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Dear Friends,

WHAT’S NEW? Are you taking the Presidential elections personally?


It’s that time again when I get to see my normally calm spiritually minded friends turn into raging demons possessed by the need to be RIGHT about what they believe.

Granted, it’s not difficult to get overly enthusiastic about the issues you feel most passionate about. However – when it comes to the place where we start raising our voices, and calling others stupid, that’s where I draw the line.

No matter how excited I am about an issue (like legitimate rape, for example) I refuse to lose my peace and centeredness over the points of view that others may hold. And me standing in judgment of others only puts toxic energy out in the world.

Unfortunately, our media tends to get folks all riled up rather than encouraging thoughtful conversation and the exchange of ideas. However, we can choose otherwise.

Perhaps next time you turn on the TV you might consider what you feel is acceptable behavior for yourself. Do you want to get your blood pressure up – or do you want to be a peaceful activist for your perspective? Only you know the answer to that question! Feel free to post below and let me know what YOU think.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

Picture of Palin thanks to davitydave

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LAST CALL!!! Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom: Tucson, AZ
Sept 19-23rd, 2012

Horse therapy

During this profound and heart-felt retreat, you’ll have the unique chance to explore how horses act as guides and teachers, reflecting back to us what we are projecting out to the world. We will meld a keen understanding of horse language, with powerful and dynamic personal growth work, leading to immediate and healing results!

For 5 days and 4 nights you will reconnect with the truth of who you are through the mirror of the horse. Discover how these amazing equine guides are naturally dynamic and gifted spiritual teachers, revealing powerful insights that enable us to make life changing personal transformation. Experience the infinite wisdom they offer us by providing instant, non-judgmental feedback, reflecting back to us our inner-landscape and how we are moving through the world.

Our home for this journey will be the lovely White Stallion Ranch, a 3,000 acre retreat at the foot of the awe-inspiring Tucson Mountains. Our western-style guest ranch is family-owned, and they carefully blend their personal touch with the service and quality of a fine resort. Meals are original, fresh, abundant and homemade daily based on original ranch recipes!

REGISTER NOW! The 2012 trip cost is: $1985.00 USD per person double occupancy, meals included. Details for Equine Healing here!

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Can traveling with kids be a spiritual journey? It sure can!


As summer comes to an end I’m looking back at all the wonderful travels and adventures I had with my 10 year old son, Isaac. Our summer began with 10 days in Alaska, including a seven day northbound cruise from Vancouver to Anchorage, which you can see in more detail here.

After spending a couple of weeks at home – we took off again for a road trip to California, picking up one of my son’s little buddies along the way. The three of us “men” then departed from my home town of Vancouver for a three week adventure crossing three states and taking in some truly breathtaking scenery.

Knowing I would be quite busy throughout the trip with the boys, I made sure I planned personal time to read and meditate every day. I armed myself with Wayne Dyer’s latest book: “Wishes Fulfilled” which made the trip an especially powerful spiritual journey (I highly recommend it BTW!).


One of the main messages of his book is that if you want to change your life, you need to change how you feel about your life, how you look at your life, and how you live your life. I realized that I was in the perfect setting to practice these words. You see, when I’m home, I have a daily routine – some days are quite different from others – but in general each day is similar day in and day out. I’m sure this is the case for most of you too.

As I was reading “Wishes Fulfilled” I found myself completely removed from my daily routine, as each day could not be more different from the day before. I started feeling how things were shifting, how my thoughts were changing, expanding and allowing me to look at life in a very different way. It became especially clear in the way I was looking at myself, which was magnified by my meditations, mindfulness, and awareness practices.


I remembered a book I had read in the past by Louise Hay about affirmations – and made a choice to say “I love you” every time I passed by a mirror, or was in front of the shiny elevator doors. As I was saying these words or other uplifting statements like: “You are doing great. Life is so wonderful……” I could feel the shift it brought to my whole body. It’s amazing how everything seemed to flow perfectly and work out in some magical, guided-by-the-universe kind of way. I had so much patience with the boys, more than I never thought I could have!

That’s what I love about traveling, it’s such a wonderful way to expand your horizons, not only because you experience other cultures and traditions, but because you can look at yourself and your life from a different perspective.

Often when we’re in one place for a long time – like home, it becomes comfortable, so comfortable that we don’t look outside the box anymore. We often become scared to look outside because we don’t know what is awaiting us out there. It feels safe where we are, even if where we are is uninspiring, dull and unhappy. But just one step outside can show us how amazing life can be.


This summer has been a life changing personal spiritual journey for me, simply from traveling with 9 and 10 year old boys. Can you imaging how your life could change if you went on your own spiritual journey where the focus was shifting your energy and creating a life that is fulfilled and happy?

That’s why I love creating journeys for our clients. Whenever I work on an itinerary – I imagine my clients there, having beautiful experiences, and visualize how their lives will become more inspired and fulfilling. (I do love my job!).

I’d like to end my little note to you with a quote from Neville Goddard: “A change of feeling is a change of destiny.” When you’re ready to embark on your next journey, ring me and let’s envision a life changing and magical experience for you.

I’m curious as to what you did this summer – I’d love to know – don’t forget to post below!

Love & Blessings, Ales
Director of Custom Travel Services at JOTS

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Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika

Journey to Machu Picchu – Authentic Spiritual & Cultural Wonders
Peru – LAST CALL!!
Trip Leader: Carol Cumes
September 13–24, 2012

Equine Therapy

Reconnecting to Truth through Horse Wisdom
Tucson, AZ – LAST CALL!!
Trip Leaders: Ezra Marrow, Briana Lorenz-Marrow & Judy Askins
Sept 19-23rd, 2012

Sedona Women's Yoga Retreat

The Awakening! a Women’s Intuition, Yoga & Life Mastery Retreat
Sedona, AZ – LAST CALL!!
Trip Leaders: Kathy Knowles & Joy Kochmer
Sept 29-Oct 4th, 2012


Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat

Mayan Vibrational Alignment – Embracing the Cosmic Shift
Trip Leader: Ernesto Ortiz
October 14-20th, 2012


The Dalai Lama & Tibetan Buddhism in Exile
Dharamsala, India – TIME TO REGISTER!
Trip Leader: Lisa Tully
October 16-Nov 1st, 2012


Uxmal Yucatan spiritual journey

Mayan Mysteries of the Heart
Uxmal, Yucatan – TIME TO REGISTER!
Trip Leaders: Sheri Rosenthal & Rev Frankie Timmers
November 10-17th, 2012


Guatemala spiritual journey

Skanda Yoga, The Art of Transcendence
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Trip Leader: Ken von Roenn III & Lina Vallejo
December 9-15th, 2012

Bhutan spiritual journey

Reawakening to our Deeper Purpose
Trip Leader: Wendy Palmer
December 15-21st, 2012


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
Sheri Rosenthal
Horse therapy
Spiritual Journey Peru Willka Tika
Equine Therapy
Sedona Women's Yoga Retreat
Costa Rica Spiritual Retreat
Uxmal Yucatan spiritual journey
Guatemala spiritual journey
Bhutan spiritual journey
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