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WHAT’S NEW? An Escape From Reality

There has been so much going on in the world lately, I cannot even begin to rationalize or internalize it all. At a time when Wanderluster’s need an escape from reality more than ever, we cannot safely take our much needed flights to explore new destinations. To fulfill our appetite for  exploration we instead have to turn to our own backyards, to exploring new places in our own towns and I must say there are some amazing places I truly have not given the credit they deserve.

I have been able to escape my busy lifestyle by trekking in the forest on new paths and take new routes to see what is around the corner.  As much as I am hopeful that the future brings much needed travel for us all. It really is important to ensure there are no rocks left unturned in your own backyard.

I hope you are able to explore your own town and enjoy the delights it may have!

Blessings & love, Sheri

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Southern Italy VIP Retreat
October 15 – 23, 2020

Imagine strolling down the stone paved corridor at this beautiful Masseria on the Southern Italian Peninsula, known as the “Boot” – ready to explore a new day and chapter in your life.

On this heart-opening journey to Italy with Gloria Coppola you will remove the obstacles of fear and doubt from your life and with genuine support, lots of fun and caring individuals, you will quickly dive into a creative process all through this specially designed writer’s retreat.​

The practice of writing is an exploration of consciousness, a practice toward deeper self-awareness which moves us along the path of awakening to our true nature. Our time together will include dynamic meditations, innovative writing exercises, and fun movement experiences, all designed to open you up to your true creative nature!

Trip Tuition: Double Occupancy $4,190 USD, Single Occupancy $6,185 USD – limited to 6 participants.

Details for Italy

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Enchanting Portugal
May 30 – June 6, 2021

Imagine walking the cobblestone streets of Lisbonexploring the secret gardens of Sintra and journey to the countryside of Evora.

If you’ve been looking to take some time for yourself and explore your creative side with a group of awesome wandering women, then this is your invitation.

Take a couple days in Lisbon to explore the local markets, galleries and paint keepsake traditional tiles ,the perfect souvenir! Followed by a day trip to Sintra where our featured female artist Chelsea Fuss will teach us all about floral foraging, making the perfect arrangement and how she followed her dream all the way from the US to living full time in Portugal . We’ll also tour the eccentric Pena Palace and the Monserrate Palace and botanical gardens overflowing with lush flowers and plants!

We invite you to join us on this creative opportunity to immerse yourself into the enchantment of Portugal and draw on your creative side with a wonderful group of wandering women. 

Trip Tuition: Double Occupancy $3895 USD, Single Occupancy $4395 USD

Details for Portugal

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Ive Caught a Wild Wanderlust

by Ellie Stelter

I’ve caught a wild wanderlust,
Or perhaps she has caught me,
But either way we find ourselves
Entangled, entwined; unable to pull free.

At first I did think she was merely
Restlessness, but o! what a grave mistake,
For restlessness will pass on by,
But deep are the roots wanderlust will make.

And so! my heart she beats unsteady
For o! I cannot think with a roof over my head –
My heart she needs star-light and moon-light;
Home for me is not four walls and a soft bed

My home is out there, in the world!
Where strangers and friends I shall meet
And the whole wide universe above me,
And any path I choose beneath my feet.

The world is my home and my people are humanity
And nothing has been the same, nor will it be,
Since I caught the wild wanderlust
And away she swept me.


With all my love! Sheri

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