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WHAT’S NEW? Last Call to Meet Sheri in Sante Fe!

It is so hard to believe how fast this summer has flown by! On a good note this means we are approaching the deadline to Join the Creative Revolution! Meet Sheri Rosenthal in enchanting Santa Fe for a life-changing event that will yield dividends of clarity, energy, and practical expression of your creative self.

Julia Cameron of The Artist’s Way will be there as the headline speaker! Sheri will also be joined by the amazing HeatherAsh Amara and artist Flora Bowley.  Creative Reboot 2018 is held at the fabulous Eldorado Hotel & Spa, designated by Condé Nast Traveler’s 2017 Readers’ Choice Awards as one of the Top Hotels in the Southwest and West.

Located in the heart of Santa Fe just off the historic Santa Fe Plaza, you will enjoy a stunning backdrop view of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and be within a short walking distance from restaurants, art galleries, shopping, and other attractions. The famous Georgia O’Keefe museum is located directly behind the hotel.

Event tuition: $697 until August 31st. Late Registration $897.Your room and meals are separate from the event tuition.

Details for Creative Reboot Here!

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Sogni Scolpiti- “Sculpted Dreams”
Tuscany, Italy
September 11th-19th, 2018

Spend one week surrounded by the lush scenery of olive trees in a place where you can finally learn how to break out of the confined, unfulfilling box of life that you find yourself in. No need to worry about the kids, the chaos, your boss or making dinner. Your only job is to learn how to design the life of your dreams! Reflect-Release and Refine, surrounded by women sharing the same goal, cheering you on, in beautiful Tuscany, Italy.

Begin your journey in Florence, Italy, the cradle of the Renaissance, iconic, enchanting, romantic and filled with masterpieces and monuments. Seek inspiration from galleries and museums, as you begin to design your future. Then head on over to Tuscany to release the past, surrounded by olive and cypress trees in the Tuscan countryside, where Italian hospitality awaits you. Experience a peaceful country inn as you begin to break through barriers holding you back from your highest potential. Visit medieval villages, feast in farmers kitchens and sample the region’s most outstanding wines, as you free yourself from the past.

Celebrate your achievements with pampering in thermal hot springs as you continue to be enchanted by the Tuscan countryside. Reflection, motivation and inspiration will fulfill you as you realize that you are a brilliant, capable woman returning home to live the life of your dreams.

Trip Tuition:  $3997 USD based on double occupancy, single occupancy: $4697 USD

Details for Tuscany

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A Soul Full Purpose Retreat for Women:
Amalfi Coast and Puglia
September 14th-29th, 2018

If you are a woman ready to release your fears and doubts and take a new direction that fulfills that longing to be something greater than you’ve imagined then join Gloria Coppola, your personal coach and guide.

If you are tired of the old patterns that keep you in that never ending cycle of self sabotage and frustration you are in the right place. Let’s unleash the emotional effects of your past and create a dazzling new future for yourself and attract what you love and live more purposefully!

This is the perfect environment to feel special, valued, creative and to gain clarity on your life. You will be inspired and nourished by ideas that will make your creative juices come alive; even the ones you didn’t know you had! Life will become more purposeful as you attract what you love. Watch out world…here she comes!

Trip Tuition:  Approximately $5,495 USD double occupancy, many meals included

Details for Amalfi Coast!

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The Judge & the Victim Strike Again!

One of the most challenging aspects on our spiritual path is learning to identify when our mind is using the strategy of the Judge and Victim. The mind is set up to analyze and qualify everything we perceive. It is always going to come to a conclusion about that perception based on what we have been taught to believe about what we are seeing.

If we agree and approve of what we are seeing, then the emotional reaction to that perception is happiness of some kind. If we do not agree with what we see, and it is going against what we believe, then the emotional reaction to what we perceive will be anger, frustration and resistance.

The Judge represents our mental assessment process. Whether we are approving or disapproving, we’re still judging. The problem is that judging leads to an emotional reaction of some kind, rather than peace. We cannot just perceive things that our programming aligns with in life; life doesn’t work that way. We’re always going to see things that do not align with our belief system. If we’re attached to the proclamation of our judging mind, we will be at the mercy of everything we look at in life. And considering our eyes are open at least 12 hours a day – this means that we’ll be subject to a rollercoaster of emotional reactions all day long!

If you perceive something that you do not agree with and get upset – you are now the victim of your perception. Most people think that they are the victim of what is happening outside of them – the events and people they do not agree with. But this is not truth. They are a victim of the judge in their own mind – never anything outside of them. Now what I am sharing here is key – the understanding that as soon as we judge we automatically become a victim of our own decree. We do not usually see the “happiness” that results from our perception as being a victim, but indeed it is. (That happiness is not from inside of us, but from what we believe about our outer circumstances and therefore is not true.) Whether we become happy or angry at what we perceive – it’s still the same thing. We are a victim of our own mind, rather than a victim of what is occurring outside of us.

So realizing this – we must ask ourselves this question: Why do we chose to judge the things that we perceive, if we know that the end result is that we will be victimized by our own thoughts? Good question. The reason is that we don’t have the awareness to see this. The rest of humanity is behaving the same way as we are, so we need a clean mirror to clearly reflect our “doings” to us! That’s why we engage a teacher; to reflect our attachment to our thoughts and judgments to us – so we can see that we are the source of our pain and suffering, not our family, boss, job or the weather outside us.

Next time you are having an emotional reaction to an event or person in your world, stop for a minute, detach from the situation and see what you are doing. Realize you are not your mind, you are not the Judge and you do not have to choose to be a Victim. With awareness comes power and freedom, and ultimately inner peace and happiness that cannot be shaken by anything outside of yourself.

With All My Love & Blessings, Sheri Rosenthal 


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