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WHAT’S NEW? How to Become Your Own Heroine!

Come learn how you can fire up your courage,
creativity, faith, and authenticity in this webcast
with women from all over the world.

Ladies, are you your own best friend or your worst critic?

warrior goddessCan you imagine the joy of reclaiming your self-love, self-respect, and inner strength and shedding fear, doubt, and comparison?

Now is the time for an inner revolution!

My dear friend and inspirational goddess HeatherAsh Amara is gifting all of my friends a coupon to join her upcoming super-special webinar for FREE: Warrior Goddess Training: How to Become Your Own Heroine on either August 27th or August 28th (normal price $4.99).

Register now and you’ll also receive an excerpt from her upcoming book, Warrior Goddess Training. Simply click on the link below, add in the coupon code “warriorgoddess1” and hit “apply” when you checkout.

–> http://tinyurl.com/audacious-warrior

As your own Warrior Goddess heroine you’ll learn how to:

  • Combat fear and doubt with resilience and ferocity
  • Reclaim your power and vibrancy by releasing the old idea that you need something outside of yourself to feel complete (partner, children, career etc.)
  • Demonstrate your strength with compassion and fierce love.

Register now with this special link:

Don’t forget to enter your coupon code “warriorgoddess1”

Then just hit apply and you’ll get both the webinar and the Warrior Goddess Training excerpt for free.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

Connect with me: Email | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter

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The 3rd Annual Transformational Gift Giveaway!
transformational giveaway

It’s the 3rd Annual Transformational Gift Giveaway and this year it’s bigger than ever with 20+ transformational coaches, authors, speakers, and healers giving away their best tools, tips, and techniques to help you in various areas of your life (Including me of course!).

Whether you’re needing support in transforming your health and wellness, relationships, finances or career, there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone! Click here to check it out!

This is just a SAMPLING of the amazing FREE Gifts being offered:

  • Meditation Audios
  • Tips to Stop Stress
  • Fitness Secrets
  • Clearing Roadblocks to Success
  • Creating a Purpose Filled Life
  • Building Healthy Relationships
  • And MUCH more!!!

Come on over and get your free gifts now! The “Transformational Gift Giveaway” free gifts will only be available through the end of the month so head on over now so you don’t miss it! Be sure to download as many as you would like – whatever speaks to you. 🙂

PS: Be sure to share this with any of your friends who you think could benefit from some awesome free transformational gifts as well!

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Unleashing Your Power, Purpose & Audacious Success!
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Oct 8-12th, 2014

Spiritual retreat Teotihuacan

  • Is your soul calling for a new direction and plan in your life?
  • Do you feel the need for a serious renovation of your mindset and limiting beliefs?
  • Ready to let go of that mental baggage you’ve been carrying around?
  • Does it seem like you’re sabotaging your career or life in some way?
  • Do you feel like you’re at a crossroad in your life and need to make a change?

If so, now’s the time to embrace the success you’ve been dreaming of, create or uplevel the business that is your true passion and purpose, and design the lifestyle that truly makes your heart sing. Now’s the time to let go of anything that’s in the way of making that audacious life a reality!

We’ll spend 3 intense days exploring and moving through the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon using the lay of the land to support our process work. A critical component of this trip will be time spent working in group and individually.

Truly the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon are two of the most amazing sacred structures in the world – pyramids designed to focus and transform energy and light. It’s the perfect place for illuminating the things that have been preventing us from expressing ourselves fully and authentically in this lifetime.

Trip investment: $1795 per person double occupancy, all meals included for this co-ed journey with Sheri Rosenthal. This trip will fill quickly as there are only 12 spots. If you are not sure if this trip is for you ring me at 727-421-0849.

Details for Teotihuacan here!

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An Excerpt from When Things Fall Apart:
Heart Advice for Difficult Times
by Pema Chodron

On the Essence of Life:

We think that if we just meditated enough or jogged enough or ate perfect food, everything would be perfect. But from the point of view of someone who is awake, that’s death.

when things fall apartSeeking security or perfection, rejoicing in feeling confirmed and whole, self-contained and comfortable, is some kind of death. It doesn’t have any fresh air. There’s no room for something to come in and interrupt all that. We are killing the moment by controlling our experience.

Doing this is setting ourselves up for failure, because sooner or later, we’re going to have an experience we can’t control: our house is going to burn down, someone we love is going to die, we’re going to find out we have cancer, a brick is going to fall out of the sky and hit us on the head, somebody’s going to spill tomato juice all over our white suit, or we’re going to arrive at our favorite restaurant and discover that no one ordered produce and seven hundred people are coming for lunch.

The essence of life is that it’s challenging. Sometimes it is sweet, and sometimes it is bitter. Sometimes your body tenses, and sometimes it relaxes or opens. Sometimes you have a headache, and sometimes you feel 100 percent healthy.

From an awakened perspective, trying to tie up all the loose ends and finally get it together is death, because it involves rejecting a lot of your basic experience. There is something aggressive about that approach to life, trying to flatten out all the rough spots and imperfections into a nice smooth ride.

To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man’s-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. To live is to be willing to die over and over again. From the awakened point of view, that’s life.

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The Heart Wisdom of Whales & Wild Dolphins
Trip Leader: Anne Gordon de Barrigón
Multiple dates: Aug 31-Sept 5, Sept 14-19, Sept 28-Oct 3, 2014

Sacred Ireland

The Magic of Celtic Country
Sacred Ireland
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
August 22-31, 2014


Tuscany spiritual retreat

Transcend-Transform-Thrive Women’s Retreat
Tuscany, Italy
Trip Leader: Lauretta Zucchetti
September 20-27, 2014

Sacred Tuscany

The Spirit of the Ancient Etruscans
Tuscany, Italy
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
Sept 25-Oct 2, 2014 – Pre & Post trip extensions to Venice + Florence


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
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Spiritual retreat Teotihuacan
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Sacred Tuscany
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