy Holidays

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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Unconditional Love in Action: Volunteer Journey – LAST CALL!
Siem Reap(Angkor Wat), Cambodia
Jan 22-Feb 1st, 2014

David AultJoin New Thought Minister Rev. David Ault for a profoundly heart-opening spiritual journey of service to Siem Reap, Cambodia – home of the incredible ancient temples of Angkor Wat.

To open oneself deeply, to risk feeling the suffering of others, and to wish to relieve that suffering – is the definition of compassion and the cultivation of the Buddha within us. As Gandhi once said: The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Volunteer travel is a powerful experience – you risk coming home with a clearer vision of what you want in life, a deeper sense of self-realization, and clarity about who you are and your purpose in life!

We’ll have the opportunity to explore the amazing temple complex at Angkor Wat – or at least a part of it (it’s huge!). Our home away from home in Cambodia is the Siddharta Boutique Hotel. It has a large saltwater pool in a tropical garden, and a restaurant with views over the Cambodian countryside to watch unforgettable sunsets.

All breakfasts are included in this itinerary and one dinner, along with tours of the temples, daily Sangha (gathering) with David Ault, a traditional Khmer dinner & show, helping in the schools with the children and in creating new wells, and so much more.

Trip cost: $1699 USD per person double occupancy.

Details for Cambodia here!
Angkor Wat Volunteer Travel Spiritual  Journey

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Gratitude: The Only Attitude to Have!
gratitudeIt’s a rare occasion that someone will rant and rave about how wonderful their life is, how everything is fabulous, or how grateful they are for all that has happened to them. As a society we tend to focus more on what’s wrong, how life isn’t going our way, or how unfortunate we are.

As spiritually minded people, we can acknowledge that we create our reality from our thoughts, however, how often do we put that understanding into action in life? If we focus our thoughts on what is not going well in our lives (and feeling dissatisfaction and frustration), then how are we going to create loveliness from that?

Well, we cannot. If we are constantly putting our attention on what is not “right” then we will create more of what is not “right.” In our society it is not considered polite to talk about how wonderful life is because there is an idea that we will attract the “evil eye” and bad luck will come our way – or some variation of this thought. Let’s take a moment to break that belief right now, as there is no way it can serve us in a positive way.

It’s imperative that we have gratitude for everything that’s occurred in our lives, no matter how we judge those events. If you cannot find anything to be grateful for, then I suggest you focus your attention on what you believe about your life and the way you personally judge everything. Your judgment is the true problem here rather than the actual events in your life – they are simply what they are – neither good nor bad.

Everyone has something to be grateful for. Whether it’s the clothes on your back, food on your plate, family, your job, your car, your health, your divorce, the death of someone who is suffering, friends, or your pet, there is always something. Often the things that we judge to be bad are simply events we are not enjoying in the moment – without any regard for the blessing that change can bring in the long run.

LoveI invite you to try this exercise every morning for 5-10 minutes. Close your eyes while you are in a restful position. Focus your attention on a mental picture of everything that you have in your life. Picture those events, people or things in your minds-eye and feel the joy well-up within you as you view them. I often do this until tears come to my eyes and I feel so filled with gratitude and joy that the feeling is overwhelming.

Starting my day in this way sets my attitude towards gratitude – and my actions, words and deeds follow suit. I encourage you to experiment with taking the attitude of gratitude in your life and see the difference it makes. It’s time to stop the judgment and start focusing on choosing to be happy, satisfied and appreciative.

Feeling satisfied doesn’t mean you lapse into inertia and no longer create new dreams and adventures in your life. It simply means that you accept what is with happiness – then you take action to initiate new and more exciting creations (rather than focusing on judging what you have to be not-good-enough). Nothing is going to stop life from unfolding, but you can definitely change the way you react to it and have gratitude!

Blessings & Love, Sheri

Ladies, if you need some more mojo in your life and a few days to chill out and deeply re-center yourself – join me in Maui for my upcoming Enliven + Energize Women’s Retreat – March 18-23rd, 2014. Registration is NOW!


Sheri Rosenthal

Dr. Sheri Rosenthal is a transformational life coach, international retreat leader + author. A former podiatric surgeon, she left behind clinical success to find her life’s calling.

Her joy is helping heart-centered entrepreneurs have: greater financial freedom, more time to enjoy themselves, fulfilling relationships (both personally and professionally), healthier bodies and minds, the ability to travel the world, quality time with family and friends, and most-importantly, a sense of deep meaning, passion and purpose in their lives.


Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap

Unconditional Love in Action: Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap, Cambodia
Siem Reap, Cambodia – LAST CALL!!
Trip Leader: Rev David Ault
Jan 22-Feb 1st, 2014


Travel to Ladakh

Mystics, Oracles & Shamans of Ladakh
Ladakh, India
Trip Leader: Lisa Tully
Mar 6-19th, 2014

Maui, Hawaii

The Enliven + Energize Women’s Retreat
Maui, Hawaii
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal and Deborah Kagan
March 18-23rd, 2014


Machu Picchu, Peru

Dream You 2.0!
Peru – NEW!
Trip Leaders: Laura Pirie + Luca DiMatteo + Russ Jones + Jorge Luis Delgado
April 22-May 1, 2014


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
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David Ault
Angkor Wat Volunteer Travel Spiritual  Journey
Sheri Rosenthal
Volunteer Journey to Siem Reap
Travel to Ladakh
Maui, Hawaii
Machu Picchu, Peru
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