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WHAT’S NEW? Attracting That Special Someone!

San Cristóbal De Las CasasI just love Erika’s article this week on finding your spiritual partner. She’s also our facilitator for our upcoming journey to the sacred Yucatan sites of Tonina, Palenque, Yaxchilán, and Bonampak. What I adore about her is the wealth of wisdom she shares and her enthusiasm in doing so.

Here’s a woman who is a lawyer, Mesomamerican Scholar, NLP Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Instructor, Holistic Healer, and manages to have an amazing relationship with her partner Miguel. In addition – she’s also healed herself from a critically debilitating accident that broke multiple bones in her body and threatened her ability to ever walk again.

Whenever anyone tells me they can’t do something I simply think of Erika who does not have that word in her vocabulary. So if you’re in need of some inspiration and wisdom in your life – don’t miss her journey to the Yucatan and her article below.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

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Dream You 2.0! – Machu Picchu, Cusco, Lake Titicaca, Peru April 22-May 1, 2014 LAST CALL!!!!

Spiritual Journey Machu Picchu Peru What sets your heart on fire? Do you have dreams tucked in the shadows of your being waiting for your light and your focus to bring them to life? What unique and necessary gift is this world waiting for you to share? If you have ever asked yourself or wanted to answer these questions, then DREAM YOU 2.0 is for you…

Throughout the journey, we’ll engage in energy work and ceremony with the intent to let go, re-energize, rebuild, and renew each traveler’s heart’s desire. We will also develop our individual ability to “see” through listening, asking, and receiving what this sacred land has to offer.

We’ll have focused time to ground our daily experiences and along the way create a personal tool kit designed to assist with moving your unique and necessary gifts in to action. Our goal, in addition to having an AMAZING time experiencing Peruvian sites and culture, is to uncover our gifts and plant the seeds of our dreams in this powerful, magical land.

Trip tuition: $3245 USD per person double occupancy

Details for Peru here!

Personal Intensives
Your Private One-on-One 3 day retreat!
Custom Dates Available

It’s spring and a great time to evaluate if this year is going in the direction you were wanting it to go.

Sheri RosenthalIf it is – congratulations! My guess is that you are great at taking action. But if it’s not – what happened? What’s stopping you from achieving your dreams for this year?

If I had to bet I’d say it’s not the external circumstances in your life – but rather internal issues that are hindering your dream.

There are tons of external issues that can derail us of course – but honestly, I’ve seen thousands of people over the years create amazing things in their lives under the worst circumstances. So why are some folks able to do so and others not?

Well that’s the question isn’t it? And it’s the exact question we seek to answer in our Personal Intensives. If you’re struggling right now and don’t have clarity – perhaps an intensive is just the opportunity you’ve been looking for to get your life back on track.

If you could use a major reset in your life, take a moment to read about our intensives and see if it sounds like the right opportunity for you. Changing your mind might completely change your life. 🙂


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Attracting That Special Someone!

palenque3To attract that special someone, it starts with you honey child and authentically loving yourself. Whether you just came out of a relationship, are in the process of healing from a relationship, or feel that you completed your process of healing; remember you receive what you fill yourself with. So why not fill yourself with authentic self-love?

Authentic self-love includes pampering yourself with loving thoughts and activities, and knowing what makes you extraordinary and loveable. Let loving thoughts and activities support and bolster your emotional flow of how truly wonderful you are.

We are for the most part intuitive emotional receptors and radiate brilliance when we know and genuinely love ourselves.

In the mornings and throughout your day, allow your mantras to be what you are grateful for. Practice stating out loud what you are grateful for, and most importantly, feel into the joy of gratitude.

palenque6Even if something is not going your way, or your work and/or home environment are not ideal; consistently redirect your focus to something you are grateful for. Let these loving thoughts of gratitude navigate your mental and emotional focus.

Invest in activities that foster self-love and positive emotions. This can include singing your favorite song, getting a massage, or going on a hike. While you are engaging in activities that you enjoy, recognize you are doing something wonderful for yourself, something that demonstrates self-love.

When you are engaging in activities where there is a possibility of meeting that special someone, make sure you enjoy whatever you are doing. If you don’t enjoy that activity, you dull your brilliance and ability to be a magnet for your special someone. The more you like it, the more you will shine and be a magnet for that brilliance you are radiating.

BonampakHere’s an exercise you can do right now to help! This evening write a love letter to yourself stating what you love about yourself. Read this letter 10-15 minutes before going to bed every night for a full moon cycle, and allow this love letter to replay in your head before going to bed.

Some of the extraordinary benefits of this simple exercise are that you will build healthy self-confidence which will further heal any residual broken heart wounds, and the friends you want to be around will love hanging out with you.

So let the magic of self-love embedded in this exercise call in your special someone.

Blessings + love, Erika Licón

If you want to explore the magic and mystery of the Yucatan – I recommend joining Erika + her beloved partner Miguel June 1-7th for their upcoming Sacred Energies of Maya Lands journey.


Erika LiconErika Licón uses her eclectic skills — Mesomamerican Scholar, NLP Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Instructor, and Holistic Healing — to bridge the academic and spiritual realms on her Sacred Site Tours, and provide journeys that awaken and reinvigorate the Body, Mind, + Spirit.

During her visits to the Southern Yucatan, she studied under curanderas/os (holistic healers), and learned about the sacred topography of the Maya sites. A common thread of all the tours is the preservation of modern and ancient indigenous cultural traditions in a way that honors and brings an awareness to the RICH diverse American Indigenous traditions.

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Machu Picchu, Peru

Dream You 2.0!
Peru – LAST CALL!!
Trip Leaders: Laura Pirie + Luca DiMatteo + Russ Jones + Jorge Luis Delgado
April 22-May 1, 2014



Highlands and Mystical Islands
Trip Leaders: Glenn + Cameron Broughton
May 11-18th, 2014

Sacred Britain

A Women’s Journey to Avalon
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders Cameron Broughton
May 29-June 6th, 2014


Maya Lands

Sacred Energies of Maya Lands, Awakening Our Freedom To Be In Perpetual Bliss
Yucatan, Mexico
Trip Leaders: Erika Licón + Miguel Buenaflor
June 1-7th, 2014

Wild Dolphins

Blessings of the Wild Dolphins
Bimini, Caribbean
Trip Leader: Brandt Morgan
June 15-20th, 2014

Sacred Wales

The Heart + Wonders of Wales
Wales, UK
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
June 18-29, 2014


Sacred Britain

Crop Circles and Sacred Sites
Sacred Britain
Trip Leaders: Cameron + Glenn Broughton
July 20-29th, 2014


Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year? Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Journeys & Women's Retreats: Journeys of the Spirit®
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Spiritual Journey Machu Picchu Peru
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